Help me name my Butcher Shop


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
To celebrate finally getting my Endeavor modules for the Hope variant, I'd like to announce my new business: a ̶b̶u̶t̶c̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶p̶ hospital. It's sort of a farmer's market, but with human components: everything is fresh, gluten-free and of undeniably legal nature. We accept barter: you bring me something alive and you get your choice of up to 3 freshly-picked replacement parts for yourself!

Help me chose a name for it!

Some names I'm considering right now are:
A cut above
Meat me in the back
Can't beat my meat

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Skull & Bones

Skull & Bones Retrofitting

Body Hull Recovery Center

The File Cabinet

The index Finger

Scissors & scalpels

The Cutting Edge

Nippy's chill cuts (as in "Nippy chill cuts" )

Pervasive Bone & Ligaments

Bone Twitcher


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
An entire thread asking for puns? Are you insane? (I had a pun about insanity that would go here, but then I lost it.)

I'd make a meat pun, but I'd probably butcher it.
In all seriousness, though, you have to name it Airmed.
It's too perfect. (TL;DR: Irish goddess of healing.)
But that's not what this thread needs, so here's some puns:

'Red Zeppelin' <---Second favourite :slight_smile:
'Cut of your Gib' <---Third best.
'Strawberry Fields' <---Fourth. Several levels of pun in this one :slight_smile:

The rest are in no particular order:
'High Steaks'
'Six Meat Under'
'Fresh Meat'
'Flesh Prince'
'Slice of Life'
'Gauze and Effect'
'The Slice is Right'
'Pun-acea' <---That one's a bit on the nose...
'IV League'
'Doc and Roll'
'A Chop in the Bucket'
'It's a Long Way to the Chop'
'Blood Vessel'
'Ain't Broke'
'Galactic Health Care'
'Lilo & Stitch'
'Get Stitch or Die Trying'
'Saw and Order'
'Saw and Order: SVU'
'Space Healer'
'Med Sheeran'
'Redistribution of Health'/'Share the Health'
'Registered Hearse' <---Like Registered Nurse (RN), in case you missed it.
'For Better or for Nurse'
'All Wound Up'
'Knight of the Wound Table'
'Care Force One'
'High Hopes'
'Diamonds Are...' <---... endeavor
'Best friends...'
'We're all in this endeavor' <--- hahahah

The Queen Section:
'Another one bites the dust' <--- Not quite a pun, but its a Queen song, and it totally works for a hospital ship.
'Who wants to live...' <---... endeavor, plus its a Queen song, so there. Not really a good name, tho.
'Killer Queen' <---Look, queen's music makes great ship names, okay?
'Death on one leg' <--- queen + amputee joke...
'Don't lose your head'
'Let me live'
'Save me'
'The Show Must go on'
'you take my breath away' '
Keep Yourself Alive' <-- these are all queen songs, i swear i'm not making this up

Do I have more?
You fucking bet I do.
I'm a bit sick of hospital puns right now, tho.

On a slightly related note, I'm naming my Beerfarer 'Beer in the Headlights'

Edit: Goddammit, I forgot 'Space Needle' :face_palm:
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Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
An entire thread asking for puns? Are you insane? (I had a pun about insanity that would go here, but then I lost it.)

I'd make a meat pun, but I'd probably butcher it.
In all seriousness, though, you have to name it Airmed.
It's too perfect. (TL;DR: Irish goddess of healing.)
But that's not what this thread needs, so here's some puns:

'Red Zeppelin' <---Second favourite :slight_smile:
'Cut of your Gib' <---Third best.
'Strawberry Fields' <---Fourth. Several levels of pun in this one :slight_smile:

The rest are in no particular order:
'High Steaks'
'Six Meat Under'
'Fresh Meat'
'Flesh Prince'
'Slice of Life'
'Gauze and Effect'
'The Slice is Right'
'Pun-acea' <---That one's a bit on the nose...
'IV League'
'Doc and Roll'
'A Chop in the Bucket'
'It's a Long Way to the Chop'
'Blood Vessel'
'Ain't Broke'
'Galactic Health Care'
'Lilo & Stitch'
'Get Stitch or Die Trying'
'Saw and Order'
'Saw and Order: SVU'
'Space Healer'
'Med Sheeran'
'Redistribution of Health'/'Share the Health'
'Registered Hearse' <---Like Registered Nurse (RN), in case you missed it.
'For Better or for Nurse'
'All Wound Up'
'Knight of the Wound Table'
'Care Force One'
'High Hopes'
'Diamonds Are...' <---... endeavor
'Best friends...'
'We're all in this endeavor' <--- hahahah

The Queen Section:
'Another one bites the dust' <--- Not quite a pun, but its a Queen song, and it totally works for a hospital ship.
'Who wants to live...' <---... endeavor, plus its a Queen song, so there. Not really a good name, tho.
'Killer Queen' <---Look, queen's music makes great ship names, okay?
'Death on one leg' <--- queen + amputee joke...
'Don't lose your head'
'Let me live'
'Save me'
'The Show Must go on'
'you take my breath away' '
Keep Yourself Alive' <-- these are all queen songs, i swear i'm not making this up

Do I have more?
You fucking bet I do.
I'm a bit sick of hospital puns right now, tho.

On a slightly related note, I'm naming my Beerfarer 'Beer in the Headlights'

Edit: Goddammit, I forgot 'Space Needle' :face_palm:
This is punny on so many levels. Even your meta is pun.
You, my friend, are awesome!


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I somehow missed this part of your post! I need to change my pants because I lol'd too hard.
Get ready, 'cause you maybe shouldn't have let me pun with impunity:

Here's some hospital/butcher puns that didn't make the cut.
'Saviour Moon'
'Popeye the Saviour'
'Close, but no Death Star'
'Upper Limbs'
'The Real Limb Shady'
'The Limb Reaper' <--- I actually quite like this one :slight_smile:
'Grave New World'
'Supply and De-hand'
'Any Part in a Storm'
'Ballistic Medicine'
'Party Ambulance'
'Med-allica' <--- Even I cringe at this one.
'Take em down a leg'
'First, do no Arm'
'Man's Best End' <--- It's a death joke and a pun.
'Two Meds are Better than One'
'Off with their Meds'
'No Mend in Sight'
'Spin Doctor'
'Doctor House' <--- 'Cause it's got a place for doctors to live, and also... yeah no this one doesn't really work.
'Ambulatory Ambulance'/'Ambulatory Care'
'Mostly Armless' <---hahahah
'Heart Deco'
'First Blood:Part II'
'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' <--- There's gotta be a pun in here somewhere. 'Absence makes the heart go slower', maybe. I dunno.

Musical Section:
'S.O.S. (Too Bad) <--- Aerosmith song
'Hop this way' <--- Aerosmith song + amputee joke; doesn't really work, but still mildly amusing
'You've got a Friend in Me' <--- You know, cuz it's a hospital, and one of your friends is probably there. Yes, it's actually funny. Shut up.
'Anytime you need a Mend' <--- (friend...) What d'you mean, you don't listen to Mariah Carey, c'mon.
'Cry me a liver' <--- :slight_smile:
'Give my two arms to Broadway'

That's probably enough for today. I do have some compunctions; there's no need to punish you guys with my terrible humour. I'll take a step back, let the rest of you punks take a shot. (Take a counterpunch?) No, that's definitely too far. Expunge that last bit from your memory. Oh no, I seem to be punstoppable. OK, this is my punulitimate one, for real this time. I'll leave the rest of these unspun. :sunglasses:
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