Get to know your TESTies.......


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Ladies and gentleman, thought it might be nice to get to know all you rabble alittle better. Sure there might be an introduction post somewhere among the 50 thousand others but I'm too slack to go through all those. Was wondering if people might like to post something up, just a brief message about theselves, what you do for a crust (work), just some general information so we can all more easily understand what people are making up this Org. :rolleyes:

Sharing is caring people, so spill it! ;)


Space Marshal
Feb 27, 2014
RSI Handle
Ah why not... My handle is Lienna and has been for a good 7-8 years now, but my name IRL is Amy, I'm a lab tech in a process safety chemistry lab, just about to turn 30 and a geek, though I never seem to find exactly where I fit into geekdom... I like superheroes, but not really comics or cosplaying, I like gaming but I've never been good enough for competitive stuff, I like boardgames but not to the extent that my Fiancée does etc.

I guess I'm a bit of a dabbler, jack of all trades but master of none, which I know people think is a good thing, but doesn't look so good on a resume!

My favourite 3 drinks are pina coladas, amoretto and coke and ciders(though preferably not too dry), all of my starcitizen ships are made by Aegis and I use a Hotas setup attached to TV mounts on the side of my computer chair.


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
I use a Hotas setup attached to TV mounts on the side of my computer chair.
pictures please! :D

Guess I'll go next,
My handle and RSI are the same, Mog_no_1, minimizes confusion although I've always tended to run with MogNo1 previously, so will probably start confusing myself soon enough! :rolleyes: Im 36 from Australia, although I'm technically English, is what the birth certificate says anyway. Born in England but spent the last 35 years in Australia. I'm a Master Plumber/Gasfitter which I have been doing for many years now. I can be abit of a nut buster with the apprentices and younger tradies as they need to learn the hard way sometimes. Like every job it has its ups and downs but I enjoy being out and about. Not sure if I'll ever make the transfer off tools as the office politics do my head in. Single man these days so will enjoy that while its here. Nice to be alittle selfish for a change. Have an English Staffy dog called Lucy, is more like a potbelly pig than a dog. Not really a big sporting type of person, past those days of playing it and work takes up a huge chunk of time with the crazy hours I work sometimes. Love the Cricket, barrak for Australia not England btw. Dont smoke or drink(shhhhhh), alittle dull really. I'm 36 going on 66! Ive always been a hands on type of person, like pulling things apart and seeing how stuff works. Also like to have little projects to keep me occupied in my downtime. Getting quite a collection of ships in SC these days but dont want too many as I will never fly them. Look forward to some group convoy action in SC where a whole pile of people get together and ride the "pain train" for all the other orgs! :rolleyes:


Feb 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Hello, I am FireEmblem6 and have had this name since Fire Emblem 7 came out. Funny how that works huh? I used the handle Fire Emblem because at the time it was my favorite game. The 6 is because of my family. They are huge Nascar fans (Although I don't really care for it) and their favorite racer was Mark Martin who drove the #6 car. This way no matter what I do, I always feel like I have my family with me.

I have been a gamer starting with the NES. I have owned the majority of consoles since then. I don't have any strong preference for games that I play. I typically like all of them, but I appear to be very good at first person shooters.

I was born with lazy eye in my right eye.It is failry severe and has been legally blind. I can only see out of it if I bring attetion to it, and then all I can see is the giant E on the eye chart. Sometimes I miss things because of it, but it doesn't prevent me from being good at a game!

I have had Crohn's Disease for 20 years. As such, my body is pretty weak and the side effects from the medications have taken their toll. But I don't let that get me down! Because of this, I also can not have any kind of alcohol or eat food that have not been cooked first.

