Houston members, are you ok?


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
This is Texas we are talking about, the shelters have shelters for firearms.
Texas and Alaska are very similar in that regard. When a disasters or emergencies hit, nobody is unarmed. We have family down there and they carry religiously, especially in an emergency. That's because emergencies bring out the best AND the worst in people. At best, they can be generous and kind. At the worst (and far more common) they are panicked, selfish, and downright dangerous.

I hope everyone gets through ok down there though. So far everyone has checked in that I know in the area.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I've been through several hurricanes, latest including Sandy the eye of which passed right over my house, and I know from experience the reports are true--the flooding afterward is always more dangerous than the high winds. The reason is primarily that people are smart enough to get out of 80 MPH winds, but they are not smart enough to stay out of 15 MPH currents, which is what most often kills people.

Stay dry, friends.


Space Marshal
Jun 13, 2015
RSI Handle
More rain today here in Houston (consistent rain since Friday). My immediate area is still holding up fine. The area around where I work has not fared as well as there is a lot of flooding in the streets and surrounding neighborhoods. I haven't ventured off anywhere to go sight seeing so everyone probably knows as much as I do in regards to the condition of the city. Additionally, there has been several helicopters flying over that are continuing with rescue efforts.

Here is a picture that was posted yesterday that is about 10 miles away.

Here's a picture I am posting for no reason:

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