WTB Concept Ship that delivers SC 3.0 upon purchase.
I'd be surprised if 3.0 were anything but artificially delayed to conviniently appear for Citizencon... >_> otherwise they'd really have to push it another couple months out, since they'd have to show some featurecreep on 3.0 during Citizencon to keep the Train going.
As for the Ship, they'll most likely abuse Citizencon to present another expensive Ship, knowing people would jump on it as they did with the Polaris.
I'm sure it's going more towards a Industrial-Ship rather than something like the Starliner etc.
I doubt they'd go for a Hull F or a bigger Orion, since I'd say they're pretty much "endgame".
I could see them conviniently forgetting the Endeavour and selling us a 150m~ Medical or Agricultural Ship.
Another Idea could be a "capital" Reclaimer to salvage large Ships, or a "capital" Crucible to repair them (look up La Vie En Rose from the Gundam Series).
Personally, I'd hope for the "Tug Boat" that many people have been asking for, but I doubt we'll see that for Citizencon.