I ended up not buying the RSI Galaxy


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
It was in my cart, ready to go, paint jobs and all.

After some thought, even though I love the design, I just have too many other ships that overlap this.

The BMM has more cargo, a med bed, bigger weapons. I have the Perseus, similar hull, better armor and weapons. The Galaxy is a great ship for anybody looking for upgrade from a Connie IMO, but when you have a whole hangar full of ships, this is just another hangar queen in the making.

I still love the way it looks, but Im going to add this to the "get it in the game" list.
Part of me thinks one cannot have to many ships.

For me it filled a missing loop as I have the Carrack and Polaris, but do not have an Apollo or Odyssey. It supports small mining operations and with the medical it would easily support bunker missions, for those that believe being a bullet sponge is the best way to win a gun fight.

But I'm pragmatic enough to realize that as the newness of the game wears off. The excitement of all the possibilities drifts into the standard play loop that I'll just end up using one or two ships. As it would be to much of a hassle to move all of them around with me as I go about being a citizen of the stars in pursuit of some fame and fortune.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Did they add a medical module to the Retaliator?
Supposedly it was always there. :)
From https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14883-Retaliator-Modules-Available
The Future
There are more Retaliator modules in the pipeline! As the mechanics behind various persistent universe roles begin to take their final form, we will be developing additional modules to support different jobs. These include cryo-stasis pods for bounty hunters, medical equipment, recharging stations for Titan armor, salvage equipment and more. Stay tuned—your ships are getting more versatile!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
I think it is a beautious ship, but if I wanted to haul with just a couple partners, I think I'd prefer the Railen. The weapons are better, the speed is supposed to be excellent, there's a possibility of reduced signature, I love the variable geometry and the grav-lev technology is just bangin'. Also, there is the Herc to compete against and I'm not sure this manages.

For medical you're probably much better off with the Apollo, since it is much faster, and for processing. . .well maybe that will be popular in 2030 when the ship comes out.
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Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
The excitement of all the possibilities drifts into the standard play loop that I'll just end up using one or two ships.
Naw, I'm gonna disagree with this part. Yes there are only one or two ships I use as daily drivers (Sentinel and 600i), however there's already enough diversity in gameplay loops that having a broader fleet is advantageous. Xenothreat? Time to bring out the Redeemer! 9tails? Out comes the MSR to run med supplies. Bunkers? New C8R is a real treat! Long weekend where I'll be on/off with friends quite a bit? Time to set spawn points in the Carrack! Mining? The ROC lives in the belly of the Connie, ready to roll! Stuck at an outpost or need to make a quick station-to-planet run? Boy am I glad for that 85X!


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Naw, I'm gonna disagree with this part. Yes there are only one or two ships I use as daily drivers (Sentinel and 600i), however there's already enough diversity in gameplay loops that having a broader fleet is advantageous. Xenothreat? Time to bring out the Redeemer! 9tails? Out comes the MSR to run med supplies. Bunkers? New C8R is a real treat! Long weekend where I'll be on/off with friends quite a bit? Time to set spawn points in the Carrack! Mining? The ROC lives in the belly of the Connie, ready to roll! Stuck at an outpost or need to make a quick station-to-planet run? Boy am I glad for that 85X!
There is and hopefully will be far more diversity. What I was speaking to more is the fact that the verse will be huge and will take hours if not days to travel around it and given the physicalization of assets as well as the number of "testies" that often times even when you are going to do something outside your daily driver often times it will be done while jumping on their ship if the ship you have doesn't work as well. The only real exception to the rule would be large raids where we will know and plan in advance and thus will have the ships needed for the tasks at the staging point. And in this case, it's just not ships but all of the equipment needed, like ammo, fuel, weapons ammo, and ground vehicles/short-range fighters that will need to be ferried in prior to the engagement.

So no I get the desire to think we will be using all of our ships more often but the more I think about it and the direction this game is going in without the magic bag of holding and quick summoning, the more I realize that we really will be spending most of our time in a ship or two and only really switching out when we want to change things up and focus on other game loops.

