I'm out of patience


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
So, I've been a backer since 2014. Over this time, I've bought all sorts of ships, melted them, bought others and my latest passion over the last couple of years has been cultivating these 4 beautiful WB CCU chains.

These chains were
Chain 1Cumulative TotalChain 2Cumulative TotalChain 3Cumulative TotalChain 4Cumulative Total
325A60Hawk80MPUV Cargo5 (Started with Referral Bonus worth 25)Hull B90 (Includes my game package and SQ42)
Arrow65RAFT90Ranger TR10Razor95
Hull B80Razor100X1 Velocity15Constellation Taurus100
Razor85SRV105X1 Force20Hurricane105
F7C Hornet Wildfire100Khartu-Al115Hull A30San'tok.yãi115
F7C-M Super Hornet105F7C Hornet Wildfire120Cutlass Black40Mercury Star Runner120
Hurricane110F7C-m Super Hornet125RAFT50Vanguard Harbinger130
Vulcan115Vulcan130Freelancer DUR60Caterpillar135
Terrapin125Scorpius135Freelancer MAX65Starfarer Gemini145
Mercury Star Runner130Vanguard Hoplite150Prospector70Banu Merchantman155
Redeemer145Hull C165F7C-M Super Horner80
Starfarer Gemini160Defender90
Mercury Star Runner100
Starfarer Gemini130
Hull D140 (or $165)

So I've not really applied my CCU chains incase an IAE event comes along where I can incorporate some additional savings. So I've just had 4 ships: 325A, Hawk, MPUV Cargo, Hull A (From Hull B) and my daily driver Cutlass Black (which I got apart form these chains).
But this IAE there hasn't been any improvements to my CCU chains, just recycled offers and, well, okey there was one chance to knock off $5 from my Chain 2 if I got a $10 WB CCU but I figured that $190 was a nice round figure and didn't bother.

But anyhow, I ran out of patience. So I applied the Chain 2 up until F7C-M Super Hornet. F7C-M Super Hornet has couple distinct advantages over Hawk: With the nose and ball turrets it has much greater versatility ingame currently, F7C-M has slightly higher max DPS and greatly higher gimballed dps, F7C-M has the option for S4 weapon, F7C-M has missiles and F7C-M has like double the hull HP. So, even though this basically removes any wiggle room from my Chain 2, I'm pretty happy about it. And who knows, once salvage is in game properly I might go ahead and apply it all the way to Reclaimer. I'd kinda wanna try out Hull C for a while though.

I also applied Chain 4 up till Corsair. Corsair is pretty cool, especially when it's owned not rented and you can swap around the weapons how you wish. Yes, this means I've forgone any possible benefits from Hull B flight ready flight bump, but I ran like 50 calculations and recalculations and there just weren't that good chances of me benefitting from the Hull B bump since I already got $40 off on that Constellation Taurus. Besides, I got that second Hull B there that I can try my luck with.

I'm very much looking forward to the next year, and I'll still keep WB CCU watches going in the future events, maybe even cultivate a 5th chain (lol). But finally applying (some of my) CCUs after sitting on them for so long seemed like an occasion worth commemorating by shitposting. 🍻 :like:


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
Great way of doing things IMO! I tend to have several 'stops' in my chains where I allow myself to try out a ship for a patch/year/whatever. Hurricane, Scorpius, MSR, and Redeemer are other fun 'stopping points' I see in your chains if interested. Do remember though that your Chain 3 is NOT meltable, so perhaps be a little more deliberate with that one than the others. Also IMO the SH is really a great ship. I'm currently testing out a Scorpius in one of my chains and have a hard time deciding which of those two I like better, but having the ability to take a second person in a real fighter is a pretty good perk!


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
You did better than me on the BMM - I'm on a $310 melt value if I close out its chain (drops by 40 if I use a referrral dragonfly). That said, I've only been doing this for a year (First CCU's were from last year's IAE - I blame the RAFT for getting me into the game so much), so there should be plenty of time to drop the price a little more.

My intention is to cycle my credit to buy ships I want in my final fleet, then swap them out each quarter with buyback tokens, closing out the CCU chains when I'm certain that the ship is in its final state and I like it still.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh wow I thought my 235 buck merchantman was impressive but you've truly made me feel like a useless piece of shit! :D

Seriously thou - you've got like 2000+ worth of ships there for like 600 odd bucks!! Outstanding work.

@Montoya I propose we promote FZD to Chancellor of the Exchequer ASAP!!!


Space Marshal
Staff member
Feb 19, 2018
RSI Handle
Oh man, that's impressive! @FZD 🥂 !

I didn't want to invest in concepts, so I had to spend much more on my fleet... : / The only concept I bought was Polaris (CCU), my future flagship; I told myself "that would be the only exception, no more concepts", until I saw Odyssey... my potential alternative flagship. I had to buy a CCU to it in case it's better than Polaris once it's released; I will choose one, I don't need them both.

