Let's talk about the 300-series' pending rework.


Vice Admiral
Jan 23, 2016
RSI Handle
As most of us know, the 300-series is expected to have a big rework in the upcoming months. However, there's practically radio silence from CIG regarding details of the rework, so let's theorycraft a bit regarding:
  1. When will the rework arrive? I think it'll drop by 3.0.
  2. Will the role of the 300-series in the ship matrix change from a tier two starter (like the Reliant and the Avenger) to something more?
  3. Will the 300-series get bigger? This goes along with the previous point, because as of right now, the 300-series simply don't have room for all the features advertised in the original concepts.
So, discuss!

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Scrap the 300 Series and instead make an all new 400 Series.

Ok really I think the 300 Series has just been overshadowed by all the new ships in the past year and a half. You have touring which you can do in almost anything, exploration, racing, and a fighter that might as well not even be there with the others we have. So I would cut the touring version, the base one. I would rework the fighter to give it something unique, maybe a local EM distortion field that makes locking on harder. Give the exploration ship something else and keep the racer the same.


Vice Admiral
Jan 23, 2016
RSI Handle
Scrap the 300 Series and instead make an all new 400 Series.

Ok really I think the 300 Series has just been overshadowed by all the new ships in the past year and a half. You have touring which you can do in almost anything, exploration, racing, and a fighter that might as well not even be there with the others we have. So I would cut the touring version, the base one. I would rework the fighter to give it something unique, maybe a local EM distortion field that makes locking on harder. Give the exploration ship something else and keep the racer the same.
While I agree with you in that the 300-series need a complete overhaul, I don't think that the changes need to be this extreme.

The 300i is rather pointless ATM, but maybe it can be reworked to be the entry-level ship for transportation: much like how the Prospector is to the Orion, the 300i could be the step before the Genesis Starliner.

I think the fighter variant and the exploration variant only needs some basic level changes, nothing high level like adding a new feature that may just be a component in the future. The fighter variant can use a few more hardpoints and missles, plus maybe a stasis pod (like the one in the Avenger) and a weapons/armor cabinet in the interior. The exploration variant should need just a better interior and perhaps more cargo space.


Space Marshal
May 16, 2014
RSI Handle
I would like to see the hull elongated so that the cargo area becomes sectioned-off from the cockpit. That way the designers could figure out another way of entering the ship. Getting in through the trunk after climbing up a long-ass ladder is not the way owners get into their BMWS.
Also, for the 325A, missiles!!! Add a couple of magazines where those useless bulkheads are.


Vice Admiral
Jan 23, 2016
RSI Handle
I would like to see the hull elongated so that the cargo area becomes sectioned-off from the cockpit. That way the designers could figure out another way of entering the ship. Getting in through the trunk after climbing up a long-ass ladder is not the way owners get into their BMWS.
Also, for the 325A, missiles!!! Add a couple of magazines where those useless bulkheads are.
If the bulkheads were used for magazines though, there wouldn't be enough room for both an interior and a cargo space. The only solution then would be to make the entire ship larger.

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
I keep a Mantis Gatling on my 350R, but it always turns into a "chicken run" machine. Somebody takes a shot at me and I scream like a girl and bug out! It's probably a good racer, but I suck at that(and dogfighting), not to mention a pilot of equal skill in an M50 is gonna spank me anyway. So in other words, it will probably go into the melting pot when the Reclaimer comes around again.


Vice Admiral
Jan 23, 2016
RSI Handle
I keep a Mantis Gatling on my 350R, but it always turns into a "chicken run" machine. Somebody takes a shot at me and I scream like a girl and bug out! It's probably a good racer, but I suck at that(and dogfighting), not to mention a pilot of equal skill in an M50 is gonna spank me anyway. So in other words, it will probably go into the melting pot when the Reclaimer comes around again.

I am very confused how this thread went this direction.


Vice Admiral
Jan 23, 2016
RSI Handle
I would like it modular, just pop on the module you need, small ( very small cargo), exploration pod, etc.
How about no.

The 300-series is designed to be a luxury vehicle with a set look and design. It should be highly upgradeable and have very scalable internal pipes.

