Hello o/

Rusty Veteran

Sep 7, 2018
RSI Handle

My name is RustyVet or RustyVeteran or my actual name Craig, i hail from the United Kingdom and live in a place that's dark, grimey and lots of people on SPICE. It's a horrible place so i will make up that i live in a village in the middle of the English countryside.

What drew me to star citizen (SC), well... i really enjoyed playing EVE and was not half bad at it, there i go being untruthful again.... i was terrible BUT i loved the game and Star citizen basically offers me the experience of space i wish EVE did. The price of the ships definitely did not attract me to Star Citizen, only got the Mustaang Alpha starter pack but it will do for now till i make Trillions and trillions.

I look forward to pretty much everything in SC, i am a miner in EVE and think i will follow in these steps. I do and will contribute to all war efforts. (I am saying that to brown nose)

Asteroids on the Atari, i then played that much after becoming addicted to it, i thought that the Lemmings were actually real and spent 3 years of my adulthood trying to find these wondrous green creatures, that liked to dig and float from ledges with umbrellas.
I soon realised when i got older that they don't like humans, that's the reason i never found one!

EVE, BF, GTA, Minecraft, COD, and a whole lotta lots mores.

I first seen TEST org advert on the SC forums and to be honest it was the actual post itself, very witty and fun although by the structure...... is there any point i want to join and am posting this for the likes! ;)


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