I’m on mobile so the search function isn’t that glorious. Plus I’m using ios13 beta so that probably plays a part in it too.
is there a list of terminology and it’s meaning ?
Melting , what is it ?
LTI I know what it means but how do you get it ?
CCU. I’ve no idea what that is.
Thanks peoples.
Here, try the official RSI knowledge Base of articles, i can't find any specific glossery but generally if you put in the term there seems to mostly be an article about it:
Star Citizen has a concept called Reclaiming. Our community frequently calls it Melting. These are one and the same, and here's how it works! When a pledge is reclaimed onto your account, it is con...
LTI, what it is and how to get it:
The 'Verse is a vast place, and unfortunately not all of it is safe. At some point you may find yourself face-to-face (or ship-to-ship) with an alien fighter squad, a pirate scouting party, or sim...
Ship upgrades, which were formerly known as Cross Chassis Upgrades (CCUs), allow you to change the ship or vehicle in your pledge to a ship of higher value. If the ship you wish to change to is of ...
There may be a few things that are not totally 100% obvious, for instance the above does not cover that once you have LTI, you can then CCU to another ship you
actually want and retain the LTI on that ship. I only two craft that are original with their LTI (both ground vehicles), all the others are CCU's.
There are other things on there such as the below which I found with the search term "fun" so have a scout around and see what you can learn:
Ships are the heart and soul of Star Citizen, giving you the freedom to explore the 'Verse and visit ports, moons, and planets and achieve your goals- Whatever they may be. Ground vehicles are also...
Hope helps, any questions please don't hesitate to ask on here, it's what we are here for! And if you think your question is too stupid to ask, my first SC gameplay question was "How do you get off the toilet?" as I sat on my Connies crapper and then could not get up again. Turns out in that patch (2.4 I think it was) you have to press
and hold a certain button to get up from a seat.