However, actual pods which can be removed will really mess up the looks of the ship. The 300-series is an Origin ship, not some godawful looking MISC frankenstein creation.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
As usual I have no idea how they think about the 300 rework and such stuff internally at CiG, so I wouldn't call what I write theorycrafting, more like wishing for things. Yeah, lets call it mx wishlist, with some added pessimism! :D
Some things I parrot that someone else might have already mentioned, but I'm too lazy to quote them atm, so sorry. :D

1.: One of my gripes against the development of SC is that they keep dropping new specialized multicrew ships for groups of 4+ ppl, while all of us who originally pledged for the single seater starter ships have been ignored since the PU started. All the Aurora and 300 variants have serious issues with the space-grid/animations/everything really, making them unplayable a lot of times.

With the announcement that the 3rd Hornet rework is underway but not yet finished, I don't think we will see any of the old single player non-combat oriented ships reworked before the middle of 2017. And even that is optimistic, with their current strategy, they can keep ignoring it up until full SC release, because you will always have something new to buy and fly every patch day.

2.: I got a 300i with my original bounty hunter pledge, and I would like to keep that "base" variant as it is. I want to change and upgrade it into whatever I want to later, it should be part of the fun and I don't want to loose that fun just because it doesn't have a specific single role in the PU. I think we need much more "generic" ships, especially for starting out, not just very specialized ones that can only be used for a single task.

The basic things that were promised for the 300 series, like cargo space, should be added with the least amount of modification to the current design. The interior is currently too crammed for anything. Touring and exploration are pretty much out of the question with no accommodations, apart from the single bed.
-- I would delete the doors and make them simply part of the hull, and fill the space inside with:
-add kitchen/toilet/cabinets, for the base variant
-should be either empty and closed off or filled with more poweeeer for the racer
-extra scanning station for the explorer on top of the kitchen/toliet/cabinets
-internal missile racks for the extra punch or more generators for extra power to shields and such for the fighter

-- I would solve the entry and exit with the walkway between the cockpit and the rear, (basicly the part below the bed) coming down as a ramp transforming into steps on its way down because its a steep climb.
--Cargo space should be below the "living quarters" part on the base and explorer variant, filled with some extra shield generators or by a missile rack for an underslung missile launcher on the figher. Racer my have this part cut off for better aero/sleek looks/weight reduction bro!
- The cargo could be loaded by a lift mechanism. The real fun part would be to have the option of installing a "fake ceiling" inside the cargo bay, to hide contraband in, with hidden access to the compartment through the floor of the "living quarters".

- In it's current design the whole ship looks like it consists of a front part with doors/cockpit with the useless area inside, the rear part with a huge engine module that makes up half of the ship, and some wings. This makes it look like a very old inefficient ship, with a huge engine and yet not much speed or power for it's size. I think this engine module should be shorter with the inside extending back more, and with more cargo space placed below . I'm thinking using about 1/4 or even 1/3 of the engine pod for this.

3.: I think with the changes I described it would enable the base 300i variant to be a small fast transport/smuggler that can stand up against a few pirates or even outrun them, so it would be better for starting out then an aurora, but not by much. So a tier2 starter. The other variants would keep and improve upon their specializations, so those who chose the other variants get what they paid for as well.
There is no need to turn the 300 into yet another "you must play with at least 3 friends all the time, oh and now you'r another totally unnecessary very-special single-purpose-only ship" ship, so I hope it will stay the same small single pilot ship with space for max 1-2 passengers.

Actually I would like to see the option of a luxury compartment mod to the 300i, turning into a 375si or something, for later when the passenger system gets implemented... Ferry around some high ranking ppl, hold a very private party, or just to lay back in style.

Alright, alright, I'm gonna go off now for some extra beer so I won't bother you all with my visions of the 300 anymore... There's just so many things that should be done with it :D


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
How about no.

The 300-series is designed to be a luxury vehicle with a set look and design. It should be highly upgradeable and have very scalable internal pipes.

However, actual pods which can be removed will really mess up the looks of the ship. The 300-series is an Origin ship, not some godawful looking MISC frankenstein creation.
you obviously haven't been in one after a test beer party.


Space Marshal
May 16, 2014
RSI Handle
As usual I have no idea how they think about the 300 rework and such stuff internally at CiG, so I wouldn't call what I write theorycrafting, more like wishing for things. Yeah, lets call it mx wishlist, with some added pessimism! :D
Some things I parrot that someone else might have already mentioned, but I'm too lazy to quote them atm, so sorry. :D

1.: One of my gripes against the development of SC is that they keep dropping new specialized multicrew ships for groups of 4+ ppl, while all of us who originally pledged for the single seater starter ships have been ignored since the PU started. All the Aurora and 300 variants have serious issues with the space-grid/animations/everything really, making them unplayable a lot of times.

