Greetings Fellow Citizens!!!!


Space Marshal
May 2, 2018
RSI Handle
Greetings to all. I am excited to be part of such a HUGE org and I hope I can assist as much as possible. :)

Im from Northwest Indiana in the United States.. just outside of Chicago. I go by Goju as a handle (had it since back in the BB days and playing old MUDD games Showing my age there)). Im a huge fan of Roberts's games and im hoping that this one will be the one I am so desperately looking/waiting for. So far it looks very promising. Im excited to see what the exploration and bounty hunting aspects of the game will be like. So far im impressed. As far as other games I play... not much at the moment (I still have a WOW account, among other various games).
I am extremely busy in my personal life.. I teach martial arts and I am SR. Systems engineer for a consulting firm that keeps very busy.. and that's not to mention my kids, but whenever I get a chance.. I'm flying around.
I heard about Test when I first started looking into the game back in Sept last year, and what caught my eye was the fun everyone looks like they are having.. so I figured.. Why not!

Now Star Trek Captain.. I know how Star Trek Fans can get... so ill be as gentle as I can.... Id have to say Kirk.. and ill stick with Old kirk .. although New Kirk is pretty good, and I have to give a knod to the Picard fans out there.. Hes pretty good as well..

With that said.... Im a Star Wars fan all the way.

See you in the Verse



Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST @Goju !!! I'll be flying over you on Sunday by the way. Have a trip next week. I'm also a consultant for a large consulting firm... so I know what it's like to be "busy" in RL. And, I have some kind of high flauten title, that is totally meaningless to me. The only thing I would say about that right now is that there appears to be a huge gap between MY definition of "High Speed Internet" and the hotel industry's definition of "High Speed Internet".
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