I have a lot of interest outside of gaming, but I am not really an expert in any of them. I try to keep an open mind about everything and try to never judge or label people even though people seem to do that to me on a daily basis :P

I am really bad about writing about myself but this is me in a nutshell (Cue Austin Powers trapped in a nut scene)


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
My handle is marcsand2 for about 18 years now. People who know me better think that it is a merge of mine and my wife's name...o_O I'm married and have 2 kids, my successors, if they are old enough, then I will teach them myself how to fight in space and get some worthy opponents. They sure are my kids :rolleyes:, I now have allot more understanding for my father. (by the way: his shoe mark still is on my ass, my boots stay holstered)
My job is Industrial Automation, a software guy. I don't think in problems but rather try to think in solutions. As long as it is written in readable language, it can be understood.
I started playing on an old Amiga 500. One of my favorites was Wing Commander, although capitals ships were not visible, very practical when trying to land. I always got the Engineer cursing at me because I used to bring back the fighter at a few percent, I loved his comments. Space combat has a big advantage compared to flight sims, no earth to crash against. Wing Commander IV was hard for me because it had planet missions. I also played Starlancer, Freelancer, I-War, Freespace, X2, everything I could find in space. Freespace was my first online space combat, where I encountered better pilots.
I drink beer, smoke and ride a dirtbike on the road, no sports, although, did anyone try to ride a dirtbike at 140kmh on the highway?
I have my HOTAS mounted to my office chair (my father made the 3mm steel mounts). When the rudder pedal arrive somewhere end June, I guess I will have to switch to a fixed game seat. For the proof of concept the office chair will do, without the wheels, but for the end result I am planning a car sports seat. I won't be a cockpit, it must stay functional.
I only have a small collection of 5 fighters, the SH is the only multi crew ship, but since I am playing SC for only 2.5 months, it is 1 fighter every half month. They better keep up the production of fighters!!!


Vice Admiral
May 24, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm MzHartz here, there, and everywhere.

I tend to make my hobbies into professions. By day, I'm a graphic designer. I've been a full time graphic designer for 9 years now, and a part time or freelance designer for 16 years. I'm also a semi-professional belly dancer in 2 troupes, as well as a flamenco dancer, poi spinner, and burlesque performer. I'm also a writer. I've written 9 books, published 2 of them, and until recently, was the regional organizer for National Novel Writing Month (I stepped down recently, because apparently the human body requires sleep).

Hell, I've even turned video gaming into a sort of job by streaming. I played Duck Hunt when my mom's boyfriend got an NES when I was 6, and have been gaming ever since. I tend to prefer RPGs and puzzle games, although I've been lured into the open world games in recent years (which is what brought me to Star Citizen, well, that and Baior talking about it all the time). I thought I'd be most lured by the non-combat aspects of the game, but as time goes along, I'm finding I'm really liking the pew pew.

I'm 34, and my lifestyle is supported by coffee in the morning and liquor at night, I'll smoke an occasional clove cigarillo but nothing non-tobacco, my relationship status is complicated, and there's no way in hell I'm having kids.

But most of all, on top of everything, I like new experiences and learning new things.

Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
My name is Zapp Brannigan (Stu, IRL) and I am a Star Citizen addict.

I live in the desert in Washington State, USA and I have two kids (4 and 7), two dogs (black lab and german shepherd), two fish tanks (75 gallon and 10 gallon), and one cat (orange and loud); I like things in twos except cats. Cats are evil and I don't want to give them the advantage of being able to work together against me.

I work for the school district where I work in Information Technology and do *way* more than my job description and I love it. I am currently working on getting our new multimedia streaming server up and running.

While I would like to say that my gaming rig is teh best l33t computer ever built it is a simple Dell Core i7 desktop with 16GB RAM and a GTX 660 (soon to be a GTX 1070) and a 24" monitor.

I have the advantage of having a coworker that is also a Star Citizen addict and TEST member... say hello, @Han Burgundy . He's alright, I guess ;-)

I own an Avenger Titan and a Sabre in game and plan to crew any TEST member's ship that needs crew.

It looks like some other members went further down the rabbit hole, so here we go even further...

I am 32, mostly deaf in my left ear and wear a hearing aid. I am 6'4", size 14 shoe, consider myself a Democratic Socialist, and am agnostic. I also think meat is the only true food, I am originally from Montana (up until 6 years ago) but consider myself an honorary Canadian (verified by @Blind Owl ), and I love wheat beers. I love both Star Trek and Star Wars and pretty much anything Sci-Fi and I would give my left kidney to go into space. I that is all I can think of.

