I'm in a cult now ...


Grand Admiral
Sep 19, 2018
RSI Handle
To whoever's listening,
I think I was manipulated by Chris Roberts into buying lots of pixel ships and now I only have a few dollars. I can't quit, because now I am obligated to stay in the game. I just have too much invested. So I figured my best option would be to try and join the biggest Org. in the game, you know since I've been brainwashed by a cult and all. With my last few dollars I wanted to buy a TEST SQUADRON - BEST SQUADRON hat, It will look kool when I'm hustling on the street corner, trying to get money for the next concept ship. I know now there is no hope and there is safety in numbers and with other brainwashed cult members there might be a chance. Downward IQ says "Star Citizen backers are being manipulated" maybe he's wrong ... Ya Think.
Well let me know about the hat, it sure would help,

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