G'day Mates


Space Marshal
Jul 14, 2016
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?

What drew you to Star Citizen?

Played for quite some time in the EVE universe, some friends recommended Star Citizen as an up-and-coming space game, so I spent a disgusting amount of money on the game, and intend to continue this trend.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Everything really. PvP, logistics, exploring, mining, trade, everything. I wont have time to do it all, but more than likely when my friends are on it will be PvP and piracy, and mining in my downtime.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Oh jeez the first game I remember playing? My uncle had an Atari which I played Asteroids on, but I'm unsure if that was the first game I played, or whether it was some prehistoric game on the SNES. Probably the oldest games I remember fondly are Secret of Mana and A Link To The Past.

What other games do you play?
Overwatch, LoL, Dead By Daylight, Rainbow Six Siege, Starcraft, most of the Total War series, Age Of Empires, realistically anything and everything.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
Technically EVE Online, but I saw the Org in the Star Citizen Organisations listings and went from there. Basically both the size, active state and funny videos roped me in.

Picard or Kirk?
This isn't even up for debate, Picard hands down.


Space Marshal
Jul 14, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks all for the welcome,

Welcome from Adelaide. Need more Aussies in this place, too many forigners here currently! :rolleyes:
I'm in Adelaide too actually, birds of a feather huh?

'Straya. Sweet. I hear you boys can drink almost as good as Canucks. ;)

Welcome to TEST. Good to have ya aboard.
I come from a Russian family and grew up in Australia. I can drink, don't you worry.

Welcome aboard DocProf. Can I call you DocProf? (Cuz I totally just did) May your flights end in glorious disaster and may your insurance premiums go unpaid for all eternity.
Call me what you want, and so far most of my flights have ended in disaster, self inflicted disasters, but disasters nonetheless.


Space Marshal
Mar 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?

What drew you to Star Citizen?

Played for quite some time in the EVE universe, some friends recommended Star Citizen as an up-and-coming space game, so I spent a disgusting amount of money on the game, and intend to continue this trend.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Everything really. PvP, logistics, exploring, mining, trade, everything. I wont have time to do it all, but more than likely when my friends are on it will be PvP and piracy, and mining in my downtime.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Oh jeez the first game I remember playing? My uncle had an Atari which I played Asteroids on, but I'm unsure if that was the first game I played, or whether it was some prehistoric game on the SNES. Probably the oldest games I remember fondly are Secret of Mana and A Link To The Past.

What other games do you play?
Overwatch, LoL, Dead By Daylight, Rainbow Six Siege, Starcraft, most of the Total War series, Age Of Empires, realistically anything and everything.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
Technically EVE Online, but I saw the Org in the Star Citizen Organisations listings and went from there. Basically both the size, active state and funny videos roped me in.

Picard or Kirk?
This isn't even up for debate, Picard hands down.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Call me what you want, and so far most of my flights have ended in disaster, self inflicted disasters, but disasters nonetheless.
Sounds like you are right on track and doing the TEST thing quite correctly. You are welcome to fly my starfarer any day!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc). . .more than likely when my friends are on it will be PvP and piracy. . .
Get that man a cigar and an eyepatch. . .sit right down, friend. What? Yes, you can keep the womenfolk as booty.

"Hey, you're going' down the wrong road, Jamie."

"Will ya lend a hand Tommy?"

"Jamie, by land or sea you can always rely on Tom Blue for wrongdoin' of any nature."


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnmjCulO21c


Space Marshal
Jul 14, 2016
RSI Handle
Really? Not here to steal my thunder I hope? LOL o_O Suburb? Im in Plympton Park!
Valley View, been a bit busy lately but hey, the more TEST in Adelaide the better

ey up! welcome to test

Welcome to TEST. Dr.Prof.

Get that man a cigar and an eyepatch. . .sit right down, friend. What? Yes, you can keep the womenfolk as booty.

"Hey, you're going' down the wrong road, Jamie."

"Will ya lend a hand Tommy?"

"Jamie, by land or sea you can always rely on Tom Blue for wrongdoin' of any nature."


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnmjCulO21c
Already been sitting on Criminal 5 for a long time in-universe. Much killing, hijacking, larceny, illegal goods possession, and my most dastardly deed yet, loitering. Good fun with friends, criminal missions are more buggy than regular ones though.

Excellent. Get this man a beer! It's time to crash.
Tooheys extra dry if you've got it. Vodka too. Apple cider I guess if we're out of beer and vodka.

Welcome! A Link to the Past was one of my fav games ever.
Definitely a lot of good memories from it, not even nostalgia talking, played through on an emulator not too long ago. Still have the SNES and game but, it's all at my brothers house along with a lot of older gaming stuff we kept.
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May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Valley View, been a bit busy lately but hey, the more TEST in Adelaide the better
So true, hopefully might get a few more Adelaidians to join yet, we have time ahead yet since we likely wont see the game till 2018. Cant quite picture where Valley View is although it rings a bell, sounds far away! LOL What ships you running?
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