Match that or do better, fellow TEST members. I want *details*!

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Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
My name is Liviu, I'm 28 years old. My handle "supitza" translates to "little soup" in Romanian - that's because I really, really love soup.

I manage a tattoo shop in Bucharest, Romania and I take pride in the fact that I work with some of the best artists in my country.

I've been playing video games and board games since I was very little (started with a SEGA knockoff and a Pentium 1). I'm the kind of person that would rather play 1-2 games for many years and dedicate all my time to them than play dozens of games for a few days each. I've played WoW for about 6 years, WC3 competitively for 2 years, D2 for a few years. I now play a lot of Hearthstone and not much else. I'm never more than average at every game I play and I improve very slowly.

Some of my biggest passions, besides gaming, are food, tattoos and physics. I also love collecting things.
I curse a lot (a whole f*****g lot, actually), read a lot, get bored easily, love to eat and sleep.

EDIT: also, this:
I would give my left kidney to go into space.
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
My handle is AntiSqueaker. I got it in protest of my nickname in middle school, "Squeaky" (I had a very rough puberty :( ), because I was so cool and original and rebellious. IRL it's Andrew, but people usually call me Andy. Contrary to the name, I don't actually mind "Squeakers" at all, as long as they act roughly as mature and responsible at your average TEST member (ie, not a lot)

I've been playing video games basically my whole life. My dad had a Galaga arcade machine in our basement so I logged way too much time on there from a small age. SNES was my after school activity, and the N64 was my jam.

I work in the Deli of a big chain Supermarket as an Assistant Manager. Money is pretty good and I get great benefits, even if the hours are pretty shit. I'm going to trade school for welding, so a career change is likely in the next year or so once I get fully certified.

As far as specific games go, I played:

WoW from release day to just after the heyday of WoTLK. Was an officer and main raid leader for a 100+ member PVP oriented guild. I had 2 max level characters, both trolls- a Priest (Shadow for PVP, but I was mainly the main raid healer) and a Warrior, which I usually played as a 2H Fury/Berserker specced, although I could main tank in a pinch.

EVE from 2006-2010. I stayed mainly in wormhole (WH) space, but I have experience in both low and nul sec. I was in the NC for a bit before realizing that small gang PVP was much more up my alley than big blobs. My main toon specialized in T2 cruisers, specifically Recon cruisers like the Curse or Falcon, although I flew a lot of HACs and T2 Frigates as well. My secondary character was a admittedly shitty Carrier and Dread pilot, but we were in a static Hi-sec wormhole, which meant that we had the only Caps on the field. Carriers were mainly used for repping up POS's, and Dreads were for knockin' em down.

I have played a metric fuckton of TF2 over the years. Mainly Medic, Heavy, Scout.

Looking forward to Overwatch.

Kirk B

Apr 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Kirk B
Wth everyone here is so cool. Romanian tattoo artist, real life engineers, graphic designer's, IT (plus everything else) ppl, there are 10,000 of us so I suspect we could cover most walks of life.
I've got lame college student covered.
My handle is Kirk-B for RSI and test, Dasisbjorn (the polar bear (I'm a mix of german and norwegian so my handle is too)) in everything else (some old old things I'm kbcorwin).
My name is Kirk (Bjorn) Corwin. I'm 18, live in Seattle Washington, just finished my first year at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA, Have a strong astigmatism in my left eye but it really doesn't matter 'cause I always wear contacts. 6' tall, 170 lbs (that freshman 2x15 bumped me up from being a little stick to a normally proportioned human). Suffering from male pattern baldness at an unreasonably young age. I don't smoke or drink, used to bike and run a lot more before college, going to bike across the country with my gf this summer. Been gaming for maybe four years (my parents were very anti video game so I bought my own computer ASAP). I make knives as a hobby at home (with my real sturdy trash can lid/coffee can forge and the most affordable tools I can get)(anyone want to custom order something I can totally make it for you ;P (I'm actually serious about that btw-message me if you want-Testie Utility knife?)).
I do some art in my spare time, but likely will double major in econ and english.
I have no children
I do have a SH and Avenger Stalker (the later courtesy of the recent LTI testy sale).
Play(ed) a reasonable amount of CSGO, BF4, Skyrim, FO4, FNV, FO3, Minecraft, Arma 3.



