Finding the right Cargo Hauler (Hull buyer's guide)


Space Marshal
Mar 23, 2015
RSI Handle
Supposedly, all ships prior to the Orion (that's all the comparison ships I've thrown in here) should have their cargo units divided by 4 (or 4 FU for every 1 SCU). There's a vid at the bottom with the explanation and a comparison of the Hull series specifically. I'll update the graphics once CIG goes through with the changes they've proposed.

FU = "Freight Units" (old)
SCU = "Standard Cargo Units" (new)

So let's compare, or fucking try to correctly!

Tier 1 ($60 range): You've got a good selection of ships which can haul AND multi-role, as is the case with the 315p and Avenger. So before you buy the Hull-A for 60 bucks, maybe consider if you'll be interested in bounty hunting and/or exploration too with the addition of superior firepower propulsion and avionics. If you're only hauling <75 FU and you don't own many ships, I wouldn't bother personally. I'd go for the Avenger or 315p, or even the CL for style points.

Tier 2 ($100 range): I picked the generic haulers of the Freelancer and Cutlass series, but their variants do well too. If hauling is your passion then there really isn't any competition in the $100 range. Though if you're willing to cut your cargo in half, you gain a LOT more versatility and the firepower to explore dangerous space, but this is about hauling and if hauling is what you're looking to do and you're sticking to secure space or have some broskies to escort you, then the Hull-B is king in this price range based on SCU alone.

Tier 3 (200'ish+ range): Lots of choices, but again, sooo much versatility in this range. The Hull-C is an attractive choice for hauling. I previously stated that you should skip the C if you have a Starfarer or a MM, though those values may possibly be 25% of what they are currently post FU-->SCU conversion.

Pro Tier: If you got money or you're dead-set on hauling no-shit SCU's around a video game then this is what you're lookin at. Can the Orion stack cargo instead of ore? I don't know but I would throw that in here if-so, as it also hauls a massive 16288 Ore Units and/or 600 standard SCU. It is rumored to be vulnerable, and you may want to start off small and work into one of these unless you've got the capitol to fill its massive cargo space and make it worth while.

FU hauling Conclusion:

- The Hull-A is attractive if you're looking to make cash trading right away.
- If you have a Starfarer already, you should NOT skip the Hull-B all together, as its stats are likely to be significantly lower in the FU dept after they update the specs.
- The C is a good choice, though if you have a MM you could probably get by with that and enjoy the added bonus of a merchantship with significantly less cargo space in comparison (after they fix the cargo stats)
- Hull D is best choice for serious freight but at this point, who knows how vulnerable you're going to be.
- Hull E for the lolz, make sure you solo in dangerous space with a full load and everything streamed through
- Check defense capability before you buy and remember the Hull series is a dedicated as fuck hauler.
- I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Best hauler for the dollar (imo)?
The Hull-B

Here's a smart british guy talking about it more indepth.

The Hull-E may as well have unlimited cargo capacity.

Current Recap of SCU (Updated SCU Values per ship)

Also read this shit

Special Thanks To the Following Dudes From Whom This Info is Farmed

Metralla94 aka "The Easter Ninja"
/r/starcitizen (for the graph)
Toot you linked my post :D I'm flattered.

I can't wait to test the hull-Dakka out
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Vice Admiral
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
SCU changes reworked into my suggestions and factored as part of the conclusion with the addition of some new graphy graphs from RSI and Reddit.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
SCU changes reworked into my suggestions and factored as part of the conclusion with the addition of some new graphy graphs from RSI and Reddit.
I think you're right about the Hull B being the best bang for the buck. I can see us using a bunch of them. I had originally gotten a Hull C because it was the middle ship but have since downgraded to a B and then got an A for whatever purpose.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
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we have infighting, we are now officially a Large Organization


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
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