Warning: Big wall of text after the pictures.
As everyone loves an easy overview, here three pictures that sum up how I personally foresee to make the most of the Organisation Hull E, Mining Platforms, with short notations, followed by more detailed Questions.
At this point, I personally believe that it might come to an undertaking of the following scale:
If you are lucky and you need only fly to one Market at which you can sell all your stuff at once! Otherwise it will be more complex.
Considering ships and crew, for if the above would be approximately how it will come true within an organised supply chain system
1 x Hull E
1 x Hull D
1 x Bengal (with multiple fighters)
1 x Idris
3 to 4 Orion Mining platforms
3 to 4 Protection Squads
1 - 2 Stand by Squad(s)
we are talking, at full staffing, at least about 50+ people cooperating within a supply chain.
In order to keep that running smooth I personally would think that following might work in terms of an organisation structure:
Or, if you prefer it more the within a Test Squadron View:
I guess you would have the Hull A, B, Freelancer Max or Constellation Taurus run with the more expensive ores in smaller portions in order to split the risk.
Now the text I warned you about:
As since yesterday there are a couple of Transporters (Hull A to D) and an Organisation Hull E next to Orion Mining platforms and Freelancers effectively purchased, I was wondering how this will all work and interact with each other.
I guess those of you working in Logistics would agree that you cant just simply boot up your PC and decide to make a quick spin with your Hull E, while expecting that your Orion Mining Platforms will always have something ready to load for you and that there is always a quick response from Organisation Muscle when you need it, without a certain level of organisation regarding the flow of communication and responsibility.
With only 1 Hull E making what is called a Milk Run, or in our case Beer Run, you have the first Mining platform probably already standing around annoyed before the Hull E is full at the last Orion, cause their cargo bay is already full again and they cant take on any-more additional ore till the Hull E is back. Therefore following points are ripe for discussion now:
The Challenges,
for which some one will need to make a decision one day.
Therefore already now my questions to the Test Squadron leaders of Logistic
1.) Whom to call if the bad guys/girls show up?
I personally say, why risk it ... assign a proper escort {no not such an escort} to each Hull D or E and keep a couple of Auroras, Mustangs and Hornets on standby and have some one, like a M.O.B [Master of Beer] over-viewing the whole show and call the shots.
What is your plan that can solve this without a top down Organisation Flow?
2.) What's the Cash?
Hence the profit only flows when the Ore is sold to the NPC, how will the split work before that.
per Hour that one has participated &
per Functionality that this person had &
per Equipment one brought to the plate/game ?
(Cuts for Organisation Equipment goes naturally in the Organisation bank)
even split of the entire loot at the end of the day,
no matter what the role and equipment per Head
for everyone that participated at least for one hour
the Hull E Captain (or any other Transporter) will have to buy it from the Orion Captain?
... ???
What will be the best solution for a fair approach that works at Test Squadron?
3.) How long will this run ?
A.) This is a 24/7 thing. We just will figure out the shifts.
B.) A 4 to 6 hours event per day for which you need to sign up.
C.) As B, but only Friday to Sunday.
D.) ... ?
What scale of an undertaking do you think is Test Squadron big enough at the moment?
4.) What if I loose my ship or have other expenses ?
A.) Part of the job.
Only Organisation Equipment repairs will be financed,
before the profit split.
B.) We give you a 10 to X % of the true repair costs,
before the profit will be split,
depending on the role and situation if you where ordered to sacrifice yourself.
C.) We pay in full or as much as we can and if there is no profit left in the end,... well tough.
D.) .... ?
Which way do you think Test Squadron might go in relation to that?
5.) What kind of "Beer Run" other than above you could think of?
a.) One hull D or E always going back and forward with less organisation than described above.
b.) The above, but multiple Beer Runs at once, with synchronised departures, from different stages.
c.) .... ? (Consider that it needs to keep everyone's assets save and the Ore + Cash flowing)
What way do you think Test Squadron should/will plan for?
Hope to have sparked a stimulating Logistic discussion with that.
As everyone loves an easy overview, here three pictures that sum up how I personally foresee to make the most of the Organisation Hull E, Mining Platforms, with short notations, followed by more detailed Questions.
At this point, I personally believe that it might come to an undertaking of the following scale:

