Industry How to maximise profits from mining efforts...?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Okay, I searched for this to see if anyone had come up with this yet, but it bought me every instance of the word "rock" on the entire forum so i'm asking it here...

When mining only a small percentage of the rock you dig through is going to be what you are actually there to grab, and the rest is just useless spoil left to drift of in to deep space... but wait... what can be done with all the rocks we don't need?

I put forward the TEST Industries Pet Rock (Tipr for short). The guy who came up with the idea originally in the 70's sold over a million in the first year, they are idea for lonely space captains as they do not need feeding or water, resources a live pet would needlessly drain, we can stick googely eyes on them to make them extra cute and in a ship boarding it can be used as a blunt object for self defence. I see them being spot-on for the Cabin-Crazy deep space explorer set.

So, we get rid of a lot a useless spoil, keep space clean, make a packet, keep pilots sane and do not waste their resources, and you don't even have to go very far or in to dangerous space to find the raw materials as there are planets and 'roids all over made of otherwise useless rock, with other saleable materials a bonus on the way...

The Test Industries Pet Rock... do you think we have a winner on our hands?


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I doubt any other org could come up with a scheme that brilliant. We can polish them up until they're shiny, and it'll be like a little bit of the reflective splendor of Montoya's head will be in the cockpit with us.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I hope when the game is live ORGs could pitch item ideas to CIG like this.

Mining rock would not bring in a tonne of cash, but it would be a good place for an aspiring miner to start, you literally could not go wrong and the rock not suitable for pet ownership could go to Synthi-world. They'll always need filler, a world is a big place...

You could have Pet Rocks from more exotic locations commanding a higher price. You could even theme them, so as well as slick on boggle eyes, we could stick little carboard props like little sunglasses for Pet Rocks from Tyrol, a little card board palm-leaf fan from Terra, a little card board t-shirt with "I HEART EARTH" written on it from Sol...

You could even have glow-in-the-dark Pet Rocks... behind suitable radiation shielding, of course...

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I propose that we make GIANT pet rocks out of useless asteroids Make a whole Pet Rock Zoo out of an asteroid field, then charge admission. Would just take bigger googly eyes....
Can you imagine a massive pet rock asteroid with googly eyes being accelerated towards an enemy stronghold?
Not only would they have a massive chunk of rock spelling certain doom flying at them, but it would have gigantic googly eyes and probably a big, heartwarming smile. So perfect...


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Can you imagine a massive pet rock asteroid with googly eyes being accelerated towards an enemy stronghold?
Not only would they have a massive chunk of rock spelling certain doom flying at them, but it would have gigantic googly eyes and probably a big, heartwarming smile. So perfect...
isn't that ADI?
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Space Marshal
Mar 27, 2016
RSI Handle
can u guys explain ? is this proffesion profitable ? cause i have a 315 explorer.and maybe going to buy prospector for it worth it ?
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Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
It will be profitable. There's no way of knowing how profitable until the mechanic is put into the game.
Pretty much this, but we also won't know how profitable mining will be until we also get a solid implementation of the expected economy. It should be as viable as doing missions or trading, but it will be more influenced by supply and demand than missions will.
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