Both Polaris and Odyssey are waiting at the end of two similar CCU chains -- both are based on Starlifter and Hammerhead -- and I'm not touching them; I'm using my A2, which was created by the long series of upgrades, originally being Origin X1 Velocity LTI ; )


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Congratulations @FZD I know you waited a very long time for those.

With RSI this weekend, I'll also complete myself a few long term CCU chains, each of them in their respective starter package with LTI (to have a free npc slot).

I'm still annoyed that I did forgot to buy back my 16x HullB ccus earlier this year, as I had everything else ready for my chains (16 ccued nomad lti in package, and all remaining CCUs to targeted ships). I lost one year because of that and had to dig in/buy new intermediate ccus to try to close the difference I lost not using those CCUs. My BMM tokens would have been at 125 with LTI and SC package without that mistake (110 without package).

I'll build those this weekend:

2*Polaris - one at 190, one at 195
1*Perseus -175
2*Odyssey - 195 (or 200)
4*BMM - 145-155 each.

More pics to follow after everything is assembled.

Then I'll wait and see next year how the C1 will do, if we will have Warbond CCU for it, and at what price it will be released. It might almost match what I lost with the hull B, pairing it with other CCUs below the old Taurus price CCU (150) that I have left in hangar.

Then I'm planning to add more LTI packages to the fleet in 2023, with my current BMM ccus stock:
At least 2xBMM at 150,
1*Polaris at 200,
3*Hull-E at 320-325 each (did already 2 Hull-E last IAE 2021 at 300 each, out of a 125 BMM iirc, before adding package cost of 15, plus 10 from BMM to Carrack Warbond plus 150 from Carrack to Hull-E)
2*Liberator at 175 each
2*Orion at 175 each

I'll still have after that enough in hangar to do around 16 more BMM as token (ranging from 150 to 160 melt) for any high end ships between 550 and 750 or more depending on future release.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Great way of doing things IMO! I tend to have several 'stops' in my chains where I allow myself to try out a ship for a patch/year/whatever. Hurricane, Scorpius, MSR, and Redeemer are other fun 'stopping points' I see in your chains if interested.
Yeah, absolutely!

Do remember though that your Chain 3 is NOT meltable, so perhaps be a little more deliberate with that one than the others.
That's true, so I've been thinking I'll put my second most anticipated ship on it. I'll only apply it after I test it out, of course. Luckily my chains tend to have Starfarer Gemini in them, so the end-ships are pretty interchangeable.

Nice fleet. Unfortunately the CCU game has been the most compelling and enduring gameplay loop thus far.
Hah! Yeah, the time I've spent on CCU game, both in app and on my own excel spreadsheet that predates the app, is quite considerable.

You did better than me on the BMM - I'm on a $310 melt value if I close out its chain (drops by 40 if I use a referrral dragonfly). That said, I've only been doing this for a year (First CCU's were from last year's IAE - I blame the RAFT for getting me into the game so much), so there should be plenty of time to drop the price a little more.
A year or two more, some luck, maybe leveraging Endeavor / Crucible and you'll get there :)

Oh wow I thought my 235 buck merchantman was impressive but you've truly made me feel like a useless piece of shit! :D

Seriously thou - you've got like 2000+ worth of ships there for like 600 odd bucks!! Outstanding work.

@Montoya I propose we promote FZD to Chancellor of the Exchequer ASAP!!!
lmao! Yeah, we'll see where the final sum ends up being. I'm fully expecting BMM, Endeavor and Hull D still climb in price.

Oh man, that's impressive! @FZD 🥂 !

I didn't want to invest in concepts, so I had to spend much more on my fleet... : / The only concept I bought was Polaris (CCU), my future flagship; I told myself "that would be the only exception, no more concepts", until I saw Odyssey... my potential alternative flagship. I had to buy a CCU to it in case it's better than Polaris once it's released; I will choose one, I don't need them both.

Both Polaris and Odyssey are waiting at the end of two similar CCU chains -- both are based on Starlifter and Hammerhead -- and I'm not touching them; I'm using my A2, which was created by the long series of upgrades, originally being Origin X1 Velocity LTI ; )
Thanks 🥂 ! Odyssey, that'd be quite a flagship I imagine. Boldly going where no player has gone before I wager.

Congratulations @FZD I know you waited a very long time for those.

With RSI this weekend, I'll also complete myself a few long term CCU chains, each of them in their respective starter package with LTI (to have a free npc slot).

I'm still annoyed that I did forgot to buy back my 16x HullB ccus earlier this year, as I had everything else ready for my chains (16 ccued nomad lti in package, and all remaining CCUs to targeted ships). I lost one year because of that and had to dig in/buy new intermediate ccus to try to close the difference I lost not using those CCUs. My BMM tokens would have been at 125 with LTI and SC package without that mistake (110 without package).

