Kegstands in the Cargo Bay?


Dec 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger? Bay Area, California

What drew you to Star Citizen? This project checks a lot of boxes for me, first person, MMO, space simulator... oh and the ability to be a bonafide space junker who flies through space fighting monsters and teaching alien women to love.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Scooting around deep space and salvaging wrecks, and maybe some less than legal activities. Maybe there's some shielded storage on my ship, maybe there isn't.

What was the first game you remember playing? Duck Hunt

What other games do you play? WoW, and a number of games for the Nintendo Switch.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? I got a random invite one day and the multiple mentions of alcohol, shenanigans and tacos made me think "Yeah, I should probably be here." Your presence during CitizenCon 2948 was impressive, so here I am, ready to crunch ships in my Reclaimer and do kegstands in the cargo bay.

Picard or Kirk? Kirk Classic

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger? Bay Area, California

What drew you to Star Citizen? This project checks a lot of boxes for me, first person, MMO, space simulator... oh and the ability to be a bonafide space junker who flies through space fighting monsters and teaching alien women to love.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Scooting around deep space and salvaging wrecks, and maybe some less than legal activities. Maybe there's some shielded storage on my ship, maybe there isn't.

What was the first game you remember playing? Duck Hunt

What other games do you play? WoW, and a number of games for the Nintendo Switch.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? I got a random invite one day and the multiple mentions of alcohol, shenanigans and tacos made me think "Yeah, I should probably be here." Your presence during CitizenCon 2948 was impressive, so here I am, ready to crunch ships in my Reclaimer and do kegstands in the cargo bay.

Picard or Kirk? Kirk Classic
The beer belongs in Torpedoe tube number 2.

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