Sup TESTies.
I'm seeing a distinct lack of (open) love for pirates, especially all these Bounty Hunters and Escort pilots getting organized.
So, let's raise that Black Flag boys, and get a roll call.
I, AntiSqueaker, do declare myself a corsair, a freebooter, a buccaneer, a scallywag, raider, marauder, and pirate. Who's with me?
Also, I've been brainstorming some names for a pirate "blanket" group name, since we will probably have a chunk of smaller squadrons covering different regions of space, rather than a more cohesive unit (although I could be very wrong about that).
I'm particularly fond of "TEST PALS": Private Asset Liberation Squadron.
So, fellow pirates, (and those interested in the idea!), let's chat about what you want to loot, how you want to do it, and why you think piracy sounds awesome!
Also welcome are Assassins (aka Bounty Hunters minus Morality and Legality), Smugglers, and other riff-raff.
Just to say that this is an entirely optional "group", although I think it's more of just us pirates talking. You can be a full fledged member of any TEST pirate squadron and leave to join other squads (pirates or no) at your leisure. Additionally, I am not in charge of TEST piracy in any way, shape or manner. This thread is to collect and gauge interest and ideas for TEST members interested in piracy.
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