

Sep 17, 2017
RSI Handle
I am new to SC and would like to introduce myself.

My Handle is Lozt and I am from Florida. You (hopefully) have never seen me in the news with the label: "A Florida Man", it may or may not have been me ;)

I've been watching SC since it was announced WAAAAY back when. I love Sci-Fi and am tired of the tried and true EverQrakk fantasy genre which morphed into WOW.

I enojoy open world (in SC case an open universe) experience. It allows me to immerse myself from gameplay to metagaming. The idea that drew me to SC was to be able to customize my own ship and, ahem ahem cough cough, boldly go where no one..... you've heard it before. lolol!

I am quite looking forward to exploring and the occasional PVP. I prefer exploring/PVE simply because I do not have the time to game for the PVE rosters and rankings. Though back in the day with StarCraft (not BW) I prided myself on being within the top 100 on the planet. Ranked or UMS I won.

Anywho, now I am just a CASUAL gamer. Shoot me in the face IK... But it happens when one grows up, faces the real world, has bills, and a mortgage.

I primarily play cell phone games unless I am home. I am a Professional Truck Driver and am on the road 6 weeks at a time. Then I am home for 10 straight days. Before you get all southpark Troll and wave that flag saying 'truckdriver?!?!'.. Are you a peopleofwalmart? Do you buy food, bestbuy, amazon, UPS, a car to uber others in??? While guess what? I delivered that product to your podunk town.

Lastly, I'm 1000% Picard, but with Kirks missions. Kirk never dealt with Will Wheaton... *^*)9" Jean Luc is the MAN!


Sep 10, 2017
RSI Handle
Greeting and welcome. Excellent intro. My dad was a long hauler trucker after 21 yrs of service many great men do the work to bring us our goods.

Enjoy your time at home.


Grand Admiral
Aug 30, 2017
RSI Handle
I am new to SC and would like to introduce myself.

My Handle is Lozt and I am from Florida. You (hopefully) have never seen me in the news with the label: "A Florida Man", it may or may not have been me ;)

I knew I saw you before. You definitely have been on the news as "A Florida Man"

Welcome to TEST! :wine_glass::wine_glass:
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