First batch of Cyberpunk drama is out!


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
The part that makes me a really bad person though, is that I have ZERO intention of changing. It's not going to happen. I will keep opening doors for people. I will keep being polite. I will keep being respectful of those around me and will not change that to make that 1/1000 person happy. I would much rather be a good person to 999/1000 than to change everything because that last person thinks they can find some way of squeezing something offensive out of my daily interactions. I'm not saying that person doesn't matter, or matters less. It's just that I'm not going to spend any portion of my life trying to keep from offending someone that is actively trying to find offenses in everything around them.
Well said, and I'm glad you said that. Showing respect to another human, showing that you think they matter is not being impolite or disrespectful.


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle

What I want to know, is how did we end up here? How did certain groups find a way to turn perceived offense into actionable transgression? I thought people wanted more awareness of transgender? Now simply using an image of transgender person in a fictional world is offensive? I can't keep up. In my world, I can be called every foul name known to man, spit on, kicked, punched, slapped, and generally degraded or insulted in every way possible. It won't be an actionable crime. In fact, chances are the initial thought will be that I did something to deserve that treatment.

Even worse, EVERY movement and EVERY social injustice uses those like me as the punchline and seeks to find fault in every possible thing I do. It's like there is someone always standing just around the corner waiting to jump out and say "HA! I caught you being insensitive!". It's like every conversation is littered with landmines. One single wrong word can literally cause a change in my career. Even the implication that I might have had a bad or intolerant thought is actionable and can change my life.

I suppose it doesn't matter how we got here. The point is that we are. I just hope that we are strong enough to stand our ground as humans and keep doing what is right and good. Because despite what some would say, when I open a door for someone, it is done out of kindness and not because I perceived that person as weak. When I respond with "Yes maam", it is said with respect and not out of some patriarchal need to force gender norms on people. When I got a raise at work it wasn't because I have a penis and conform to societies unreasonable expectations. It was because I worked harder, faster, and smarter than my co-workers.

The part that makes me a really bad person though, is that I have ZERO intention of changing. It's not going to happen. I will keep opening doors for people. I will keep being polite. I will keep being respectful of those around me and will not change that to make that 1/1000 person happy. I would much rather be a good person to 999/1000 than to change everything because that last person thinks they can find some way of squeezing something offensive out of my daily interactions. I'm not saying that person doesn't matter, or matters less. It's just that I'm not going to spend any portion of my life trying to keep from offending someone that is actively trying to find offenses in everything around them.

What @Bruttle said...

The other part that also bothers me is that I know people who are a part of the LGBT community. What's the Q stand for? Is that new? Anyway, when people in these groups have reactions like this, they don't create acceptance from others, they draw negative attention toward them selves and bring on more discrimination. The same goes for any group, as an example... I've never considered women to be inferior or had an issue with Women holding lead roles in society. ... but when Hollywood started shoving the topic down our throats like 2015 Ghost Busters, the random purple haired chick in Star Wars that nobody knew, the stupid TV show my Wife watches where Men are made to look like complete idiots... basically has caused the opposite reaction out of me then what I expect was intended. I now resent these groups and struggle not to judge them as a whole.

Anyway, my ramblings while I sit at my desk waiting for happy hour...
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I agree damn that does look pretty good need the new RTX graphics card. Wait, that means I need a new mobo, CPU and hard drive.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
It really is one of the more interesting parts of Sci-Fi and with technology quickly accelerating us towards these possibilities who knows what people will do. After all, they are already attempting to figure out how to do head transplants and cybernetic implants. I just hope we don't get to the callousness of Altered Carbon where your stack is just put into whatever meat bag you can afford or whatever meat bag is available.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm very upset over those bench textures. With all of the procedural tech we have access to, we should have 4 different benches! It's 2019! Give us more than 1 bench!
I think texture recycling is going to be how they squeeze this on the consoles.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
What @Bruttle said...

The other part that also bothers me is that I know people who are a part of the LGBT community. What's the Q stand for? Is that new? Anyway, when people in these groups have reactions like this, they don't create acceptance from others, they draw negative attention toward them selves and bring on more discrimination. The same goes for any group, as an example... I've never considered women to be inferior or had an issue with Women holding lead roles in society. ... but when Hollywood started shoving the topic down our throats like 2015 Ghost Busters, the random purple haired chick in Star Wars that nobody knew, the stupid TV show my Wife watches where Men are made to look like complete idiots... basically has caused the opposite reaction out of me then what I expect was intended. I now resent these groups and struggle not to judge them as a whole.
I don't know, over the years I've just realized I can't really see eye to eye with either extreme. Not the anti-*insert demographic here* crowd or the "I take offense at everything crowd". I think people should just be who they are, what ever that is, and just focus on being. Life is complicated enough without trying to change other people into being what you want them to be.


Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
What's the Q stand for? Is that new?

Q = Queer. effectively, general non-cis/het persons
Someone who identifies along that line may give a better explanation.
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Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
I don't know, over the years I've just realized I can't really see eye to eye with either extreme. Not the anti-*insert demographic here* crowd or the "I take offense at everything crowd". I think people should just be who they are, what ever that is, and just focus on being. Life is complicated enough without trying to change other people into being what you want them to be.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Space Marshal
Jan 10, 2018
RSI Handle
All that outrage from people that were never going to buy the game anyway, about something that may not even be what they think it is. Some people just want to be angry because they don't have anything else to put their energy into.
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