Get an F8C Lightning for FREE!


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
New event launched where you can get an F8C for free:

Just an FYI, It's an F8C not F8A though, so all weapons are 1 size down form the military version, as with all civilian variants (e.g. F7C vs F7A). :o7:
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
New event launched where you can get an F8C for free:

Just an FYI, It's an F8C not F8A though, so all weapons are 1 size down form the military version, as with all civilian variants (e.g. F7C vs F7A). :o7:
Based on the listed specs, this is still going to be a beast to go up against unless your piloting skills can make up the difference between the ship you're in & theirs.

It's almost like they are encouraging PvP!
They encourage PvP to mask the killing they will be making during this event depending on how much they sell the Gold Ticket obtained versions for. Personally, I hope that they make all of these F8Cs gained during this event non-transferable so that all the funds gained will help fund the making of the games instead of lining the pockets of scalpers that turn around & sell them for astronomical prices compared to what they paid for them.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Just learned that the cost of the base (gold ticket) F8C is $260 warbond / $300 credit. Odds are that the WB is LTI while the non-warbond is not. Happy hunting either way.


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Where do you find the tickets? I've done a few bunker missions, search (find missing crew) missions and haven't found one. Also haven't seen any CIG staff who should be carrying the platinum tickets.
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Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
Most likely not. I learned of this through others that had at that time found 17 of the gold tickets in a couple hours.
I can confirm: it is NOT available as a CCU.

Where do you find the tickets? I've done a few bunker missions, search (find missing crew) missions and haven't found one. Also haven't seen any CIG staff who should be carrying the platinum tickets.
any place that has boxes. I found one literally in the first box I spotted:

This was in Shubin Mining Facility SMO-22 on Microtech.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Where do you find the tickets? I've done a few bunker missions, search (find missing crew) missions and haven't found one. Also haven't seen any CIG staff who should be carrying the platinum tickets.
I saw lots of people finding them inside various containers, including random boxes & a few on dead NPCs. I may be wrong, but I suspect that this is a blend of a preemptive cash grab to help catch up for being behind where they were last year, in advance of CitizenCon & then IAE. Not knocking it though as it's a hell of a b-day present that CIG is giving us by releasing it now instead of having us wait until after the release of SQ42. Would I do anything different with this event? Yes, in order to not seem like going back on the promise of not selling the F8C, I'd cause all of the tickets to trigger trackers. Platinum just as they are & gold activate the moment the holder enters a ship, to give them a more lenient chance of getting to cash it in since they still have to pay. I also wish that the paint for the platinum tickets would be purchasable by any that own an F8C version.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
in order to not seem like going back on the promise of not selling the F8C,
CGI never promised they wouldn't sell it, even though I assumed the same it was never stated as such.
CR mentioned many many years ago that the player would have to earn the right to purchase it in the PU by playing SQ42 up to unlocking the ship in the campaign.
I guess they either need the money to pay out the xmas bonuses, or SQ42 is out, they just forgot to tell us about it.

SO basically I have to hope that the game I haven't touched in half a year because of how bad it was, will run perfectly fine with no real lag or crashes now when hordes of players descend on the servers, and also get lucky with looting which I'm usually very unlucky with in MMOs for some reason, just to have the right to give more money for pixels??? Fuck off CIG...
I'm not even gonna touch the platinum free ship shit, that is just absurd. I get that you have to work for it, risk and reward... yeah all sounds nice on paper. When you have a game that works perfectly the same for everyone, that is... what a joke.

Anyways, I will get one down the line when it's available in game and the waves of nerfs and buffs has long passed, cos this is gonna be another shitshow just like with the big gunned wedges.


