I give up.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
The problem I have, with regards to progress, is the project has no end goals clearly defined.
While it is certainly true that Star Citizen development could use better defined stages and delivery dates I do believe that the actual goals are at least heavily implied.
For example.
A) Suck up all the financial means of all potential customers until CIG reaches the mythical stage of being "too big to fail". (THEN start an ingame shop for "purely cosmetic items" that is sooo not pay2win to get to the remaining small change.)
B) Turn all of the Internets into one big Metave... err.. Universe. Each server a starsystem. Each router a Jumppoint. Each firewall a "shut down your engines and let me scan you". Because if they do not then that star map will never become something you can explore.
C) Turn Chris Roberts into code so he may watch over us eternally. Though he will unerringly crash with a 30K.
D) Develop new ships that can counter those ships that punched above class and made other ships obsolete that you pledged for 10 years ago or something the likes.
E) Found or take over development studios in every major town worldwide.
F) Find the answer to the question. "What was the plan again? Why did we start this?" Because yes, they did stray a little from the path the kickstarter suggested. Maybe that's what being agile means. But also yes, the actual game right now is pretty far from the original pledge. (For reference sake: Star Citizen by Cloud Imperium Games Corporation — Kickstarter I got me one of the Digital Bounty Hunter Packs. Had a good laugh at the estimated delivery date even back then.)
I admit that most of these "facts" are worth less than my work ethics. But being non existing themselves they are perfect for a reference to Star Citizen development plans.
And if you actually read this far you deserve a beer.
Prost! Cheers! Skol! Slainte!
PS: If you never hear from me again that proves that one of my claims was actually legit and CIG put a Bounty on my head. MY money is on SHODAN CR. 😸
PPS: I'm sad to hear that you are frustrated to the point of giving up on this game Mr. Bong. But just in case that you change your mind on a later date let us reserve you a space at the bar.
Even Robert Downey Jr. managed a comeback. Why wouldn't you? :o7:

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Following star citizen is a bit like flogging the log in a tree next to a closed window, imagining all the sweet babes that might be behind those sealed shutters. But joke is on us; Chris moved the rooms around and that is no longer the window to the lesbian sparring ring, instead bricking the room off in promise of a new ring with better jello physics. Rinse and repeat.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don't want to be seen as a defender nor an antagonist, but IMHO; the only things I can see wrong concern the lack of a sense of urgency. Virtually every job should be approached with a sense of urgency as a part of the work ethic, and when you answer supporters that it will be done when it is done, you've set the stage for the opposite. Complaints aside that SQ42 was added on after funding started, if CIG had a sense of urgency to release everything it could as early as possible, we'd see things like the Titan Suits and grav-lev bikes in game, which would presumably not take much. Given the Nox flies, why is there no X1? Hard to understand the reasoning behind that, except that there is no intention to deliver at this time.

We don't know anything about just how much employees feel a sense of urgency, but we do know they're not delivering on schedule and they're okay with that. CIG should probably be firing and hiring much more often.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
We don't know anything about just how much employees feel a sense of urgency, but we do know they're not delivering on schedule and they're okay with that. CIG should probably be firing and hiring much more often.
This is a project management issue. The programmers just write code, project management is where schedules and goals get set. Unless the tail wags the dog so to speak, which might be happening in the absence of strong project leadership.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't want to be seen as a defender nor an antagonist, but IMHO; the only things I can see wrong concern the lack of a sense of urgency. Virtually every job should be approached with a sense of urgency as a part of the work ethic, and when you answer supporters that it will be done when it is done, you've set the stage for the opposite. Complaints aside that SQ42 was added on after funding started, if CIG had a sense of urgency to release everything it could as early as possible, we'd see things like the Titan Suits and grav-lev bikes in game, which would presumably not take much. Given the Nox flies, why is there no X1? Hard to understand the reasoning behind that, except that there is no intention to deliver at this time.

We don't know anything about just how much employees feel a sense of urgency, but we do know they're not delivering on schedule and they're okay with that. CIG should probably be firing and hiring much more often.
You can't have a sense of urgency when deadlines are constantly missed and there are no consequences.
You also can't have a sense of urgency when the boss says, "it'll be done when it's done."