With the announcement that the 3rd Hornet rework is underway but not yet finished, I don't think we will see any of the old single player non-combat oriented ships reworked before the middle of 2017. And even that is optimistic, with their current strategy, they can keep ignoring it up until full SC release, because you will always have something new to buy and fly every patch day.

2.: I got a 300i with my original bounty hunter pledge, and I would like to keep that "base" variant as it is. I want to change and upgrade it into whatever I want to later, it should be part of the fun and I don't want to loose that fun just because it doesn't have a specific single role in the PU. I think we need much more "generic" ships, especially for starting out, not just very specialized ones that can only be used for a single task.

The basic things that were promised for the 300 series, like cargo space, should be added with the least amount of modification to the current design. The interior is currently too crammed for anything. Touring and exploration are pretty much out of the question with no accommodations, apart from the single bed.
-- I would delete the doors and make them simply part of the hull, and fill the space inside with:
-add kitchen/toilet/cabinets, for the base variant
-should be either empty and closed off or filled with more poweeeer for the racer
-extra scanning station for the explorer on top of the kitchen/toliet/cabinets
-internal missile racks for the extra punch or more generators for extra power to shields and such for the fighter

-- I would solve the entry and exit with the walkway between the cockpit and the rear, (basicly the part below the bed) coming down as a ramp transforming into steps on its way down because its a steep climb.
--Cargo space should be below the "living quarters" part on the base and explorer variant, filled with some extra shield generators or by a missile rack for an underslung missile launcher on the figher. Racer my have this part cut off for better aero/sleek looks/weight reduction bro!
- The cargo could be loaded by a lift mechanism. The real fun part would be to have the option of installing a "fake ceiling" inside the cargo bay, to hide contraband in, with hidden access to the compartment through the floor of the "living quarters".

- In it's current design the whole ship looks like it consists of a front part with doors/cockpit with the useless area inside, the rear part with a huge engine module that makes up half of the ship, and some wings. This makes it look like a very old inefficient ship, with a huge engine and yet not much speed or power for it's size. I think this engine module should be shorter with the inside extending back more, and with more cargo space placed below . I'm thinking using about 1/4 or even 1/3 of the engine pod for this.

3.: I think with the changes I described it would enable the base 300i variant to be a small fast transport/smuggler that can stand up against a few pirates or even outrun them, so it would be better for starting out then an aurora, but not by much. So a tier2 starter. The other variants would keep and improve upon their specializations, so those who chose the other variants get what they paid for as well.
There is no need to turn the 300 into yet another "you must play with at least 3 friends all the time, oh and now you'r another totally unnecessary very-special single-purpose-only ship" ship, so I hope it will stay the same small single pilot ship with space for max 1-2 passengers.

Actually I would like to see the option of a luxury compartment mod to the 300i, turning into a 375si or something, for later when the passenger system gets implemented... Ferry around some high ranking ppl, hold a very private party, or just to lay back in style.

Alright, alright, I'm gonna go off now for some extra beer so I won't bother you all with my visions of the 300 anymore... There's just so many things that should be done with it :D
Yeah, lowering the ship a bit and putting in a walk up ramp would be cool.
300i : plush seating / bed, toilet, little cargo.
315p : basic bed, toilet, kitchen, some cargo.
325a : basic bed, toilet, internal S1 missile rack port and starbord (a la MIS), gun / weapon rack.


Vice Admiral
Jan 23, 2016
RSI Handle
Maybe they can shrink the engine and make that space a carg hold that opens up like the Gladiator
That's another good point. Will engines be the size of the Avenger's or will all ships be adjusted to have 300-series sized engines? However, I don't think that needing to exit the ship to access the cargo hold is a good idea for an exploration ship.

Yeah, lowering the ship a bit and putting in a walk up ramp would be cool.
300i : plush seating / bed, toilet, little cargo.
315p : basic bed, toilet, kitchen, some cargo.
325a : basic bed, toilet, internal S1 missile rack port and starbord (a la MIS), gun / weapon rack.
What you're describing for the 300i/315p is basically a Mustang Beta with a little/some cargo. That shouldn't be the case, especially since Origin Jumpworks is an experienced luxury manufacturer while Consolidated Outland is just a little startup by a crazy rich guy, and the rear living quarters designed by the IKEA of Star Citizen (COM4T).
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