It's here!!! Star Wars Episode IX teaser!


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
If the emperor is dead, would he be a red glowie? think of it this way. Supposedly Sith have red sabers from the kyber crystals turning red by the Sith using them. Which explains why a Jedi has a blue saber ( and they are blue glowies when they die.) so would the emperor be a red glowie if he dies? and are kyber crystals essentially mood rings?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Not going to agree or disagree with anyone but personally Im gonna watch it and enjoy it for what it is.
Concur. Strongly
I see a lot of old farts complaining here, but that is because you are old farts.

My kids absolutely love the newer Star Wars, it has truly moved onto the next generation (including Clone wars and Rebels).

I try show them the original episodes, but they just look "old" to them.

Add to that the fact that my oldest is a girl and having Rey as a powerful Jedi is as magical to her as Luke was to me when I was her age.

The problem is that the magic we experienced with the original 4,5, and 6 is something we can never re-live. We saw it, we experienced it, and we can not get that again. Way too many adults were hoping to get that sense of awe as you saw the AT-AT walk across Hoth for the first time. You will not, that time has passed.

The younger generation are the ones that get to experience it with fresh eyes in episode 1,2 and 3, and all the new spin offs.
Well said boss. I love the new movies for what they are. I don't try to capture the nostalgia of the old ones. I just enjoy. And my 3 year old son freaking LOVES Star Wars, so someone somewhere is doing something right.

Also, good edit on my thread title. I was out and about and meant to fix that, haha. Cheers.
Old farts are we for not wanting that which we grew up loving getting destroyed & disrespected? Well my response to that is simple
I’ve really enjoyed the new Disney films, and am looking forward to this
Ha! Hilarious.

Also, I don't view it as getting destroyed and disrespected. I am on the side of loving the new films. They are fun, refreshing, new, exciting, and downright entertaining. The above statement from the Boss about sums it up, lol.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
If the emperor is dead, would he be a red glowie? think of it this way. Supposedly Sith have red sabers from the kyber crystals turning red by the Sith using them. Which explains why a Jedi has a blue saber ( and they are blue glowies when they die.) so would the emperor be a red glowie if he dies? and are kyber crystals essentially mood rings?
The Keg of Knowledge must know,!

Also, fighting the specter of Palpatine in the ruins of the second Death Star will make for some awesome story telling. I cannot wait.


Vice Admiral
Mar 4, 2019
RSI Handle
If the emperor is dead, would he be a red glowie? think of it this way. Supposedly Sith have red sabers from the kyber crystals turning red by the Sith using them. Which explains why a Jedi has a blue saber ( and they are blue glowies when they die.) so would the emperor be a red glowie if he dies? and are kyber crystals essentially mood rings?
Well we have seen the Sith glow the exact same way in various sources outside the main movies as well. A force ghost almost always appears the same way. The only distinct change we have seen visually was when they replaced old Anakin with young Anakin before he turned to the dark side.

Kyber crystals come in tons of colors but most of the remaining Jedi have kept 2 colors which in the old days meant a different concept Blue (was originally wielded by classified Jedi Guardians focused on the physical side more so supposedly), most recently wielded by Obi-wan, Yound Anakin and Rey. Then we have Green ( was originally meant to be wielded by Jedi Consulars focused towards more spiritual/psychic side of the force), most recently wielded by Luke Skywalker when fully trained (used his father's originally), Qui Gon Jin and Yoda


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Well we have seen the Sith glow the exact same way in various sources outside the main movies as well. A force ghost almost always appears the same way. The only distinct change we have seen visually was when they replaced old Anakin with young Anakin before he turned to the dark side.

Kyber crystals come in tons of colors but most of the remaining Jedi have kept 2 colors which in the old days meant a different concept Blue (was originally wielded by classified Jedi Guardians focused on the physical side more so supposedly), most recently wielded by Obi-wan, Yound Anakin and Rey. Then we have Green ( was originally meant to be wielded by Jedi Consulars focused towards more spiritual/psychic side of the force), most recently wielded by Luke Skywalker when fully trained (used his father's originally), Qui Gon Jin and Yoda
There were all sorts of colors of crystal, my favorite was the purple light saber often used by "Grey" Jedi members such as Mace Windu (Samuel L Jackson).


Vice Admiral
Mar 4, 2019
RSI Handle
I think my favorite visually was from the SWTOR games with Black/Blue. If I was going to pick one from known canon character it would be yellow wielded by Bastilla Shan and Ahsoka Tano ( who also wielded dual white sabers which means she was a Neutral force wielder)


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I always enjoyed Star Wars but I was never a huge 'wars nerd per se. I've enjoyed them all and never compared the original trilogy to the newer films. Expecting to re-catch lightning in a bottle is an unrealistic expectation IMHO. Nostalgia is king in the child's heart of man.

I always laughed when people complained how whiny Anakin was or how annoying Jar Jar was in the prequels, as if these issues didn't exist in the originals. I mean come'on ... C3PO was a robotic a-hole (arguably more annoying than Jar Jar) and Luke was a moaning teenage emo in the original trilogy ... sound familiar? It just always seemed like a lot of the critiques people had with the newer movies could equally be applied to the originals if viewed through an objective lens.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I always enjoyed Star Wars but I was never a huge 'wars nerd per se. I've enjoyed them all and never compared the original trilogy to the newer films. Expecting to re-catch lightning in a bottle is an unrealistic expectation IMHO. Nostalgia is king in the child's heart of man.

