Jargon buster


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
I’m on mobile so the search function isn’t that glorious. Plus I’m using ios13 beta so that probably plays a part in it too.

is there a list of terminology and it’s meaning ?
Melting , what is it ?
LTI I know what it means but how do you get it ?
CCU. I’ve no idea what that is.
Thanks peoples.


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
'Melting' is turning a ship you have purchased back into store credit, usually to be applied towards another ship. There are further implications of this but be carefull because 'store credit' does not buy the same as actual cash.

LTI is a perk offered to buyers of concept ships or game packages priced (usually) $1000 US or above. The only way to get LTI on a ship that is currently in game you need to buy a (small) LTI concept ship and CCU (Cross Chasis Upgrade) to the ship you desire. You can not CCU to a ship that has a lower price tag than the LTI ship you are starting with.

The best way to get aquainted with all this stuff is to get into Discord and voice talk...


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
LTI is a perk offered to buyers of concept ships or game packages priced (usually) $1000 US or above. The only way to get LTI on a ship that is currently in game you need to buy a (small) LTI concept ship and CCU (Cross Chasis Upgrade) to the ship you desire. You can not CCU to a ship that has a lower price tag than the LTI ship you are starting with.
Also be aware that some limited ships you can't CCU into, here is a post by @Black Sunder that mentions the limitations https://testsquadron.com/threads/no-more-hercules-a2-orion-or-hull-e-upgrades.15960/


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I’m on mobile so the search function isn’t that glorious. Plus I’m using ios13 beta so that probably plays a part in it too.

is there a list of terminology and it’s meaning ?
Melting , what is it ?
LTI I know what it means but how do you get it ?
CCU. I’ve no idea what that is.
Thanks peoples.
Those are great questions...it took me a long time to finally "get it" and feel comfortabel with the terms and with ship buying esoterics.

Reading about it is tough...@StdDev 's suggestion to hop on Discord & talk about it is probably the best thing.

At some point, if you have a specific action you were thinking about, definitely post it in a thread before you do anything, just to make sure you correctly understand everything.


Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Melting - Have a ship you don't like and want to trade it in for store credit? Go exchange it under your hangar in your profile!

LTI - Acquisition of LTI will vary depending on the sale of a ship, you can also upgrade a ship you currently have with LTI into a new ship, bringing the LTI with you!

CCU - Taking one ship and turning it into a nice and shiny new space or ground faring vehicle through the ship upgrades section of the store. *NOT ALL SHIPS CAN BE UPGRADED TO!*


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I’m on mobile so the search function isn’t that glorious. Plus I’m using ios13 beta so that probably plays a part in it too.

is there a list of terminology and it’s meaning ?
Melting , what is it ?
LTI I know what it means but how do you get it ?
CCU. I’ve no idea what that is.
Thanks peoples.

Here, try the official RSI knowledge Base of articles, i can't find any specific glossery but generally if you put in the term there seems to mostly be an article about it:


LTI, what it is and how to get it:


There may be a few things that are not totally 100% obvious, for instance the above does not cover that once you have LTI, you can then CCU to another ship you actually want and retain the LTI on that ship. I only two craft that are original with their LTI (both ground vehicles), all the others are CCU's.

There are other things on there such as the below which I found with the search term "fun" so have a scout around and see what you can learn:

Hope helps, any questions please don't hesitate to ask on here, it's what we are here for! And if you think your question is too stupid to ask, my first SC gameplay question was "How do you get off the toilet?" as I sat on my Connies crapper and then could not get up again. Turns out in that patch (2.4 I think it was) you have to press and hold a certain button to get up from a seat.

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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Hope helps, any questions please don't hesitate to ask on here, it's what we are here for! And if you think your question is too stupid to ask, my first SC gameplay question was "How do you get off the toilet?" as I sat on my Connies crapper and then could not get up again. Turns out in that patch (2.4 I think it was) you have to press and hold a certain button to get up from a seat.
In a future patch to increase immersion you are going to have to do a key combo to pinch and release. Trufax


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Also, there is no longer a same cost CCU, you have to go from a lower cost to a higher cost ship. Also, the CCU goes away when Beta hits.
"Also, the CCU goes away when Beta hits."

As in the CCU system, not the CCU you got and attached to the ship you put it on, that stays you got your ship you keep your ship... They don't want the game to be pay-to-win and they would rather you play than pay, but while the crowd funder continues so does it.

Don't be surprised if CCU's and the pool of ships you can easily get hold of starts to get smaller the closer we get to launch, I recall in the early days CIG saying over time the pledge options will become less and less viable to the point you'd be better off playing the game rather than paying for a pledge reward... that was a long time ago though and I may be mistaken anyway. 🙂
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