It's here!!! Star Wars Episode IX teaser!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I highly recommend ignore this guy. He is so ignorant of the thing he is pretending to teach that I was not able to watch more than half the vid.

WHEN HE SAYS that the rear foot goes to the side in order to provide lateral stability, he is not only wrong, but in complete disagreement with all European/Olympic style fencing taught for hundreds of years. He obviously knows nothing about this subject. In fencing, the rear foot does go behind the front one.

WHEN HE SAYS that holding the weapon in reverse grip has no use, he is in complete disagreement with all Chinese martial arts, and though he may not like any chinese styles, there are certainly reasons at times to hold the weapon backward. All melee weapons have an outer range where they can reach to, and an inner range inside which they cannot be used to parry, block or do damage. The inner range limit is eliinated when you hold the weapon backward, and is specifically used in what is called "in-fighting". That is what the term comes from--using the weapon at ranges inside its natural inner limit is infighting. There are several ways to do infighting without reversing the weapon, but reversing the weapon is a staple for infighting.

Ignore this guy. Not worth watching.
Knowledge bomb. I like it.

I also ignored this guy because I enjoyed the movie, and I don't go looking for reasons to hate on it. If I like something, I like it for my reasons. If I dislike something, I dislike it for my own reasons. I'm a simple man.


Space Marshal
Dec 9, 2015
RSI Handle
I will watch and probably enjoy this movie. Ive accepted that these prequels and sequels will never live up to the experience I had watching the original trilogy as a kid.
Hell I dont think rewatching the original trilogy can do that.
I do enjoy the star wars universe so Im looking forward to were they take us this time! (calling sarlacc pit!)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Knowledge bomb. I like it.
Ahsoka Tano is famous for holding her light saber in reverse grip often. Almost all the time she is running, she holds it reversed.

What this means is, she is ready to infight, meaning if she is surprised, she is able to fight at zero range. Given she is small with a short reach, habitually closing on her opponents to a range inside their ability to hit and striking from there, is certainly the right way for her to fight, and she does this often and well. FYI, that is the best way to fight if you have a short range--close inside your opponent's range.

So for instance, ALL of the sai fighting styles from Okinawa alternate between throwing the sai to impale the forward foot of the samurai to the ground (this is why the sai practicioner carried three weapons), and closing inside the range of the katana to stab with the sai. All of the flipping motions (moving the weapon back and forth between forward and reverse grip) developed for the sai are the results of moving in and out of infighting range. In reverse grip, the sai protects the forearm of the wielder, and the pommel is usd to strike at the closest range possible, which is with the arm deeply bent and the index finger along the hilt and just short of the pommel. You can strike someone this way very effectively at mere inches from your chest.

If you don't know anything about Asian fighting styles, you are not competent to complain about LucasArts fight choreography, which has actually gotten better and better over the years. Compare the fight scene between Obiwan and Darth Vader in A New Hope, which actually sucked pretty badly; against the fighting scene between Obiwan and Darth Maul in Phantom Menace. Or just look at the fight scenes in Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels. Lucasarts has gotten better and better over the years and Ray's fighting is actually quite good for someone who has had no training. She's a natural.


Space Marshal
Oct 16, 2015
RSI Handle
I highly recommend ignore this guy. He is so ignorant of the thing he is pretending to teach that I was not able to watch more than half the vid.

WHEN HE SAYS that the rear foot goes to the side in order to provide lateral stability, he is not only wrong, but in complete disagreement with all European/Olympic style fencing taught for hundreds of years. He obviously knows nothing about this subject. In fencing, the rear foot does go behind the front one.

WHEN HE SAYS that holding the weapon in reverse grip has no use, he is in complete disagreement with all Chinese martial arts, and though he may not like any chinese styles, there are certainly reasons at times to hold the weapon backward. All melee weapons have an outer range where they can reach to, and an inner range inside which they cannot be used to parry, block or do damage. The inner range limit is eliinated when you hold the weapon backward, and is specifically used in what is called "in-fighting". That is what the term comes from--using the weapon at ranges inside its natural inner limit is infighting. There are several ways to do infighting without reversing the weapon, but reversing the weapon is a staple for infighting.

Ignore this guy. Not worth watching.
I mainly linked it since it shows the scene I was referencing before. I have removed it and the other offending posts though and hope you all continue to have a good time. I'm sorry that I cannot see things the same way you all can.

I'll be seeing myself out now as I have no desire to continue to defend my opinion / and or rain on anyone else's parade, as it seems I've caused offense.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I mainly linked it since it shows the scene I was referencing before. I have removed it and the other offending posts though and hope you all continue to have a good time. I'm sorry that I cannot see things the same way you all can.