Feb 7, 2016
RSI Handle
Real name Gary. RSI handle is Gneissnoggin.I am 46 going on 12 years old. Single, never married, no kids.
Currently reside in Kansas City area.I own a Con Andromeda and Hornet. Have not been able to play much in beta due to changing jobs, moving, work travel in past 3-years. Now I am waiting for new Nvidia cards to hit market to build a new computer.
Most of my work experience is a carpenter, framing and finish, commercial and residential. But have also had a slew of other jobs due to ups and downs of construction work.
First video game I played has no name, was a program a Bell Labs engineer made, was cool at the time, but in all honesty so was poking a stick in any hills at the age of 5. First game owned was an Atari Super Pong console.
Been addicted to pixels since.
I've played EQ, EQ2, WAR, Shadowbane, WoW, Vanguard, Eve, and some other MMO's. Played XWing, Tie Fighter, all the Wing Commander titles, And way too many other PC games.
Uhh oh yes, I drink, I smoke, love animals, and try to manage some downtime in nature, backpacking, ocean fun, rock climbing, skinny dipping in glacier water while drunk..
And on that thought...thanks for having me in this crazy org.


Feb 26, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey all! My name Dave and I'm a geek. My handle everywhere is hairball4u - aptly named because of the 5 cats that let me live in their house, in exchange for me cleaning up an occasional hairball for them.

I'm 54, married with two kids. As a youth, I was heavily influenced by Star Trek (TOS). Spock was my hero, even before he went "In Search of...". So when computers started to become real thing, I naturally became an IT guy. I really enjoy the work and can't believe that I get paid to do what I like.

Home is Wisconsin, though I'm temporarily in North Carolina working on a project.

I have a Avenger Titan and a Cutlass Black, melted from my first Aurora (rest in pieces). Don't know what profession to pursue yet. I'm thinking exploration, maybe some light hauling and/or running contraband.

And yes, I like beer and brats. Between my German heritage and Wisconsin upbringing, it's ingrained into my DNA.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Details, hmmmm... You realize what that means to a 54 year old guy who has done so many things?

Let's see if I can distill this down a little...

My handle is Rolo Kipp. Had that handle since 1983. Google it sometime :p

I'm married to Vibrant Penumbra. She's not into video games, but we have a deal going. I slow-dance with her and she lets me fly her around the Verse in her custom Mako (that I will buy and paint and hotrod). Should be great fun.

I'm semi-retired (only do things for friends with a "Pay what ya think it's worth" policy).
Vibrant happened to me at exactly the right time. Amazing how that works.
Before that I was homeless for a bit more than a decade. And I was a sarcastic, grumpy, spiteful, hateful mess.
Took a long time on the streets to turn me around. Time, staying clean and meeting Vibrant.

Before that, I was in the merchant marine for 14 years, 6 years of that on the M/V Salvage Chief. Before that 8 years in the Navy. Lt. Commo & DCA. Crypto. Top Secret clearance... all that jazz.

A short parable of my life: My second year Calculus final... walked in with a 4.0. I'd gotten one question wrong the entire semester (and I argued that one question). Sat down and stared at the final for 10 minutes. Signed my name and walked out. Should have failed that class, but my Prof liked me. Nice guy. Gave me a C. I was grateful. Worked a lot harder the next year.

I have a daughter and two grandkids.

I've held a newborn in my hands, and held the hand of far too many of the dying. I have faced death and dismemberment without flinching and sobbed helplessly during chick-flicks with my honey. There is nothing in this world I fear, save loneliness.

Way back in the '90s I beta tested Ultima Online... roleplayed the hell out of it until EQ came along. Was in on the alpha and beta there. Role-played the hell out of *that*. Got into MEO until they screwed that up. Then I got sucked into Neverwinter Nights with Interplay & Bioware. I was co-moderator of the Interplay forums until Bioware moved them. I was in on the alpha there, too... until I walked away from everything.

