F8C Executive is in game!! First look and chance to win!

White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
Pumped you guys are finally getting the F8. Hopefully this changes the fighter balance issues (nothing beats a Gladius!).

It's hard to balance when the top dog isn't in the yard yet.

Grats to anyone that has one and anyone who finds a ticket!


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Oh boy. Can't resist looting a few boxes tonight. Or should i go bunkers? Oh well, we'll see. (Just hope I find one of those Kitty helmets while I'm at it.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey all. I was able to find a few golden tickets (no platinum tickets on my server during my online times)

Couple of tips for finding a golden ticket
1) go where others are not. In other words, if everyone is near crusader, don't be searching crusader area
2) bunker's seem to have a high chance of dropping a ticket, BUT...the ticket can be in the inventory slot of a backpack or a piece of armor (chest, legs) or anything else that can contain items. Don't assume that if you don't see it in the main loot screen that it isn't there.
3) Check EVERY box, every building at a location. I've seen a ticket in the Hydroponics section and another in the habitat section. I've also seen a loot box in the storage section that could have contained it.
4) make sure it transfers to your inventory, not the local inventory of the place you looted it from (ask me how I know)
5) to activate the golden ticket, go back to a city that has a ship rental kiosk. Have the ticket in the inventory of your person (worn armor, backpack, etc). I am not sure it will work if carried or in local planet inventory
6) Once at the rental kiosk, "use" the kiosk. You will get a message saying you have been given a rental of the ship for 1 day and now have the ability to buy it. You will not see it in the rental list. It might take a few minutes, but it will show up next at the ASOP terminal.
7) I believe this is tradable, so if you find one and don't want it or already have one, you can give it to another member of Test or some other friend/random player.

8) The ship cannot be CCUed to, it (currently) cannot be CCUed from. It cannot be gifted. It can be melted, and current reports have it showing up in buy back. I don't know if you can use a second ticket to buy a second ship, reports are conflicting and might be due to bugs. You CAN buy an F8C if you have one from a concierge reward.
9) If you decide to purchase it and hit "back" or continue shopping and interrupt the buying process, you might not see the ability to buy it again from the page. To find it, check your billing and subscriptions page. It's probably waiting to complete the transaction there.
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Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
Is it confirmed to be tradeable?

That would be terrific as I’m sure there’s gonna be more active Testies that end up finding multiple golden tickets.
from what I've seen, it functions just like every other item. you can drag'n'drop it into any inventory you want, like a backpack. I haven't tried to drop a ticket, but I'm sure that option exists.


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Hey all. I was able to find a few golden tickets (no platinum tickets on my server during my online times)

Couple of tips for finding a golden ticket
1) go where others are not. In other words, if everyone is near crusader, don't be searching crusader area
2) bunker's seem to have a high chance of dropping a ticket, BUT...the ticket can be in the inventory slot of a backpack or a piece of armor (chest, legs) or anything else that can contain items. Don't assume that if you don't see it in the main loot screen that it isn't there.
3) Check EVERY box, every building at a location. I've seen a ticket in the Hydroponics section and another in the habitat section. I've also seen a loot box in the storage section that could have contained it.
4) make sure it transfers to your inventory, not the local inventory of the place you looted it from (ask me how I know)
5) to activate the golden ticket, go back to a city that has a ship rental kiosk. Have the ticket in the inventory of your person (worn armor, backpack, etc). I am not sure it will work if carried or in local planet inventory
6) Once at the rental kiosk, "use" the kiosk. You will get a message saying you have been given a rental of the ship for 1 day and now have the ability to buy it. You will not see it in the rental list. It might take a few minutes, but it will show up next at the ASOP terminal.
7) I believe this is tradable, so if you find one and don't want it or already have one, you can give it to another member of Test or some other friend/random player.

8) The ship cannot be CCUed to, it (currently) cannot be CCUed from. It cannot be gifted. It can be melted, and current reports have it showing up in buy back. I don't know if you can use a second ticket to buy a second ship, reports are conflicting and might be due to bugs. You CAN buy an F8C if you have one from a concierge reward.
9) If you decide to purchase it and hit "back" or continue shopping and interrupt the buying process, you might not see the ability to buy it again from the page. To find it, check your billing and subscriptions page. It's probably waiting to complete the transaction there.
Great info!

5- does not work if in local inventory when at a rental kiosk, it has to be in personal inventory

7- confirmed, you can drop the ticket and someone else can pick it and use it to unlock the F8 at a kiosk


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Oh whelp....I found a golden ticket and promptly bought an F8C

As someone on Starcitizen's sub-Reddit said....

"NoCashTilPyro was disabled by Willy Wonka"

For fucks sake....I'm weak lol. I hate myself.
Don't feel bad, these aren't the 1st a "Golden Ticket" has been used in regards of CIG. Those that backed early enough were given 1 that has certain perks if I remember correctly.

Don't feel weak about being lured into purchasing a F8C, because while you were distracted by Willy Wonka, it was those Oompa Loompas working their dance magic to influence you like little pied pipers.

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
Don't feel bad, these aren't the 1st a "Golden Ticket" has been used in regards of CIG. Those that backed early enough were given 1 that has certain perks if I remember correctly.

Don't feel weak about being lured into purchasing a F8C, because while you were distracted by Willy Wonka, it was those Oompa Loompas working their dance magic to influence you like little pied pipers.
ROFLMAO!! I got a FREE one!! All it cost me was 10 grand!!

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I spent hours yesterday running bunker missions and did not find a single golden ticket. Today some nice samaritan just gave me a ticket so I could spend 260 dollars.
I just flew straight to Wolf Point aid shelter on Daymar, found the loot crate on the shelves and there it was.

And then I realised my flight suit didn't have any storage so I had to stow it in my ship inventory until I landed back at my spawn port so I could put a chest piece on.
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