Hello Everyone.


Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
Advice ?

the best approach is from a scientific point of view and all scientists agree, alcohol is a solution, not a problem, so bring on the solution!

Welcome aboard!

Actual advice? Steep learning curve and you are going to have questions that will be tough to locate with even the best of google search keywords, so expect a little frustation at first. Iit gets better and turns into serious fun & addiction pretty quick. Just fire up, have some fun and keep that google open for reference/questions/problems/solutions and remember to tag every search with "2017" and/or "reddit" (stuff that helped me)

Also, let's say you went with a dogfighting ship for your first ship, but find that gameplay is not for you. If you are unhappy with the ship you have upgraded to or bought and maybe want to ditch the dogfighter for a career ship that can handle pirating, or get something that can mine or explore instead of pure combat, or run cargo, you are not stuck with any ship currently, you can "melt" it for store credit and re-buy a different package or upgrade.

Lots more, but you'll pick it up as you go


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Practice, a lot of practice.

Do not be scared to ask if you can borrow other ships now, persistence hasn't been implemented yet so people are still quite willing to loan ships.

This way you can get a feel for what you enjoy flying most, then can build from there.


Grand Admiral
Aug 30, 2017
RSI Handle
Hey. So yesterday, having just bought the game, and while waiting for it to install, I was sent an invite to this group. It was convincing enough that I've joined, so here I am.
You guys have any advice for a new player?
Hmmm Advice.... Have fun and make sure you get an Aurora cause the sun :sunny: is still very bright.
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