Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Ciao!


Mar 14, 2023
RSI Handle

Where you from stranger?
I call Toronto, Ontario, Canada home. Not a fan of winter though, all the more reason to stay inside playing Star Citizen!

What drew you to Star Citizen?
In one word, depth. Started with No Mans Sky on PSVR and fell in love with space sims. Moved to NMS PC VR, then got a VR sim chair (Virpil HoTaSaS for flying and Logitech wheel/pedals for driving). Moved to Elite Dangerous when I was unable to fully utilise the sim chair in NMS, Finally to Star Citizen because of the immersion. But gawd I can't wait for SC in VR. I would have gone from NMS straight to SC if it had VR.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
As noted above, VR. Ship combat in the VR sim chair is just amazing. Nothing like it. Upgrading the TV in the sim chair just for SC.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Chess on a TRS-80? Hard to remember back that far!

What other games do you play?
Elite Dangerous (with friends)
No Mans Sky
Pokemon TCG (with son)

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

First heard from the email invite. Convinced to join when I realised SC may not be as solo friendly as ED and NMS. Remembered the difference an outfit made in PlanetSide, and how much fun it was to play with other folks.

Picard or Kirk (new Kirk or old Kirk)?
Hmmm... Tartakovsky's General Grievous or Sound Blaster G1


Mar 14, 2023
RSI Handle
Two points about sign-up...
1. Not all ships are listed during the onboarding process or on the forum config page, so I couldn't/can't choose the two ships I actually picked up. The Drake Cutter and Corsair.
2. I didn't notice and reply to the Discord bot message in time. I think I'm stuck in limbo on the Discord channel. Help my @Montoya, you're my only hope!
Last edited:


Jan 8, 2023
RSI Handle

Where you from stranger?
I call Toronto, Ontario, Canada home. Not a fan of winter though, all the more reason to stay inside playing Star Citizen!

What drew you to Star Citizen?
In one word, depth. Started with No Mans Sky on PSVR and fell in love with space sims. Moved to NMS PC VR, then got a VR sim chair (Virpil HoTaSaS for flying and Logitech wheel/pedals for driving). Moved to Elite Dangerous when I was unable to fully utilise the sim chair in NMS, Finally to Star Citizen because of the immersion. But gawd I can't wait for SC in VR. I would have gone from NMS straight to SC if it had VR.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
As noted above, VR. Ship combat in the VR sim chair is just amazing. Nothing like it. Upgrading the TV in the sim chair just for SC.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Chess on a TRS-80? Hard to remember back that far!

What other games do you play?
Elite Dangerous (with friends)
No Mans Sky
Pokemon TCG (with son)

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
First heard from the email invite. Convinced to join when I realised SC may not be as solo friendly as ED and NMS. Remembered the difference an outfit made in PlanetSide, and how much fun it was to play with other folks.

Picard or Kirk (new Kirk or old Kirk)?
Hmmm... Tartakovsky's General Grievous or Sound Blaster G1
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