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
I can confirm: it is NOT available as a CCU.

any place that has boxes. I found one literally in the first box I spotted:
View attachment 24926

This was in Shubin Mining Facility SMO-22 on Microtech.
I saw lots of people finding them inside various containers, including random boxes & a few on dead NPCs. I may be wrong, but I suspect that this is a blend of a preemptive cash grab to help catch up for being behind where they were last year, in advance of CitizenCon & then IAE. Not knocking it though as it's a hell of a b-day present that CIG is giving us by releasing it now instead of having us wait until after the release of SQ42. Would I do anything different with this event? Yes, in order to not seem like going back on the promise of not selling the F8C, I'd cause all of the tickets to trigger trackers. Platinum just as they are & gold activate the moment the holder enters a ship, to give them a more lenient chance of getting to cash it in since they still have to pay. I also wish that the paint for the platinum tickets would be purchasable by any that own an F8C version.

Thanks, I'll keep trying to find those tickets.

Agree, that an F8 should be something you aspire to and need to work hard to get like completing SQ42. Maybe ship sales don't generate the cashflow they need, so they put an F8 up for grabs.

Did anyone try flying one? Is it really that good compared to Vanguard variants, or Scorpius, or Ion/Ares? Or is it on par, so no big deal if you don't get it?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Thanks, I'll keep trying to find those tickets.

Agree, that an F8 should be something you aspire to and need to work hard to get like completing SQ42. Maybe ship sales don't generate the cashflow they need, so they put an F8 up for grabs.

Did anyone try flying one? Is it really that good compared to Vanguard variants, or Scorpius, or Ion/Ares? Or is it on par, so no big deal if you don't get it?
I've got the Vanguards, Ares & Scorpius ships and late last night I tested out my F8C in a free fly Arena Commander. It feels good & sturdy & the weapons are definitely very nice. It's nowhere near as agile as the light fighters & a bit less agile than the medium fighters, but if a light fighter is stupid enough to end up directly in front of an opposing F8, it deserves to pop quickly. Which I feel is a good way to balance things for the Ion, which should be able to single shot anything Cutlass / Freelancer size & below if it gets a good hit, but after that initial shot should have a longer reload time between shots & slower maneuverability to reduce how many shots they can line up on more agile vehicles. As I've mentioned to some of the dev's at CIG during Bar Citizen events.


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
Did anyone try flying one? Is it really that good compared to Vanguard variants, or Scorpius, or Ion/Ares? Or is it on par, so no big deal if you don't get it?
I tried flying one. then I spotted someone else flying one as well. I said hi in chat and we performed the ceremonious bump...

... and then Port Tressler's guns all shot me out of the sky.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So I found my ticket in an aid shelter on Daymar in a random crate.

Now I am faced with a decision. Melt my Vanguard Sentinel and a CCU from Starfater to StarG and pick up a credit F8 with 6 month insurance, melt my starfarer and do the same... or say no to it all and keep what I got...

I had a ride in the rented F8c and it's nice, fun to throw around the sky and quick it'd make a nice racer... but then I took my Vann out and it's nice too, has an interior, is designed for long-range which is what I'm in to in the 'Verse... And the SF is going to be my main money maker when gas/liquid harvest comes in...

I have the 'Guard and a Glaive as fighters and a 350r and 400i for speed... I'm just not sure if I need an F8 considering what I've already got at my disposal and I'm not a PvPer...?


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
Port Tresslar doesn't appreciate Fender benders. They're in the pay of Big SpaceInsurance.
tinfoil weirdal 1bOj01x.gif

CIG REALLY wants us to splash the cash.

I haven't given any money to CIG for a few years now because of bad management, shady marketing and that political agenda they post about on the RSI website every year...

... but for the F8C with LTI, I'm willing to make an exception.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
View attachment 24927


I haven't given any money to CIG for a few years now because of bad management, shady marketing and that political agenda they post about on the RSI website every year...

... but for the F8C with LTI, I'm willing to make an exception.
Yeah fair play. I haven't given them any money in awhile as well.

I will for the F8C cause I've always wanted one and well.....I'm not about to spend 10k to do the whole concierge thing.
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