

Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Hello! I am JGreezy on RSI handle. There is another Greezy with no J, and he has no sense of humor at all.

On Reddit and Twitch I am CaptainGreezy. I bestowed the Captain title upon myself in a moment of protest over everyone in Star Trek Online being Admirals. And because all the good Greezys on Reddit were already taken. But I stand by the former reasoning. Likewise I only wear Commander pips on my Starfleet uniform. All these little kids running around with Captain and Admiral pips just ruining my immersion. I'm not old enough to be Captain anyway (although I am now hah!).

Where you from stranger?

Chicago, IL, USA, Earth

What drew you to Star Citizen?

I am one of those true believer fanatics who had dreamed the dream and grown up on the genre and all that cliche stuff. CR was telling me exactly what I wanted to hear and surprisingly I believed him. I had heard a lot of it before, first in Star Wars Galaxies pre-development (I must have spent 3000 hours on those predev boards), then again in Stargate Worlds pre-dev (another 1000+ hours gone poof), so although I did believe him, I chose not to back at the beginning so I wouldn't be tortured with watching another lengthy pre-dev process. Having seen SWG faceplant on its big dumb face several times, and seen SG:W have the franchise pulled out from under it, I immediately understood the implications of being free from both a publisher and a pre-existing IP. I saw what looked like the right guy bringing the right energy to the effort. But I didn't feel the need to watch closely yet.

I pulled the trigger and started paying attention after the multicrew reveal.

"Hey Jared, has you got... sou... music going on and stuff?" - CR

Ooooh. And the crowd going wild in the background. Goosebumps everytime.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)

Complexity. I like gameplay systems I can really sink my teeth into. I like relatively technical subject matter to learn and also help interpret to others who may have a lower interest or level of understanding (basically my job IRL too actually). I generally prefer activities that are constructive rather than destructive against players. I don't like pirates in general but I am not opposed to such activities when performed under the right political cover. I just don't like when peoples sole mentality is "im just gonn wreck everyones shit, and gank all their swag, cuz yolo." I saw enough of that in Archeage to last a lifetime.

More specifically though I most like the idea of operations out on the fringes. Not necessarily exploring myself but generally supporting such deep range operations in possibly high risk areas. To that end my main pick for a big ship has always been a Starfarer Gemini and for a little ship a Herald. Also currently have an Avenger Titan for small general purpose and 2 P-72 LTI tokens.

I had a Cutlass previously but CCUed past it. I was mainly interested in the Cutlass Red. My early inspiration, also in regards to Starfarer, is the "Combat Search and Rescue" pairing of a a helicopter with a tanker fixed-wing aircraft, like depicted in Clear and Present Danger. Big ship, little ship. Starfarer and Cutlass. I might revisit that idea but I think I need a good fighter more than another midsized general purpose craft right now. I flew a rented Sabre for a bit and really liked it. Didn't really like the Vanguard.

What was the first game you remember playing?

Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood on an Apple IIe.

First multiplayer was Netrek circa 1990 in a Macintosh network lab.

A couple years later I remember being in a lab with NeXT computers and there was this little program called WorldWideWeb nobody had seen before. Didn't know what the hell to do with it. We looked up cats. It had begun.

What other games do you play?

Recently not much else really. I fire up Kerbal Space Program every once in a while but honestly I burned out on that way too early in beta. A friend tried to get me into Black Desert but I only lasted a week. I am just not up for any more high-fantasy hack-and-slash no matter how shiney and fast paced they try and make it. My favorites have always been scifi based, but oddly never Eve, and never Elite: Dangerous. Will definitely be playing No Man's Sky when it releases (Awwgust!).

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

First heard watching Captain Richard. Convinced after watching a couple State of the Squadrons and seeing that it was cool.

Picard or Kirk?

"Sure, in a wrestling match Kirk would win, but overall, who would you rather have at the helm of your Sovereign-class starship?" - Ben "Icetown" Wyatt

I actually disagree with Icetown's argument regarding wrestling considering that Picard was an exceptional athlete, both in his youth and throughout his career, and Boothby specifically mentioned Picard's surprising wrestling ability.

Seriously though, I have a gold 1701-D toy model signed by the TNG cast (main 7 at least, no Wesley or Pulaski obviously), and I made this TNG themed Artemis Bridge Simulator setup happen in my hotel room once upon a time. So yeah... it's Picard.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Holy cow, that Artemis setup is absolutely jaw-dropping! Welcome to TEST!
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