Like it or not, Firefly is returning.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle

My apologies gentlemen. It seems we can't have discussions about pop culture stuff without someone completely losing their head. I've tried by best to be respectful even when the other party isn't.

C'est La Vie.
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
These fucking fascist comments need to stop, and the out and out lies deserve to be brought to light.
This crossed a line, my friend. I'd suggest offering an apology so we can move on together. The issue is not about fascism or lies. That is political name calling. The issue is about choosing, or not choosing, to listen to meaningful questions and debate. Debate that the particular words above seem intended to squelch.

I'd also suggest we reconsider the point on people questioning Covid being fascists. Some of us know women scientists with more degrees than most here, with serious medical ailments, asking honest questions about interactions with other meds that nobody can fully answer. I'm not sure what country you are from, but in mine asking questions and having a choice are not fascist.

Now, while we are on truths, here's one: Frankly, Firefly sucked. That is why it was cancelled so quickly. I'm not optimistic that a reboot can be any better.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I'd also suggest reconsidering the point on people questioning Covid being fascists. I know women scientists with more degrees than you likely have with serious medical ailments asking honest questions about inoculation and interactions with other meds that nobody can fully answer. I'm not sure what country you are from, but in mine asking questions and having a choice is not fascist.
I offered Gina Carano's tweets as to why I don't think she'll be invited back to The Mandalorian. Whether I think she's in the right or in the wrong is irrelevant. The simple fact is studios/networks throughout North America have taken on a strict Covid policy with regards to mandates and vaccination. On the Netflix productions I worked on last year, I had to undergo COVID testing 2-3 times a week. I also had to wear PPE that even my nurse wife thinks is excessive. In the US, many productions are actually enforcing a "no vaccine, no work" policy. I mean it's gotten to the point where characters on TV shows are being killed off because the actors refuse to get vaccinated.

All this while Carano has taken a pretty strong stance that she has not and will not be vaccinated. She's also spreading Covid related conspiracies and mocking people who mask up. Do you think Disney, a multibillion dollar company will touch her with a 10 ft. pole right now? What message does that send to the crew members on The Mandalorian when a particular cast member is exempt from the COVID measures that they're subjected to? Rules for thee, not for me?

I regret that we've gotten off track when the original thread was about Firefly. To be fair, I wasn't the one who started talking about Star Wars TV shows. It is what it is I suppose.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Em, you seem to think I said the opposite of what I said. Maybe you’d like to go back and read again. Did you look at the cartoon?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Anyone want to debate that the Ford Mustang version of Knight Rider was better than the Pontiac Firebird?
As I haven't seen that version, I'll weigh in with it had brighter paint.

EDIT - I just googled a picture, doesn't KITTs face look a bit sad?


He looks like he lost a bet.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Will they really learn from CB though? Lost In Space was a pop-culture TV show and they turned it into an interesting and enjoyable series.

Molly Parker, Taylor Russell and Mina Sundwall were all pretty easy on the eyes... lol
Lost in Space does not have the a rabid original fanbase to contend with. Anyone who would've raised a fooey about changes in the new Lost In Space woulda been WAAAAY too old for a boardroom to care about. The risk in remaking Firefly nowadays is the fact that there are a much larger percentage of people who will give a shit if you re-cast our favorite heroes. Don't get the tone EXACTLY right and you'll have spent millions on an IP gamble that may gain a few new fans but will decimate the existing fanbase (See: StarWars)

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