I always laughed when people complained how whiny Anakin was or how annoying Jar Jar was in the prequels, as if these issues didn't exist in the originals. I mean come'on ... C3PO was a robotic a-hole (arguably more annoying than Jar Jar) and Luke was a moaning teenage emo in the original trilogy ... sound familiar? It just always seemed like a lot of the critiques people had with the newer movies could equally be applied to the originals if viewed through an objective lens.
Well said. And so freaking true.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle

Whoever is doing the choreography needs to be fired IMO.

I'm glad some people are enjoying the new movies, but I can't see them as anything more than poorly executed cash grabs.
Yeah ... it's nerds like that who drive me crazy. lol

8 minute video dissecting the "fighting skills" within a movie ... has no problem watching and listening to the Death Star exploding in the vacuum of space. Pretty much sums up the homerism people have when it comes to nostalgia. It's a friggin movie. If you're watching light sabre jousting frame by frame, you need a hobby.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I'd take issue with the disappearing dagger regardless of what movie it was. It was a lazy edit.

I don't have to be nostalgia blind to have some standards.
But by your own standards Return of the Jedi/Empire must be considered horribly edited films. Yet they are arguably the consensus best Star Wars films ever made.
You can find mistake and bad edits in nearly every and any movie ever made. There's books, movies, and youtube channels devoted to pointing them out.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
The fact that the edit is to cover a mistake in choreography in a fight is what tips it for me. Oh look I could totes just stab Rey in the back with the dagger that woosh... is no longer in my hand.

It literally just disapears 1 frame to the next and can be seen happening with the naked eye if you are being observant.
Meh ... yeah, it honestly just seems like a silly critique to me. A critique that goes relatively unnoticed until you pause, rewind, and slow down the scene. Meanwhile people don't bat an eye with complete background changes or wardrobe changes in between cuts that require no "microscope" to notice in the originals. So many so that you can actually make a drinking game out of it.

Based on "cinematic standards", why is Vader and Luke seemingly teleporting to a different location between cuts acceptable while fast paced fighting errors aren't? Are we critiquing based on reason or are we critiquing with our hearts? At the end of the day I could care less about most movie mistakes because they don't really affect the core of the movie ... but if you're going to use such mistakes as fodder then I feel you have to be fair about it.
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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I enjoyed all of the movies to one degree or another and when the 9 comes out and makes it to dvd, i'm probably gonna watch em all including solo and rogue one and just watch the guys at cinema sins rip on each one between movies. Those guys are self-admitted a-holes but they're good at pointing out the plot sins in movies and getting a chuckle. In other words, I'm just in it to have a good time. They each have they're pluses and minuses, like the original trilogy, I thought it was great when I first saw it but subsequent watchings just don't get the same feeling, plus the tech and special effects haven't aged as well as one might have hoped


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
My goal was just to show how someone can dislike the movie without it being purely due to nostalgia.
And I get that. I was just eluding to my original comment. "It just always seemed like a lot of the critiques people had with the newer movies could equally be applied to the originals if viewed through an objective lens."

To me, pointing out cinematography mistakes in the newer films while ignoring similar mistakes in the old movies sorta falls into that statement. Unless of course you dislike the originals because of the cinematography mistakes as well . I wouldn't agree with such reasoning personally, but I'd respect the consistent opinion.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
The fact that the edit is to cover a mistake in choreography in a fight is what tips it for me. Oh look I could totes just stab Rey in the back with the dagger that woosh... is no longer in my hand.

It literally just disappears 1 frame to the next and can be seen happening with the naked eye if you are being observant.

In comparison in Episodes 1-3 (which most people hated compared to the original trilogy and still decry as being bad) the fight choreography is much better done. I'm not asking for perfection from them here.
A lot of the criticism of the new films seems to reference gender.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper

Whoever is doing the choreography needs to be fired IMO.
I highly recommend ignore this guy. He is so ignorant of the thing he is pretending to teach that I was not able to watch more than half the vid.

WHEN HE SAYS that the rear foot goes to the side in order to provide lateral stability, he is not only wrong, but in complete disagreement with all European/Olympic style fencing taught for hundreds of years. He obviously knows nothing about this subject. In fencing, the rear foot does go behind the front one.

WHEN HE SAYS that holding the weapon in reverse grip has no use, he is in complete disagreement with all Chinese martial arts, and though he may not like any chinese styles, there are certainly reasons at times to hold the weapon backward. All melee weapons have an outer range where they can reach to, and an inner range inside which they cannot be used to parry, block or do damage. The inner range limit is eliinated when you hold the weapon backward, and is specifically used in what is called "in-fighting". That is what the term comes from--using the weapon at ranges inside its natural inner limit is infighting. There are several ways to do infighting without reversing the weapon, but reversing the weapon is a staple for infighting.

Ignore this guy. Not worth watching.
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