My sincerest condolences to you and your family @Montoya.
My condolences, may you find peace in remembrance of such a wonderful person.It is with great sadness that I am updating this thread.
My Grandmother, pictured in the first post of this thread, passed away peacefully in her sleep on Friday.
She would have been 94 next month.
She saw terrible and amazing things in her lifetime, lived through hell and long enough to see her grandkids have kids of their own, living free, healthy and in safe countries.
I will miss her greatly, she was amazing, I hope this little piece of internet history in this thread keeps her memory going.
I live in Germany. We are remembered almost constantly given the media footage. The Holocaust is allways presented as singular event. I think we desecrate the remembrance of victims of that time if we don't speak out against new acts of Barbarism taking place in our time. You are right in one regard. Not restricting the topics of this thread will inevitably lead to some obnoxious poeple posting stupid one-sided comments that disregard the respective other side completly. And this is why I will stop after this post. Forgive me if I don't value upholding forum rules as much as upholding the remembrance of poeple who died back then. My family was in shambles after WW2 and still is. Just bits and peaces left. They weren't Nazis but just workers without any say or fiddlers, small time artists, drunks and goodfornothings. Edit: they still deserved to live.I must request we keep it on topic TESTies - remember this thread is about what happened to Jewish people in Germany and invaded countries in the 30's and 40's, not about current world events - may it never be done to any population of any people to any other again. To forget the examples of the past such as the lead up to and event of the holocaust dooms the world to repeat them. Never again, if we can help it.
I am not saying g anyone is wrong, I'm not saying anyone is right, I'm saying given the forum rules discussion of current world events are prohibited, double given that they may involve religion which is also another prohibited topic, and the sensitive topic of this thread, I must respectfully request restraint.
If you must, I suggest taking any further derail to The Outside so not to divert or desecrate this thread of remembrance:
The Outside: The Philosophical Hyjack Thread
I like getting into a deep convo about stuff and really exploring a topic and the underlying state of things as much as the next TESTie, but ofentimes it can really derail and really get in the way of an original thread especially if that thread was made by someone else... So here it is: A
I understand, agree and appreciate your cooperation in refraining in this thread.I live in Germany. We are remembered almost constantly given the media footage. The Holocaust is allways presented as singular event. I think we desecrate the remembrance of victims of that time if we don't speak out against new acts of Barbarism taking place in our time. You are right in one regard. Not restricting the topics of this thread will inevitably lead to some obnoxious poeple posting stupid one-sided comments that disregard the respective other side completly. And this is why I will stop after this post. Forgive me if I don't value upholding forum rules as much as upholding the remembrance of poeple who died back then. My family was in shambles after WW2 and still is. Just bits and peaces left. They weren't Nazis but just workers without any say or fiddlers, small time artists, drunks and goodfornothings. Edit: they still deserved to live.
Done to many others. ( Undying Bravery: British Soldiers Killed in the Wormhoudt Massacre Are Remembered For Their Heroism ) A German friend of mine told me how his Grandfather explained the period to him. He told him "a madness overcame the country" and that they should not let it happen again. I sometimes consider what I would have turned out like if I was born in Germany in 1920. People think that they would have been brave and fought back against Hitler or been like Oskar Schindler. I think most of us would have gone along with it and some of us would have tattooed arms.My great-grandfather's unit stumbled on a barn that had been filled with several hundred people by the Nazi's. They then proceeded to burn the building to the ground. He was a sergeant in the 102nd Infantry Division at the time. I've heard people in my college deny it even happened, the idiocy required must be immense.
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