While at the moment I can take advantage of insurance and how spawning back at a hospital works to quickly return to my main ship hanger to switch ships or log out for the night I know this abuse is on borrowed time.


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
Ok @Bambooza, I do get that point and generally agree with it. I too think these short/cheap claim times are temporary. But I also think that there will be some sort of monetary way to 'transport' your junk without needing to physically ferry everything yourself. Take Elite Dangerous as an example. If I want to go out to a new area or visit an engineer, I need to take the time to fly SOME ship out there. But then once I arrive, I can 'pay' with both in game currency and wait-time to have my other ships transferred to storage in my new location. Once the SC universe grows, I fully expect some sort of similar mechanic to become available. Though just like in ED, I also expect it to cost a reasonable amount of both credits and time.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Ok @Bambooza, I do get that point and generally agree with it. I too think these short/cheap claim times are temporary. But I also think that there will be some sort of monetary way to 'transport' your junk without needing to physically ferry everything yourself. Take Elite Dangerous as an example. If I want to go out to a new area or visit an engineer, I need to take the time to fly SOME ship out there. But then once I arrive, I can 'pay' with both in game currency and wait-time to have my other ships transferred to storage in my new location. Once the SC universe grows, I fully expect some sort of similar mechanic to become available. Though just like in ED, I also expect it to cost a reasonable amount of both credits and time.

It's hard to say if they will go the route of ED with ship transport as they have been mute on the subject beyond player transport and players transporting players/npc's as talked about in the design notes. While until recently it was impossible to buy game access without also getting a ship as well as the only known ship carriers being limited in size to not much bigger than single-seat fighters it's easy to speculate that most of the larger ships will require you to fly them to their location. It also plays on the fact that Chris has been vocal about the idea that your ship should be valuable and tragic when lost not just in the cost of replacement parts but in all the artifacts like patches, paints, and trinkets that came to define it.

While this is a bit campy in their video (Citizen Kate) I cannot help but wonder if it is more the intended gameplay that Chris is expecting. That we will become attached to our ships. That we will bring aboard trinkets along with food and drinks, weapons, and ammo, and not only will it be a way to get around the verse but it will become an extension of our avatar.

Instead of pulling a vanilla Corellian YT-1300 light freighter from the drop-down list of available ships, we will be going into our hanger where our Millennium Falcon awaits. It might have some damage and be troublesome at times but it's also gotten us out of scrapes more times than we care to admit unless at a bar drinking with fellow Testies.

I am not saying they don't implement a way to get ships to move around for you and it simply might be limited in what size ships can be moved. But I am wondering if it will even matter as we will end up gravitating to a specific ship that becomes an expression of us in the game.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Ok @Bambooza, I do get that point and generally agree with it. I too think these short/cheap claim times are temporary. But I also think that there will be some sort of monetary way to 'transport' your junk without needing to physically ferry everything yourself. Take Elite Dangerous as an example. If I want to go out to a new area or visit an engineer, I need to take the time to fly SOME ship out there. But then once I arrive, I can 'pay' with both in game currency and wait-time to have my other ships transferred to storage in my new location. Once the SC universe grows, I fully expect some sort of similar mechanic to become available. Though just like in ED, I also expect it to cost a reasonable amount of both credits and time.
I'd love to see an option to "transport" a ship from one location to another, rather than "claim" a new version as occurs now, allowing the ship contents to be retained at the new location (and, in theory, allowing larger ships to be called in at outposts) - I was thinking that an ability to "expedite" would not be possible, but this could be retained (and required to be paid "upfront", not after waiting x minutes to decrease cost) to select a better pilot to deliver it\priority transport delivering it direct rather than after stopping at other destinations on the way.

