History was made today! Jump points work!


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
now that inter-system travel is possible

the devs better have a bunch of new systems ready to bring online

they've bragged about building the tools to develop systems rapidly

now it's time to put up or shut up


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
This is massive positive news, especially for thee Verse as a whole. The more stable the game can become while they also add in more players as well as more area, the more people will want to play Star Citizen. As for the systems, I'll be happy if we get Pyro added this year at some point, then Nyx in a couple years afterwards depending on how smooth & stable things are going with the merger of these initial systems. If all goes well with the addition of Nyx, then CIG should be about ready to add in a few more systems thanks to their development tools. *fingers crossed*


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
That is the dream right? If they can get dynamic server meshing working where a capital ship like the Javelin could be it's own server, then we could have some truly massive space armada battles.
this is what I want too

I'm still waiting to see how CGI is going to incentivise inter-Org competition

what are we going to fight over? why?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So one thing I have heard that didn’t make it into the vid above is that there was some trouble with a few ships spat out arbitrarily in Pyro, and others coming through the gate and piling into one another. This sounds like an easy fix. Also, there was a report of players spotting other ships while inside the wormhole. That’s pretty cool and has some dramatic repercussions. That sounds like a feature to me.

Very cool. I also heard folks are hoping for 4.0 by this summer. Dare we hope?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
So one thing I have heard that didn’t make it into the vid above is that there was some trouble with a few ships spat out arbitrarily in Pyro, and others coming through the gate and piling into one another. This sounds like an easy fix. Also, there was a report of players spotting other ships while inside the wormhole. That’s pretty cool and has some dramatic repercussions. That sounds like a feature to me.

Very cool. I also heard folks are hoping for 4.0 by this summer. Dare we hope?
As long as having hope doesn't cause somebody to lose all hope should delays happen, then having hope is fine by me. Though, personally, I have a feeling that even if CIG gets the jump points working smoothly & the servers being stable to handle players going back & forth between the systems with few issues, I believe that CIG will be holding off on releasing Pyro to official PTU until this CitizenCon, as 1 of the major reveals. If it's earlier, that's great, my belief is simply based on how massive of a step forward that will be for the game and that CitizenCon would be the most powerful & most watched point during the year to release it.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Feb 19, 2018
RSI Handle
Yes, it works, guys. I jumped from Stanton to Pyro with Reclaimer few times, using similar routes: Lorville -> Everus -> Stanton-Pyro Jump Gate -> Pyro II -> P2-L4 Checkmate Station or Pyro III -> Bloom -> Terminus Station.

On the last day of test, I loaded Aurora into A2 Hercules at one of the Hurston Rest Stops, and took both of them to Pyro. Aurora survived the jump without a scratch. Half an hour before the end of test, I stored A2 at Checkmate, with Aurora sleeping in the cargo hold of her mothership...

It was an amazing experience. History was made.

StarCitizen 2023-11-10 02-05-48.png

(Image captured during previous public tech-preview test)


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I agree, but I also think CIG has some pressure to steal back all the Starfield wanderers. It may depend upon the current state of SQ42 more than SC.
Bahahahahahaa.... They have absolutely Zero pressure from Starfail. I didn't hate it, but apparently I'm in the minority with that opinion. Even the most zealous modders said that it was just not worth their time developing anything for it. It's a dead game.
What I have seen happen though, more and more people are willing to give SC a fair try. From up and coming youtubers with 3 subs to well established midrange streamers with 300k subs, there a lot of new attention and willingness to taking SC seriously and see it for what it is: a very broken tech demo, not a fully released title and as such, give it a fair review.

Alpha 4.0 was predicted to be the middle of summer patch. I can't recall exactly what was said and who said it, but this was my expectation since CitCon 2023 so they are on schedule to deliver on that.
As for Sq42, I expect a release date reveal at this years CitCon, but not a release of anything. The most unlikely and insanely optimistic schedule would be June 4.0, CitCon SQ42 release date announcement, which would be Christmas 2024. This NOT going to happen. I wish, but I don't think there's even a snowballs chance in hell that it will happen.
More realistically for this CitCon I'd expect a SQ42 release date announcement for 2025 pre-Christmas (Sept.-Oct.) and the Pyro 4.0 Release.
The pessimist experienced in me says, no SQ42 at CitCon ("we are still polishing it"), and an announcment for 4.0 release date as next year first patch, so 2025 end of January.

Yes, it works, guys. I jumped from Stanton to Pyro with Reclaimer few times, using similar routes: Lorville -> Everus -> Stanton-Pyro Jump Gate -> Pyro II -> P2-L4 Checkmate Station or Pyro III -> Bloom -> Terminus Station.

On the last day of test, I loaded Aurora into A2 Hercules at one of the Hurston Rest Stops, and took both of them to Pyro. Aurora survived the jump without a scratch. Half an hour before the end of test, I stored A2 at Checkmate, with Aurora sleeping in the cargo hold of her mothership...

