Help! Derek Smart is attacking me on twitter! :D

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Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
This is a good example of why social media is such a piece of shit. That anyone could actually give a crap about that guy anymore is baffling, but he actually has a following! How pathetic.

Social media should be renamed "social eating-each-other's-shit."


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
He said that we are a cult. May we please start wearing robes, hoods, and goat heads/do a lot of fire sacrifices while getting drunk? This is exciting
Well, many of you do insist on calling Montoya "glorious leader" which is definitely cult-like. Anyone who knows nothing of Test will see that within minutes and draw the cult conclusion for themselves.

For the record, I will never use that term. I am not a North Korean, afraid to lose my life, which is what that term means to me.

Some of you think it's fun, I think it's sad. We're different and that's ok. :)

You can't very well get mad when people mistake your fun for fact, they just took you at your word.


Grand Admiral
Nov 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, many of you do insist on calling Montoya "glorious leader" which is definitely cult-like. Anyone who knows nothing of Test will see that within minutes and draw the cult conclusion for themselves.

For the record, I will never use that term. I am not a North Korean, afraid to lose my life, which is what that term means to me.

Some of you think it's fun, I think it's sad. We're different and that's ok. :slight_smile:

You can't very well get mad when people mistake your fun for fact, they just took you at your word.
So is that a no to robes/hoods/goat heads/fire sacrifices and beer?


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
So is that a no to robes/hoods/goat heads/fire sacrifices and beer?
This being Test, you can probably do whatever you want!

One of my favorite things Montoya has done is the "FREEDOM" video. Test doesn't tell you what to do or how to play the game. Love it. ;)


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
It all makes sense now... Derek Smart is Virtual Ace.
That's been common knowledge for a while. The psychosis are the same in both.

what a big dumb dummy
Hey, hey, hey! No profanity here.

We did that for 4yrs!
And we can keep doing it. Consider him, her, it as an entity that only exists as a character in a really really bad novel that you are too intelligent to read. Others may bring up the subject, bad you haven't the fainest clue about what they are talking about. Just go on with your life not giving a care about it.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I've read the thread and the tweets now... OhgodOhgodOhgodOhgod how can I hold back? But I've got to go to work! I can't dedicate the time to this it truly needs to get teh uberlolz until Saturday at the earliest and it'll be dead by then.

So, good people of test, let me be your soothsayer on this occasion:

*Pulls out crystal ball*

*The fogs clear*

This is what I see just from the surface: He's changed his tactic and has started targeting the engaged community - his tactic of bashing the game had run out of steam now 3.0 is here, it's clear his words have been built on a foundation of sand and the house is crumbling. Now he's after the easy meat and that is the Triggered engaged player-base. This thread and the Noobifiers video shows he's after the biggest communities and voices in the game... But to what end?

If he can't make the game look like a failure he can make the community look like fanatics geeks and chumps and all he has to do is trigger us to get the ammo he needs to continue that line of attack on the game.

Soon he will move his argument from SC being a scam, to everyone who plays this MMORPG is a giant asshole and no one should play it because we are all meanies.

Just as we experienced with VirtualAss, Smart Schmutt will start regurgitating the choicest morsels we say to him on others, like VA using the words I myself said to him on other players to try to win arguments, and will copy/paste our best zingers to say to the world "Don't play Star Citizen, this is what the most established players and backers said to me, does that seem like the kind of place you want to hang out?"

I have always said I was not malicious enough to be a troll, but that doesn't mean I don't have those skills honed naturally over the course of my 20+ years of hanging out on forums and being a FlameWarrior forged in the fires of forum oration, I suppose could even be encroaching on Politician levels but as I said I was never malicious enough to be a troll so I'd never go into politics...

I can see where he is going before he has even got there because this is shallow but you only need an inch of water to drown in. Don't feed him ammunition - the words we use now he will wield in future.

So a tactic to use for now: Beat him to the punch - If he is going to use what we say now in the future, only give him now what he has said in the past. Dive in to his history of comments and and find all the ones that say "There will never be a game" etc, and screenshot them. Don't tweet back on that tweet, as it can be deleted and likely will be. Screenshot it and then respond to his current tweet with the screenshot asking him about how his previous comment was false.

If Schmutt responds, you have derailed the topic and YOU have control of the conversation. Take it where you will. If he doesn't respond, post another. And another. And another. And another. His original message will be drowned in his own bullshit no one can take it seriously if his previous are an albatross around his neck.

Good luck, Testies... Now:

Fly, my pretties!

No one calls 'BobFace an idiot. What an insult! I'm not that high functioning!
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