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Dante Alighieri once wrote : Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
Sure, he was reffering to the entrance of hell but I guess waiting for a finalized product called Star Citizen might be a worthy torture for the first couple of circles down there.
Abandoning hope works for me though. I stopped expecting what I should be able to do and now i'm toying with what the game lets me get away with. Just headbutted the last gangster of the 890 Jump mission with my Hornet to get him outside the big ships shield coverage. Then shot a bullet through his 'Why not?' helmet because why not? Mission cleared and 45K earned. Next thing was that upon returning home i fell through the planets surface as is the custom around these parts. And I took my sweet time suiciding because falling through Arcorps lower levels is a view to enjoy.
Between all those 30ks and game crashes and getting mortally wounded from stepping onto an invisible turtle in the middle of a spacestation that acompany us for years now I'll happily admit that CIG's Quality Management is crap.
Are they as close to a finished product as mankind is to colonizing mars? Most likely.
Am i having fun anyhow? Damn right i do.
So whatever they do wrong codewise or management wise, CIG must have done something right.
Except for if they really killed off Jax. In that case I'm out. You gotta draw the line somewhere!


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Dante Alighieri once wrote : Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
Sure, he was reffering to the entrance of hell but I guess waiting for a finalized product called Star Citizen might be a worthy torture for the first couple of circles down there.
Abandoning hope works for me though. I stopped expecting what I should be able to do and now i'm toying with what the game lets me get away with. Just headbutted the last gangster of the 890 Jump mission with my Hornet to get him outside the big ships shield coverage. Then shot a bullet through his 'Why not?' helmet because why not? Mission cleared and 45K earned. Next thing was that upon returning home i fell through the planets surface as is the custom around these parts. And I took my sweet time suiciding because falling through Arcorps lower levels is a view to enjoy.
Between all those 30ks and game crashes and getting mortally wounded from stepping onto an invisible turtle in the middle of a spacestation that acompany us for years now I'll happily admit that CIG's Quality Management is crap.
Are they as close to a finished product as mankind is to colonizing mars? Most likely.
Am i having fun anyhow? Damn right i do.
So whatever they do wrong codewise or management wise, CIG must have done something right.
Except for if they really killed off Jax. In that case I'm out. You gotta draw the line somewhere!

You are right that it's easy to lose sight in the criticism that while the game is lacking after all these years this doesn't discount the fact that a lot of us have also spent many an hour playing what they have so far delivered. Heck, I have purposefully ganked a random player just so that I could spend time in Kischer first mining for the sake of mining, trying to get other players to engage in some melee combat before just seeing the ends of the tunnel system and getting lost. There really is a lot of content and a lot of fun lore spread out in what we currently have access to. But it also doesn't excuse the valid criticism of the project. A prime example of this is what is being included in 3.18 with cargo is what I would scope out as the accomplishments of a new developer task for a quarter as they learn the code base and tools. And in fact, learning that he is a new hire it fits in with the accomplishment and I look forward to seeing what more happens. But this is just the accomplishment of one developer what are the others doing in the meantime? Where is all the development time going to is the big question and we as financial backers of the project can ask the question and depending on the answer decide if we wish to continue to contribute or move on.

As I have said over the years many a Kickstart project burned due to over-funding. And while we are still many a year away from knowing if this project will be successful or a failure it to has been greatly impacted by its funding success. And while I have and continue to enjoy what has been created I am also reminded that there is no better motivation than a starving artist when doing their craft. I mean how long have we been waiting on George Martin to finish his book? After all, when asked recently he replied this a few weeks back.
I am working on it, I have been working on it, I will continue to work on it. (Yes, I work on other things as well)," he shared in August 2022 in a blog post. " I love nothing more than to surprise my readers with twists and turns they did not see coming, and I risk losing those moments if I go into too much detail. Oct 26, 2022
Doesn't it sound familiar?

So while I have and continue to enjoy the content in the PU I am also concerned by the content they have released is far below what should have been achieved at this time with the funding and employment numbers.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Where is all the development time going to is the big question and we as financial backers of the project can ask the question and depending on the answer decide if we wish to continue to contribute or move on.
Well, I was about to post a remark about the lack of RRs in Mr. Martins name, but this sentence stopped me. No mean feat let me tell you.
You are absolutely right and I'm sure even the OP Mr. Bong can nod approvingly to this sentiment.
Take a good look at what where CIG is heading and if you do not like that direction then by all means stop funding them. But as Eric Idle rambled in the outro of "Always look on the bright side of life":
I told him, I said to him, "Bernie" I said, "they'll never make their money back"
Well, never GET their money back would have been the better quote but you get where I'm going here, right?
I'm writing this as someone who still can't explain how I'm THAT close to becoming a Space Marshal in the Chairman's Club.
The point is...
... err... ah yes! ...
The point is that even if you are fed up with the game and the company , since there's no refund anyhow, you might as well keep your stock. Maybe have a look in a year or a decade or two. Maybe you'll like what you see this time around.
Provided you can handle the cerebral implant you'll need by then.
(Damn, I really want that kind of implant like about right now)
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