If you are lucky and you need only fly to one Market at which you can sell all your stuff at once! Otherwise it will be more complex.
Considering ships and crew, for if the above would be approximately how it will come true within an organised supply chain system
1 x Hull E
1 x Hull D
1 x Bengal (with multiple fighters)
1 x Idris
3 to 4 Orion Mining platforms
3 to 4 Protection Squads
1 - 2 Stand by Squad(s)
we are talking, at full staffing, at least about 50+ people cooperating within a supply chain.
In order to keep that running smooth I personally would think that following might work in terms of an organisation structure:

Or, if you prefer it more the within a Test Squadron View:

I guess you would have the Hull A, B, Freelancer Max or Constellation Taurus run with the more expensive ores in smaller portions in order to split the risk.
Now the text I warned you about:
As since yesterday there are a couple of Transporters (Hull A to D) and an Organisation Hull E next to Orion Mining platforms and Freelancers effectively purchased, I was wondering how this will all work and interact with each other.
I guess those of you working in Logistics would agree that you cant just simply boot up your PC and decide to make a quick spin with your Hull E, while expecting that your Orion Mining Platforms will always have something ready to load for you and that there is always a quick response from Organisation Muscle when you need it, without a certain level of organisation regarding the flow of communication and responsibility.
With only 1 Hull E making what is called a Milk Run, or in our case Beer Run, you have the first Mining platform probably already standing around annoyed before the Hull E is full at the last Orion, cause their cargo bay is already full again and they cant take on any-more additional ore till the Hull E is back. Therefore following points are ripe for discussion now:
The Challenges,
for which some one will need to make a decision one day.
Therefore already now my questions to the Test Squadron leaders of Logistic
1.) Whom to call if the bad guys/girls show up?
I personally say, why risk it ... assign a proper escort {no not such an escort} to each Hull D or E and keep a couple of Auroras, Mustangs and Hornets on standby and have some one, like a M.O.B [Master of Beer] over-viewing the whole show and call the shots.
What is your plan that can solve this without a top down Organisation Flow?
2.) What's the Cash?
Hence the profit only flows when the Ore is sold to the NPC, how will the split work before that.
per Hour that one has participated &
per Functionality that this person had &
per Equipment one brought to the plate/game ?
(Cuts for Organisation Equipment goes naturally in the Organisation bank)
even split of the entire loot at the end of the day,
no matter what the role and equipment per Head
for everyone that participated at least for one hour
the Hull E Captain (or any other Transporter) will have to buy it from the Orion Captain?
... ???
What will be the best solution for a fair approach that works at Test Squadron?
3.) How long will this run ?
A.) This is a 24/7 thing. We just will figure out the shifts.
B.) A 4 to 6 hours event per day for which you need to sign up.
C.) As B, but only Friday to Sunday.
D.) ... ?
What scale of an undertaking do you think is Test Squadron big enough at the moment?
4.) What if I loose my ship or have other expenses ?
A.) Part of the job.
Only Organisation Equipment repairs will be financed,
before the profit split.
B.) We give you a 10 to X % of the true repair costs,
before the profit will be split,
depending on the role and situation if you where ordered to sacrifice yourself.
C.) We pay in full or as much as we can and if there is no profit left in the end,... well tough.
D.) .... ?
Which way do you think Test Squadron might go in relation to that?
5.) What kind of "Beer Run" other than above you could think of?
a.) One hull D or E always going back and forward with less organisation than described above.
b.) The above, but multiple Beer Runs at once, with synchronised departures, from different stages.
c.) .... ? (Consider that it needs to keep everyone's assets save and the Ore + Cash flowing)
What way do you think Test Squadron should/will plan for?
Hope to have sparked a stimulating Logistic discussion with that.
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