I_MIKE_I , pack your bags and leave this org

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, good luck trying to get anyone in TEST to do anything by making it mandatory, you can hardly get some of us to shut up let alone follow orders.

I had an analogy about ORGs not being mandatory to play the game, and dick swinging, but reading over the post it just became a long story about dudes looking at each others junk - deleted because it didn't really mean anything in regard to the point I was trying to make...

Anyway, long story short, if you like hanging out with the boys no problem but don't make it hard, so hard on yourself by erecting a mountain out of a mole-hill, no one is forcing you to play with anyone else and if someone asks you to play with them, you can say no or if you like the idea you can grab it with both hands. Hell, you'll even be able to ask total strangers to play with you, and they can if they want, and won't if they don't. We are not Sea-Men in the Navy bound to follow orders, This is TEST. It's not like a Rear-Admiral is going to force you into a hole and demand you dig your way out.

What was I saying?

Oh, yeah. I am part of a bunch of Devisions, I'll do what looks fun and if no devision has anything fun to do i'll do nothing and play the game on my own or a bunch of other Testies who don't like the look of Div activity.

The game will be what stories you make, not some Grand Scheme that ends in an Internet article about how an org was destroyed and how a guy got banned for threatening to chop some losers hands off.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Divisions are not set in stone rules, I'm in the medic one but will probably be in more ambulances than anyone but I might do some weekend rescuing and medicining for a change of pace, maybe we decide to invade a base and I can tag along in my Cutlass red or I might say "nah I wanna go watch TV" and leave you all die.

That's what divisions mean, it's just a fancy way of saying "yeah I can do that, I got the right ship"

(I think)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Yeah but... have you considered trying non-compulsory divisions? /s :confused:
Yeah but my idea is to have divisions that are not mandatory. I should get credit for that idea. It is trademarked now. "Non-Compusary, not Mandatory, you don't gotta do as I say kinda divisions (or multiplications! They're better!) My unique idea copyrighted. . .with trademarks and patents and stuff.
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Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
Intestesting... tought it was a joke when I logged in and saw this... guess it's not.

Well, I have no administative rights on this Forum, so this Post might get changed or quoted out of context as did the stuff in the OP.

Things mentioned in the OP which were quoted, have been taken from a Thread out of the "Drama" section, where it was one of those "all german orgs are dumb" sort of things.

Personally, I'm sick of the "org XYZ" is full of idiots-threads, because frankly neither I nor any of you will know all of their members or even the majority of their members, their structure or what-not...

Im not getting through to this guy and he keeps spurting his nonsense about "Im leaving if things are not exactly as I imagine they should be".

Mike made a long post about a year ago how he disagrees with the idea of having divisions.

"Divisions are bad because they will create drama", seriously, he said that.

He went on to say how TEST will force you to be in a division (false) and how you will be stuck in a division which will limit your ability to do other things in the game (false), and so on.

He then went on to give his solution, which is to make divisions completely voluntary (which they are), and that people should be able to choose whether or not that want to participate in a division (which they can)... so basically McDonalds burger.
Too clearify this: I made two post, with suggestions notably different than what we have now.

The older post was this:

TL;DR: "Divisions" itself would only consist of Leaders/Co-Leaders with Members forming "Subdivisions" of smaller size under their command.

The newer post was this:

TL;DR the basic idea was to apply Ranks overall, rather than a Division-Based chain of command. So if you're a active, reliable person, you'd get a higher Rank and others would see that, meaning if 5 people meet in a Station, the guy with the highest Rank would be the first to ask if he could take the lead in the task at hand (i.E. Transporting stuff to another Planet).

So it's more dynamic than a old fashioned Leader, Co-Leader etc. structure... because frankly, I don't think anyone being Leader of a Division with 1000s of Members would have the nerve to micro-manage a small group multiple systems away while at the same time trying to plan out a difficult operation.

If you have no interest in such suggestions, fine, but that's no reason to falsely rub shit on me by saying I suggested exactly what you have, even less so in this fashion. I could understand you not giving a crap about my suggestions, as I can imagine you getting a full mailbox with all kinds of things, but kicking me out like this for being sceptical about a System I've failed with in multiple Games starting with Tibia (=Ultima Online kind of Game from the 90s) is just lame.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
Go find yourself an org you actually enjoy being a part of. I hear XPLOR is really nice.
I could not have said it so well.
Also, I hear ADI is recruiting. Perfect place for you.

It is a group of people who never do anything except click a Join button. (and I suspect they had someone else do that for them.)

Wtf is this. I mean some of us are dumb but Jesus this is next level.
See, ADI will be a perfect place for him.

Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way Org.
I like how you think. And talk

I like to keep things Simples... Play When, How & with Whom you wish. --- Simples.

@Montoya Make mine a triple cheesburger with tons of bacon.
And a super large order of greasy fries.
I don't give a damn about cholesterol.
Drama makes me hungry.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Too clearify this: I made two post, with suggestions notably different than what we have now.
Its the "what we have now" that you still do not understand.

"What we have now" in your head is the shit you made up for the first time.

I remember having a long PM session with you about it, and I invite you to talk with me on discord, which you do not.

You then keep bitching about being unsure about TEST being right for you, so Im helping you be sure.

TEST is not for you.


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
I could not have said it so well.
Also, I hear ADI is recruiting. Perfect place for you.

It is a group of people who never do anything except click a Join button. (and I suspect they had someone else do that for them.)

See, ADI will be a perfect place for him.

I like how you think. And talk

I like to keep things Simples... Play When, How & with Whom you wish. --- Simples.

@Montoya Make mine a triple cheesburger with tons of bacon.
And a super large order of greasy fries.
I don't give a damn about cholesterol.
Drama makes me hungry.
Just a reminder:
I approve of this idea.
In fact, my thinking and plans for game plan are basically the same.

Your ideas are laid out quite well.
I will fly with you any time.

Welcome aboard.
From one of the Posts I'm being blamed for here.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Make mine a triple cheesburger with tons of bacon.
And a super large order of greasy fries.
I don't give a damn about cholesterol.
Goddammit! All this burger talk is REALLY threatening to derail my diet. You bastards!


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
Its the "what we have now" that you still do not understand.

"What we have now" in your head is the shit you made up for the first time.

I remember having a long PM session with you about it, and I invite you to talk with me on discord, which you do not.

You then keep bitching about being unsure about TEST being right for you, so Im helping you be sure.

TEST is not for you.
I'm pretty sure we went long enough over the "current state" in our PM session for me to have a rough idea of it, I just never felt like I got my idea across to you, and frankly I'm sorry you feel offended by my suggestions by interpreting them as a "test is shit, change it to that", rather than a honest attempt to suggest possible improvements.

As for what I wrote recently in the other thread, all I was saying is, that I'm sceptical about certain things and that I'd leave TEST should it not be fun for me to be in it, which honestly, is what TEST always was about for me.

Regarding Discord: I never used those things, cause frankly... I always tought my voice sounds crap, and I'm somewhat anti social or self concious or however it's called. But I did actually buy a microphone and external soundcard (since the onboard on my PC never really worked) a while back just to go on discord with you guys... I just had kind of a bad 2017 so far, so I've been really inactive here.

Yeah, Cosmic was saying he agrees with your idea that divisions should be voluntary, which they are.

Interesting, because it was on the Thread which suggested getting rid of divisions alltogether.
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