Hello, I'm CorundumPurple or groeGray!


May 13, 2017
RSI Handle
I love playing games. I've probably done since I came out of the womb... But the Star Citizen and its community came! It totally changed me as a gamer and person! I went from a loud and annoying kid to a respectful, silent and smart person. So that's why I love Star Citizen and it's community!

So I'm a Norwegian boy that is creative (in my mind at least) and that totally hates skiing! I love to write and to read and to just make things!

My dream job is to become an author! My second biggest dream job is to become a coder!

So now I hope you have learned something about me! But if you have any problems with my introduction, just type it out and I will see if I can fix it!

My referral code cuz I'm a sellout: STAR-MX9L-JQNZ

Have a great day!

-Sincerely, groeGray.
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