In theory, once the larger Hull series arrive, we should be able to "dismantle" our ships to package them into 32+ SCU containers to alllow the transfer of a fleet to a new location, too.
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
The Galaxy's looks/functions are cool. I just wasn't keen on being unable to CCU to a 'complete' ship. Sure we could CCU to a Galaxy chassis and retain LTI. But as the base ship chassis came 'empty' without a core (e.g., cargo) module, a CCU to a standard Galaxy produced an 'incomplete' ship. IMHO CIG should sell function-complete variants, with modules swappable, rather than sell empty hulls that require separate purchases just to get to a functional ship. Ships sold should be 'complete' and ready for gameplay out of the box. As is, CIG is showing us that the 'modularity' dream is a slippery slope for buyers: Imagine many ships next becoming modular but coming without a module, requiring separate module purchases to get a complete, functional ship for many ships.
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Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
IMHO CIG should sell function-complete variants
Ah, or is it perhaps BETTER this way, as per our discussion above, I wonder if it might end up being easier NOT worrying about 'transporting' your various modules, and just 'buying' the specific module you need where you are, then 'selling' it off and buying a different one at your next port of call. I'll again use ED as an example, just because I'm familiar with it and there are certainly similarities. I'll pay to get my whole ship moved somewhere for me, but if I want to swap out a cargo rack for some limpet controllers or shield banks, I'm not going to bother and will just trade-out at a local station. This is why I'm holding on to a base LTI CCU for the Galaxy; in the hopes that the modules will be rather easy to come by in-game!


Dec 12, 2022
RSI Handle
Maybe you'll be able to rent modules, might be cheaper overall if you only needed it for a community event for example?

I thought they could have sold the Galaxy with the cheapest module (Cargo) as a combi pack. Then give people the ability to CCU the module up to a better/more expensive module, but limit it to Galaxy modules only, via the Ship Upgrade tool. Surly that would fix the "storage" issue and still give people a fully functioning ship to kick off with.

Raises the question about the Caterpillar now, do Cat owners now have 4 or 5 cargo modules they'll have to store if they buy more modules for it?
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
The Galaxy's looks/functions are cool. I just wasn't keen on being unable to CCU to a 'complete' ship. Sure we could CCU to a Galaxy chassis and retain LTI. But as the base ship chassis came 'empty' without a core (e.g., cargo) module, a CCU to a standard Galaxy produced an 'incomplete' ship. IMHO CIG should sell function-complete variants, with modules swappable, rather than sell empty hulls that require separate purchases just to get to a functional ship. Ships sold should be 'complete' and ready for gameplay out of the box. As is, CIG is showing us that the 'modularity' dream is a slippery slope for buyers: Imagine many ships next becoming modular but coming without a module, requiring separate module purchases to get a complete, functional ship for many ships.
The only way to get all of the modules and the ship together with LTI was to buy the package while it was on concept (so far). That may show up in a sale again. I bought the package. If I need another, I can upgrade a small ship I'm using as an LTI token to the base model, and I still have all of the modules from the original pack.

The only example I have of how I did this was the Endeavour. I bought one on concept with all of the modules like 4 or 5 years ago, then 2 years ago I bought the base Endeavour again. That allows me to create two Endeavors configured differently using the modules from the package.

CIG might have made a rash promise too. The Galaxy pack that had the 3 modules in it, also included an icon that looked like the outline of several packages, with the caption "future modules". That might not be what they intended but they did that. I'm not quite sure how to interpret it just yet.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
The Galaxy's looks/functions are cool. I just wasn't keen on being unable to CCU to a 'complete' ship. Sure we could CCU to a Galaxy chassis and retain LTI. But as the base ship chassis came 'empty' without a core (e.g., cargo) module, a CCU to a standard Galaxy produced an 'incomplete' ship. IMHO CIG should sell function-complete variants, with modules swappable, rather than sell empty hulls that require separate purchases just to get to a functional ship. Ships sold should be 'complete' and ready for gameplay out of the box. As is, CIG is showing us that the 'modularity' dream is a slippery slope for buyers: Imagine many ships next becoming modular but coming without a module, requiring separate module purchases to get a complete, functional ship for many ships.
Retaliator Base.
The difference there, though, was you could buy modules with LTI.
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