Greetings TESTies o/
Just wanted to say hello and tell you a bit about myself. I enjoy long walks on the beach and bathing in a tub of Vaseline while practicing my oboe… that’s pretty much it. In all seriousness, I read up on TEST and I was really impressed! You’re all just as crazy as I am, a twisted kindred spirit thing. Hope to wreck stuff with you guys in the near future.
PS: Whomever is responsible for the propaganda, *starts a slow clap* Well-done! I nearly shat myself from laughing.
-BluChew (OGKush)
Where you from stranger?
California, yes all of us surf and say dude.
What drew you to Star Citizen?
What really got my attention was the space sim eye candy (nerdgasim watching the SC intro video) and the overwhelming urge to toss my wallet at the monitor… repeatedly.
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Minning, transporting shit to froo froo town, and… PVP of course! I can’t wait for all of the idiotic possibilities.
What was the first game you remember playing?
I would have to go with Xexyz on the 8-bit NES. I know, right! WTF is Xexyz (
What other games do you play?
Just recently stopped EvE due to laziness and a normal sleep cycle. I’ll be doing the EQNL thing when alpha comes out, however, I’m really just killing time until Squadron 42/SC releases.
Picard or Kirk?
Neither… rather a memorial for Redshirts, poor bastards never had a chance.
RIP buddy *sniff sniff*
Just wanted to say hello and tell you a bit about myself. I enjoy long walks on the beach and bathing in a tub of Vaseline while practicing my oboe… that’s pretty much it. In all seriousness, I read up on TEST and I was really impressed! You’re all just as crazy as I am, a twisted kindred spirit thing. Hope to wreck stuff with you guys in the near future.
PS: Whomever is responsible for the propaganda, *starts a slow clap* Well-done! I nearly shat myself from laughing.
-BluChew (OGKush)
Where you from stranger?
California, yes all of us surf and say dude.
What drew you to Star Citizen?
What really got my attention was the space sim eye candy (nerdgasim watching the SC intro video) and the overwhelming urge to toss my wallet at the monitor… repeatedly.
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Minning, transporting shit to froo froo town, and… PVP of course! I can’t wait for all of the idiotic possibilities.
What was the first game you remember playing?
I would have to go with Xexyz on the 8-bit NES. I know, right! WTF is Xexyz (
What other games do you play?
Just recently stopped EvE due to laziness and a normal sleep cycle. I’ll be doing the EQNL thing when alpha comes out, however, I’m really just killing time until Squadron 42/SC releases.
Picard or Kirk?
Neither… rather a memorial for Redshirts, poor bastards never had a chance.
RIP buddy *sniff sniff*