Jolly Green


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Hidey ho new neighbors! Jolly Green here. I'm currently in the United States Air Force stationed overseas in the United Kingdom. Current job title: SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES/ PERSONNEL RECOVERY (SOF/PR) INTEGRATED ELECTRONIC WARFARE SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN.

I'm pretty experienced in fixing Chaff and Flare systems, radar jamming and deception systems, Infrared laser countermeasures, panoramic receivers and IR and RF missile warning systems. I used to Work on the AC-130 gunships (as well as the W and J model SOF C-130s), but now I work on rescue hh-60 pavehawks. With that said you can probably see why I have taken an interest in star citizen. Glad to see what TEST has in store. I can't say I'll be very active considering work and stuff but it will be nice to have a (home) and maybe get to know a few people during SC's continuing development.

Where you from stranger?
Central Florida

What drew you to Star Citizen?
A lot of things. I used to play EVE many years ago and I somehow associated SC with that experience. Also see above.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
PVP on a diplomatic scale.

What was the first game you remember playing?
If were talking first PC game, probably red baron on my uncles Tandy 3000.

What other games do you play?
Overwatch is new for me, Space Engineers, Stonehearth when im bored.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
Stumbled upon one of your streamers on twitch, clicked a link and it lead me here. Figured, why the hell not

Picard or Kirk?

Kirk. Because Kirk.

I love my job.

"...This tradition arose during the Vietnam War, at which time the most commonly used USAF helicopter was the CH-3E, nicknamed the Jolly Green Giant due to its enormous size and olive drab exterior. The tradition came about when pilots, navigators, enlisted aircrew, or other military personnel were in need of rescue. After these personnel were rescued, they would proceed to receive the temporary ink-stamped "tattoo" of the green feet on their buttocks due to the fact that the Para Jumpers "saved their ass."


Space Marshal
Jun 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Lived in Cental FLA for a bit and very familiar with your outfit. Love the Spectre as it was called back when...Personel recovery systems, well we might have to implement the fulton for downed TEST pilots. Welcome to TEST!!!


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Lived in Cental FLA for a bit and very familiar with your outfit. Love the Spectre as it was called back when...Personel recovery systems, well we might have to implement the fulton for downed TEST pilots. Welcome to TEST!!!
Sorry to hear you had to endure central Florida! They're still called Spectres AFAIK, but the model variants may have changed. They retired the AC-130H's just as I left New Mexico. I'm glad I got to work them before they did, it's a lot different working on small little HH-60s.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Nice to have you, former US Army myself.

Whatever happend to the "Spooky" title for the AC-130's?
Awesome! It's cool to see so many servicemembers here. As far as the "Spooky" title goes, I believe they are the AC-130U models at Hurlburt Field. U boats I called them, also heard of them being called puff the magic dragon. That one gets me though, because we had the MC-130W, designation dragon spear. People would also call that puff if I'm not mistaken.


Space Marshal
Jun 28, 2014
RSI Handle
You may be right about the spectre still being the spectre. Exited that area long ago, but i can say the MC variant with the fulton was really some fun tech to be around. Glad you are working witht he 60's but I personally prefer the 53 pavelow. It's so much heavier lifting being a former rotorhead but i also see the adcantages to the 60 airframe

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST! Former USAF jet engine tech here! All Tactical Air Command(called something else now, I believe?). Anywho, can you take a look at at the CM system on my Aurora? I seem to take an awful lot of IR missiles up the whazoo, and it can't be because I'm a bad pilot!
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