Hello!! TEST


Oct 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Hi! My handle is Voidwoken

So the basics..

Where you from stranger? - Europe(Croatia)

What drew you to Star Citizen? - I realy love Space, and space games my first and most played was a Freenacler

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) - Il be modest... EVERTHYING

What was the first game you remember playing? - I think it was Alien Vs Predator and Freelancer

What other games do you play? - What ever i can get my hands on.. haha

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? - I think i was searching something about ships in SC and i came around this forum but i didn't know it was/is the biggest ORG in the verse.. so i decided to join in hope i can find people with similar ideas and stuff to do and talk about!

Picard or Kirk? - Both. but if i have to choose than Picard
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