Got back into gaming and was astounded (and gratified) to find NwN still alive and kicking 9 years later. Saw friends (some IRL) I hadn't seen for years. The NwN community still astounds me. Right now I'm the owner of the NwVault and curator of more than 40,000 projects for a game that predates some SC citizens. I also Mod... script, textures, models, animations, etc.

I have perhaps 400 hours each in FO3 and Space Engineers. I have about 1,000 hours in Skyrim.

A little while ago I idly searched Google for "sandbox games". Now I'm concierge in SC.
I have about $100 a month "Mad Money" and it's been (mostly) going into my fleet. I have 17 ships with at least 5 more budgeted (Crucible, Carrack, Mako and 2 Dragonflies). I'm aiming to support three characters - Rolo for fun, Nick for RP and my wife Vibrant, who has her own account but will probably never fly herself. That's ok, I'm used to her sitting on my right ;-)

I have no interest in grind.
My "Win Conditions" are to
1) Earn a 890j for Vibrant within a year of release (which I will have to fly :p )
2) Watch a racer I modded win one of the big races like the Murray Cup
3) Pick up a souvenir from every reachable world while sight-seeing with my wife.

Rolo's flagship is a Crucible. Nick's flagship is a Carrack. Vibrant's flagship is the Mako.

I never shoot first.


Space Marshal
Feb 27, 2014
RSI Handle
Here's then requested photo of my setup, it's not the most ergonomic, my chair's arms bend the wrong way to fit the mounts right, I'll be getting a new chair after I move house some time.

Sorry for the dust, need to get my spring clean on soon!


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Thumbs up to all the people that have posted up. Good to know alittle more about fellow TESTies. Thankyou for the openness and honesty. Lets hope we get many more peoples input. :rolleyes:

@Lienna....nice solution for stick placement. Will need to figure out something like that myself when I take a dip into owning a HOTAS setup maybe later this year. Surprised there isnt a company making purpose built gaming chairs for this. There is certainly a market.


Space Marshal
May 12, 2016
RSI Handle
My handle is ectro it has been the same for a decade now. Have played many games along the road, I love a good storyline in a game and if there is a competitive aspect in the game you would find me there, FPS, MMORPG, and RPGs are the main genera of games I normally play.

My name though is Saqr, I am from Oman. Currently living and studying in the UK, studying Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Liverpool. I am very interested in quantum parallel computing and neural networks both software and hardware implementation of it.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I am Grimbli. That name came from Lord of the Rings Online where I played a Dwarf Guardian, a tank, and was one of the best games I've ever played despite not being a fantastic game. The name was a goof on Gimli. And I also had a Lore master named Gondarf.

My gaming career started when I was super young with a weird console/computer hybrid thing I don't know the name of. Had a game where you bounced a clown off a trampoline to burst balloons on the ceiling.

My MMO career started with a half-elven druid named Lokey in EverQuest and was the greatest MMO I've ever played probably just because it was my first and you required REAL skill to play. I was notorious for purple healing. A warrior would lose all his HP and still be alive but unconscious within the threshold of -10hp then you'd heal him. I once did it with a 10 second casting time heal while on a 10 second server delay because of a firewall in college.

My life has been filled with a myriad of jobs but I don't really feel like I have that exciting of stories to tell, I think my life is rather dull. I've been a pizza delivery boy, a machine operator in a factory, a cafe manager, a protectionist (movie theater with real film, not the digital they use now, a massage therapist, a dispatcher/broker for trucking, and finally a truck driver that I am today.

I have been married and divorced once. I have two cats that I love more than most human life even though one of them hates me and is an asshole. I met my girlfriend a year and a half ago and she's amazing! WAY more of a stable relationship than my marriage. And she has a pitbull that has now become mine since she adores me so much.

I'm a pretty laid back and humorous person that likes to joke around about everything. Unless I go "game mode" and then I'm all business and get very frustrated with people that don't put as much effort into the project being done as I do. I'm working on that.

I'm incredibly happy I found Test, as you bunch are so friendly and amazing. I haven't belonged to an Org/Guild filled with so many awesome people before!

My real name is Brian and I spose I could post a pic.

And yes, that's my awesome Deadpool t-shirt!
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