It was an amazing experience. History was made.

View attachment 25472

(Image captured during previous public tech-preview test)
That is Glorious news, thanks for sharing!


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
So one thing I have heard that didn’t make it into the vid above is that there was some trouble with a few ships spat out arbitrarily in Pyro, and others coming through the gate and piling into one another. This sounds like an easy fix. Also, there was a report of players spotting other ships while inside the wormhole. That’s pretty cool and has some dramatic repercussions. That sounds like a feature to me.

Very cool. I also heard folks are hoping for 4.0 by this summer. Dare we hope?
Agreed! I seem to remember someone saying that you could shoot at other ships in the wormhole. That would be a hoot!


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Agreed! I seem to remember someone saying that you could shoot at other ships in the wormhole. That would be a hoot!
Unless you're the person being shot by some rando & them doing so causes you to be dumped in the middle of nowhere in between the 2 jump points. Thus causing you & the ship you're on becoming stranded with no chance of retrieval. Personally, I'm hoping that this example is the reason why you won't be able to use weapons while jumping or in quantum, because the ability to do so would be a perfect opportunity for a sneaky troll hiding in a fleet to screw over the fleet by knocking some of them out of the group.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Yes, but what if you can at least hide in the wormhole and send intelligence on who’s using it, without being spotted on either end? That would be a nice buff to the Turtle pilots.
I've said since the announcement of the Nautilus, that those drones will have plenty of potential as gate keepers around jump points. Initially, my thoughts were as sentries armed with distortion weapons to neutralize non-friendly ships passing through them while a local force was stationed nearby waiting for the signal to mobilize. Simply having a drone transmit the various ships coming & going to a relay point or station would be similar.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Absolutely. I don’t understand why the Nautilus got such an underwhelming response. You’d think fans would organize as a future mine-laying corps planning to work together. If TEST had a dozen ships that planned to work together, that would be a serious force to recon with. With no Euclidean grid to work with, it’s going to take a special team developing serious, somewhat esoteric skills and once they do, those skills are going to become extremely valuable.

You called out distortion weapons. That’s really insightful, as they’re likely the most powerful form the art will take. You get to keep what you kill. Keep in mind, when beta comes, all the UEE ship self-destructs will be disabled. Capturing ships means capturing players and holding them. No way to rip skins either. There’s a huge play loop here. According to CIG, only Vanduul ships will have self-destructs. The UEE considers them “unethical”.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Absolutely. I don’t understand why the Nautilus got such an underwhelming response. You’d think fans would organize as a future mine-laying corps planning to work together. If TEST had a dozen ships that planned to work together, that would be a serious force to recon with. With no Euclidean grid to work with, it’s going to take a special team developing serious, somewhat esoteric skills and once they do, those skills are going to become extremely valuable.

You called out distortion weapons. That’s really insightful, as they’re likely the most powerful form the art will take. You get to keep what you kill. Keep in mind, when beta comes, all the UEE ship self-destructs will be disabled. Capturing ships means capturing players and holding them. No way to rip skins either. There’s a huge play loop here. According to CIG, only Vanduul ships will have self-destructs. The UEE considers them “unethical”.
My initial thoughts were to lay the distortion sentries around the mouth of the jump point with enough of them to disable ships as they emerge while allowing their inertia to allow them to move forward & out of the way of incoming ships. Which would mean having multiple rings of these sentries so that once the ships are shut down, their systems could be kept down by a few sentries periodically zapping its systems until help arrives & takes over. In a sense, it would be similar to a certain scene from the movie Wing Commander, but with the ships being shut down & rendered helpless instead of obliterated as they emerged.

Obviously, the larger the jump point, the more of the sentries would be needed to be effective against the different potential sized ships coming through. We'd also want extra sentries posted in case the ships have turrets with ballistic weapons.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The UEE will likely have laws that govern how close mines can be to their gates, so expect some limits there even in wild space. Jump points that don’t have gates will likely be fair game, especially including jumps between two Vanduul held systems, which is my main interest. Also, asteroid fields will probably make good places for mine fields.

While it may seem open space is too large to simply expect people to show up, placing minefields where you then pull ships out of quantum travel is probably gonna be a thing, and certainly draw plays where you entice victims into a trap will become a common use.

My concern is how much CIG has nerfed distortion weapons and EMPs since they offered the Nautilus for sale. I‘m unsure how the whole thing is supposed to work now.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
If I were to theorycraft it, I'd have the activation of a Jump Point exits cause a sub-space ripple which would set off any explosives within X distance of it. This would remove any mines laid by sinister forces and keep spawn campers back as well, or limit them to no-missiles putting them at a disadvantage to any emerging ship fully kitted up.

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