Yea, I was looking at some possible overlap there, but honestly still not the offensive ship disabler that I am hoping for. I'm looking for something I can have that is specifically outfitted for that purpose. Basically, if I get space-jacked, I want to be able to grab a ship and go take my shit back. It may not work out like that with any of the ships, but that's essentially what I'm looking for.The Herald can also do a decent amount of E-War. Yes it's not equiped with an EMP module,
but it comes with a decent amount of Data-Spike Missles and a large amount of processing power (to deal with encryption)
When it manages to establish a link to the ennemy ship with one of it's dataspike missles, it can manipulate ship systems possibly rendering it defenseless.
Sorry to throw this ship back in the pool :P