You could play up the gym angle. Instead of selling a beating heart, sell a severed flexing arm. :muscle:![]()
How's this for branding? I'm afraid people might mistake us for a gym, though.
An entire thread asking for puns? Are you insane? (I had a pun about insanity that would go here, but then I lost it.)
I'd make a meat pun, but I'd probably butcher it.
In all seriousness, though, you have to name it Airmed.
It's too perfect. (TL;DR: Irish goddess of healing.)
But that's not what this thread needs, so here's some puns:
'Red Zeppelin' <---Second favourite :slight_smile:
'Cut of your Gib' <---Third best.
'Strawberry Fields' <---Fourth. Several levels of pun in this one :slight_smile:
The rest are in no particular order:
'High Steaks'
'Six Meat Under'
'Fresh Meat'
'Flesh Prince'
'Slice of Life'
'Gauze and Effect'
'The Slice is Right'
'Pun-acea' <---That one's a bit on the nose...
'IV League'
'Doc and Roll'
'A Chop in the Bucket'
'It's a Long Way to the Chop'
'Blood Vessel'
'Ain't Broke'
'Galactic Health Care'
'Lilo & Stitch'
'Get Stitch or Die Trying'
'Saw and Order'
'Saw and Order: SVU'
'Space Healer'
'Med Sheeran'
'Redistribution of Health'/'Share the Health'
'Registered Hearse' <---Like Registered Nurse (RN), in case you missed it.
'For Better or for Nurse'
'All Wound Up'
'Knight of the Wound Table'
'Care Force One'
'High Hopes'
'Diamonds Are...' <---... endeavor
'Best friends...'
'We're all in this endeavor' <--- hahahah
The Queen Section:
'Another one bites the dust' <--- Not quite a pun, but its a Queen song, and it totally works for a hospital ship.
'Who wants to live...' <---... endeavor, plus its a Queen song, so there. Not really a good name, tho.
'Killer Queen' <---Look, queen's music makes great ship names, okay?
'Death on one leg' <--- queen + amputee joke...
'Don't lose your head'
'Let me live'
'Save me'
'The Show Must go on'
'you take my breath away' '
Keep Yourself Alive' <-- these are all queen songs, i swear i'm not making this up
Do I have more?
You fucking bet I do.
I'm a bit sick of hospital puns right now, tho.
On a slightly related note, I'm naming my Beerfarer 'Beer in the Headlights'
Edit: Goddammit, I forgot 'Space Needle' :face_palm:
Jesus, here I am trying to get my kid down for a nap and I start laughing my ass off at the hilarity of these. Well done.Get ready, 'cause you maybe shouldn't have let me pun with impunity:
Here's some hospital/butcher puns that didn't make the cut.
'Saviour Moon'
'Popeye the Saviour'
'Close, but no Death Star'
'Upper Limbs'
'The Real Limb Shady'
'The Limb Reaper' <--- I actually quite like this one :slight_smile:
'Grave New World'
'Supply and De-hand'
'Any Part in a Storm'
'Ballistic Medicine'
'Party Ambulance'
'Med-allica' <--- Even I cringe at this one.
'Take em down a leg'
'First, do no Arm'
'Man's Best End' <--- It's a death joke and a pun.
'Two Meds are Better than One'
'Off with their Meds'
'No Mend in Sight'
'Spin Doctor'
'Doctor House' <--- 'Cause it's got a place for doctors to live, and also... yeah no this one doesn't really work.
'Ambulatory Ambulance'/'Ambulatory Care'
'Mostly Armless' <---hahahah
'Heart Deco'
'First Blood:Part II'
'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' <--- There's gotta be a pun in here somewhere. 'Absence makes the heart go slower', maybe. I dunno.
Musical Section:
'S.O.S. (Too Bad) <--- Aerosmith song
'Hop this way' <--- Aerosmith song + amputee joke; doesn't really work, but still mildly amusing
'You've got a Friend in Me' <--- You know, cuz it's a hospital, and one of your friends is probably there. Yes, it's actually funny. Shut up.
'Anytime you need a Mend' <--- (friend...) What d'you mean, you don't listen to Mariah Carey, c'mon.
'Cry me a liver' <--- :slight_smile:
'Give my two arms to Broadway'
That's probably enough for today. I do have some compunctions; there's no need to punish you guys with my terrible humour. I'll take a step back, let the rest of you punks take a shot. (Take a counterpunch?) No, that's definitely too far. Expunge that last bit from your memory. Oh no, I seem to be punstoppable. OK, this is my punulitimate one, for real this time. I'll leave the rest of these unspun. :sunglasses:
Hahaha, I love it.
Haha, I love laughing at my own jokes, so this tickled me pink.Schadenfreude (lit translate: pleasure from suffering of others)
Hypocritical Oath (like the Hippocratic oath? Get it? Ha ha ha ha, i'm so funny!)