His inability to follow basic instructions is just the sort of thing we are looking for! Welcome to TEST there mVIII, I look forward to crashing into you soon!I'm the buddy. Note that he didn't bother to read the instructions or use the template. He will fit right in.
Aurora.How expensive is really expensive?
I suspect, in classic TEST fashion, I completely screwed up my first attempt to join TEST....by using a confusing username! In game, I'm Llek. In other games, I'm Lek603. To limit this confusion, I've joined TEST again...but this time as Llek. So look for a new (probably not improved) introduction with the correct username.....DoH!Hey gang. Long time gamer here residing in NH. Relatively new to flying games, but really looking forward to this one. Buddy o' mine convinced me last year to buy a really expensive ship, that someday I may get to fly!
Games and Beer....that's why I'm TEST material.