Hello hej hej from Sweden

Cain Jr

Nov 23, 2023
RSI Handle
Cain Jr
Hi, TommyStockholm here!

I remember the good old days of Wing commander, Elite and other games and Star Citizen seems like the game of my dreams :)
For now I'm playing EVE Online and enjoying it very much but I feel ready to start dipping my toes into SC. I know it's far from ready but perhaps it's ready to try out a bit?

I hope to try out all kinds of different activities. If I know myself correctlyI will probably focus on exploration and pve before I start trying out pvp.

First game ever was a hand held Donkey Kong. Then some Super Mario on the Game&Watch. And then finally the Nintendo 8bit SNES. Gravity was cool btw ;)

Besides EVE I love big RPGs like Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher, Wrath of the Righteous, Baldurs gate 3, Red dead 2 etc...

How I found Test Squadron: I love the corporation "EVE University" in EVE online.They focus on new players, teaching skills and encourages a helpful and easy going atmosphere. I knew there must be something like that here in SC and after some googelyskillz I've come to the conclusion that Test Squadron is it!

OG Kirk of course!


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Welcome to the squardon Cain Jr!
Never played Gravity. Usually Gravity plays with me instead.
But I played most of the other games you mentioned so I can vouche for your taste. :like:
Eve University kindy sounds a little more intellectual than this bunch here. Then again, where there's a university there's students.
Where there's students there is booze and a multitude of interesting recreational activities that further a knowledge that can't be found in dusty bookshelves.
So maybe it's not that different at all.
Short version: Hopp in and have some fun.
I know I do! ;-P


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome to the TEST party! Have you discovered any ships that you like most? If not, you've arrived at a perfect time, because during the IAE, you can rent the various ships in game that are on display during their days to TEST them out for free. The Final Days of the event, CIG usually allows us backers to use the IAE event terminals to rent any of the ships that are in game that have been on display that year for free for a day or 2. So if you find 1 you really like & want to upgrade into it or add it to your fleet, this is the perfect opportunity.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
Hey welcome to TEST!

Former Eve Uni instructor here; was a solid group of people who really want to help, and I made a lot of friends while there.

TEST here in SC is not the same kind of organization, but it is friendly and relaxed (might be the beer).
There are a bunch of knowledgeable people here on how to play the game, and the history from it's beginning. Get setup on Discord and feel free to ask questions.

Cain Jr

Nov 23, 2023
RSI Handle
Cain Jr
Hey welcome to TEST!

Former Eve Uni instructor here; was a solid group of people who really want to help, and I made a lot of friends while there.

TEST here in SC is not the same kind of organization, but it is friendly and relaxed (might be the beer).
There are a bunch of knowledgeable people here on how to play the game, and the history from it's beginning. Get setup on Discord and feel free to ask questions.
I figure with a friendly attitude the vibe I'm looking for will be there :)
So since we share some common ground, can you describe a bit of the similarities and differences between SC and EVE to me? On the surface it seems like so much would be shared. Mining, ships, lowsec, pvp... but the first person perspective is confusing me and it's hard to grasp, as a newbie, where the game is, where it will be soon and what the actual vision is.

Does my question make sense?
Meanwhile I've just only finished the tutorial and figured out how to buy and drink a soda! *lol*


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
The best I can explain, is to borrow a few things I've heard before. Initially, SC & Eve were similar in concept, but while Eve rushed out of the gate & flooded its game with all sorts of systems to go, there wasn't really anything in them. Meanwhile, CIG focused on bringing as much depth to a small area as possible while building tools to later expand things almost exponentially. Eve recently gave its players the ability to get out of their ships to do more things. SC has been doing that since its initial playable content, but is finally about to allow us to explore another star system, which Eve has had available since early on. From my perspective, both games have had their benefits & drawbacks through the years, but if CIG is successful with what it intends to be in the game by the end of next year, SC will be pulling away from being compared to other space games at an astronomical rate thanks to its core systems that will be creating continuous content procedurally to further expand the game. Up until recently, 1 was a meter wide & a centimeter deep, the other was a meter deep & a centimeter wide. Over the next year, CIG has the goal of changing that.


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Hi, TommyStockholm here!

I remember the good old days of Wing commander, Elite and other games and Star Citizen seems like the game of my dreams :)
For now I'm playing EVE Online and enjoying it very much but I feel ready to start dipping my toes into SC. I know it's far from ready but perhaps it's ready to try out a bit?

I hope to try out all kinds of different activities. If I know myself correctlyI will probably focus on exploration and pve before I start trying out pvp.

First game ever was a hand held Donkey Kong. Then some Super Mario on the Game&Watch. And then finally the Nintendo 8bit SNES. Gravity was cool btw ;)

Besides EVE I love big RPGs like Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher, Wrath of the Righteous, Baldurs gate 3, Red dead 2 etc...

How I found Test Squadron: I love the corporation "EVE University" in EVE online.They focus on new players, teaching skills and encourages a helpful and easy going atmosphere. I knew there must be something like that here in SC and after some googelyskillz I've come to the conclusion that Test Squadron is it!

OG Kirk of course!
Hello. Welcome to Test Squadron.

Hallå. Välkommen till testskvadronen

I'm sure you will fit right in. As a fellow Euro, we will be roughly on at the same time so feel free to look me up and add me ingame (Garonman5) and we can adventure out.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Oh it's a requirement from HR. You must participate in blotting out the sun with your standard issued Aurora as per company guidelines. Its in the small print.
Owning an Aurora isn't actually required, but having 1 will allow you to participate more actively. If you don't have 1, I'm sure some of us will be happy to loan some of our extras out as well as let you climb into our clown car style just to see how many TESTies we can get into the activity together. Cheers!


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hello swedish person welcome to TEST we will never let you down (but please set your expectations really really low).
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