I'll be seeing myself out now as I have no desire to continue to defend my opinion / and or rain on anyone else's parade, as it seems I've caused offense.
Hi, sorry to hear your enthusiasm for the subject has been dampened somewhat @WaterShield (pun intended)

I don't mean to force you to continue discussing as you have stated you have backed out, so please feel no obligation to respond to my following question:

I saw the title and theme of the video linked to, but didn't watch it. I assume it was pointing out errors in the fight coriography according to the opinion of the video maker.

Others contributed their opinion based upon subjective angles such as specific fighting styles that they appeared to be familiar with.

So my question, to everyone who contributed to this thread, if you would be so kind as to indulge me:

What is your personal experience in swordplay?

I know we have a TEST member who is so into fencing they were on the way to introducing a new type of the sport until technical issues foiled their attempts (no pun intended). I would just be interested to know how authoritative the responses were and what experience the OP has, to see who may have had the most valid point or if we were all theorycrafting.

I don't want to work out who was the winner, I am just wondering if next time a subject like this comes up stating "I have a masters degree in sword making" or "I don't know shit about swords but I've read a book on Martial Arts and watch a lot of TV" may help conversation.


Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I'll be seeing myself out now as I have no desire to continue to defend my opinion / and or rain on anyone else's parade, as it seems I've caused offense.
I'm not offended and certainly anyone can hold whatever opinion they like! I will own I am always defensive of George Lucas and his contributions. George has gotten dumped on mightily since the forth movie came out, and honestly there are very few storytellers in history who have worked so hard across so many disciplines to provide what are really classic, iconic, archtypal stories. George deserves a defender and when I see a guy who has owned a sword for two weeks making vids about stuff he hasn't a clue. . . .well I'm part Irish, and a redhead, is all I can say.

Stick around. We all have thick skins and this is a cool peeps place. You belong.


Space Marshal
Oct 16, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm not offended and certainly anyone can hold whatever opinion they like! I will own I am always defensive of George Lucas and his contributions. George has gotten dumped on mightily since the forth movie came out, and honestly there are very few storytellers in history who have worked so hard across so many disciplines to provide what are really classic, iconic, archtypal stories. George deserves a defender and when I see a guy who has owned a sword for two weeks making vids about stuff he hasn't a clue. . . .well I'm part Irish, and a redhead, is all I can say.

Stick around. We all have thick skins and this is a cool peeps place. You belong.
I'm bad with conflict.

To clarify, I meant this discussion. Not the ORG at large.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Ahsoka Tano is famous for holding her light saber in reverse grip often. Almost all the time she is running, she holds it reversed.

What this means is, she is ready to infight, meaning if she is surprised, she is able to fight at zero range. Given she is small with a short reach, habitually closing on her opponents to a range inside their ability to hit and striking from there, is certainly the right way for her to fight, and she does this often and well. FYI, that is the best way to fight if you have a short range--close inside your opponent's range.

So for instance, ALL of the sai fighting styles from Okinawa alternate between throwing the sai to impale the forward foot of the samurai to the ground (this is why the sai practicioner carried three weapons), and closing inside the range of the katana to stab with the sai. All of the flipping motions (moving the weapon back and forth between forward and reverse grip) developed for the sai are the results of moving in and out of infighting range. In reverse grip, the sai protects the forearm of the wielder, and the pommel is usd to strike at the closest range possible, which is with the arm deeply bent and the index finger along the hilt and just short of the pommel. You can strike someone this way very effectively at mere inches from your chest.

If you don't know anything about Asian fighting styles, you are not competent to complain about LucasArts fight choreography, which has actually gotten better and better over the years. Compare the fight scene between Obiwan and Darth Vader in A New Hope, which actually sucked pretty badly; against the fighting scene between Obiwan and Darth Maul in Phantom Menace. Or just look at the fight scenes in Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels. Lucasarts has gotten better and better over the years and Ray's fighting is actually quite good for someone who has had no training. She's a natural.
Damn. More knowledge.Thanks Reap.
Side note: I love Ahsoka's style. I think she's one of my favourite characters across the shows. I can't wait to finish rebels to see her story out.
I'll be seeing myself out now as I have no desire to continue to defend my opinion / and or rain on anyone else's parade, as it seems I've caused offense.
Damn brother, no offense taken here. Just good debate. You didn't come across as a hater for the sake of hating, so I for one have no issue at all. Your view is your view. You do you, bro.
George has gotten dumped on mightily since the forth movie came out, and honestly there are very few storytellers in history who have worked so hard across so many disciplines to provide what are really classic, iconic, archtypal stories. George deserves a defender
Concur. I love his work, his vision. I accept what is released for what it is (which is awesome), not hate on it because its not what I wanted. I accept entertainment as what it is - entertainment.

If I wanted to see my vision, my dream, realized on film, I'd take some film classes and go make it, haha. That being said, my dreams/vision are realized when I hold my wife, or run around watering plants in the rain with my 3 year old son (as we did today, because the rain needed help). I don't need a movie or game to realize them.
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