I'll build those this weekend:

2*Polaris - one at 190, one at 195
1*Perseus -175
2*Odyssey - 195 (or 200)
4*BMM - 145-155 each.

More pics to follow after everything is assembled.

Then I'll wait and see next year how the C1 will do, if we will have Warbond CCU for it, and at what price it will be released. It might almost match what I lost with the hull B, pairing it with other CCUs below the old Taurus price CCU (150) that I have left in hangar.

Then I'm planning to add more LTI packages to the fleet in 2023, with my current BMM ccus stock:
At least 2xBMM at 150,
1*Polaris at 200,
3*Hull-E at 320-325 each (did already 2 Hull-E last IAE 2021 at 300 each, out of a 125 BMM iirc, before adding package cost of 15, plus 10 from BMM to Carrack Warbond plus 150 from Carrack to Hull-E)
2*Liberator at 175 each
2*Orion at 175 each

I'll still have after that enough in hangar to do around 16 more BMM as token (ranging from 150 to 160 melt) for any high end ships between 550 and 750 or more depending on future release.
Glorious! :glorious: Also, ouch about the Hull B CCUs. Those are still absolutely amazing CCU chains though!

I'm impressed to think the only chains I have were to swap out some ships I didn't like from a package.
That's a start. Hear the siren call of the IAE and the CCU game :like:


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
So, I've been a backer since 2014. Over this time, I've bought all sorts of ships, melted them, bought others
Don't scare me like that.
For a second I got the impression that this is one of these "I quit because they never finish this game!!!" kinda things.
Glad I got it wrong though.
Nice chains you got there by the way. 👍


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah, absolutely!

That's true, so I've been thinking I'll put my second most anticipated ship on it. I'll only apply it after I test it out, of course. Luckily my chains tend to have Starfarer Gemini in them, so the end-ships are pretty interchangeable.

Hah! Yeah, the time I've spent on CCU game, both in app and on my own excel spreadsheet that predates the app, is quite considerable.

A year or two more, some luck, maybe leveraging Endeavor / Crucible and you'll get there :)

lmao! Yeah, we'll see where the final sum ends up being. I'm fully expecting BMM, Endeavor and Hull D still climb in price.

Thanks 🥂 ! Odyssey, that'd be quite a flagship I imagine. Boldly going where no player has gone before I wager.

Glorious! :glorious: Also, ouch about the Hull B CCUs. Those are still absolutely amazing CCU chains though!

That's a start. Hear the siren call of the IAE and the CCU game :like:
I hear the call and buy warbonds and then never melt.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Don't scare me like that.
For a second I got the impression that this is one of these "I quit because they never finish this game!!!" kinda things.
Glad I got it wrong though.
Nice chains you got there by the way. 👍
This may or may not have been my intention ;)


Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
I hear the call and buy warbonds and then never melt.
Same! But isn't that what you should be doing? Apart from the 1 or 2 credit buybacks allowed per quarter, if you want them back you would have to pay real money again, plus if the target ships go up in MSRP while the CCUs are in your buybacks, the cost to buy them back goes up too. I'm just sitting with all my warbond CCUs, and my speculative non-warbond CCUs to unreleased ships. Aren't buybacks best used for actual ships - LTI tokens, bigger ships, things that are valuable enough you are willing to use a buyback token for them?


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Hah! Yeah, the time I've spent on CCU game, both in app and on my own excel spreadsheet that predates the app, is quite considerable.
Maintaining my spreadsheet over the years, with stock in hangar and buyback, and all the ccu chains, was a real pain before CCU Games.
God bless rischwa for making this wonderfull tool 😄 🍻


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Just in case to prevent any Perseus price bump, I went ahead of RSI day and bought back some BMM to Perseus using token and credits.

Polaris at 190.50 secured, with game package + LTI


edit : and did the same for the second Polaris, with my remaining token, for a BMM to Perseus ccu.

Polaris at 195.50 secured, with game package + LTI

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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Don't sweat the "what ifs" or "if I only"...enjoy your fleet man, those are huge savings anyone would love to have gotten.
People gladly paid full price for those!
I used to pay full price :) Bought a standalone polaris LTI from @DirectorGunner 2 years ago (melted since).

Then I realised that is wasnt the best thing to do, as I discovered the ccu mania ;)


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
Just in case to prevent any Perseus price bump, I went ahead of RSI day and bought back some BMM to Perseus using token and credits.
Yeah I grabbed an old HH->Polaris out of buyback on a whim just in case the Polaris makes an unexpected price jump this year; I'm worried it's due. . .
I have a harder time figuring out my exact cost of each ship than you guys as most of my ships are all built out of the old 5-ship Explorer package, but it total it's averaging a 50% savings, netting me the Carrack w/C8X, BMM, Redeemer, Scorpius, and a Cutty Black all for $1000. Have unapplied CCUs to make the BMM into a Polaris and the Black might go to either a 600iE or the new Galaxy!
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