Looking for help to buy a new PC mouse


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm looking for a new mouse that will fit my specific grip. Also I've been holding on to my malfunctioning mouse (that I spilled coffee on) for far too long.

My hand is 19 by 9.5 CM (roughly 7.5 by 3.9/4.0 inches). For reference, I have a Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition which is 12.5CM in real measurements (official website says 11.7 but that's bull). But where my hand grips the mouse comfortably is not normal - it's a little bit further back. My fingers barely reach the rear tip of the wheel and my thumb can only press one of the 2 thumb buttons.

You can say my grip is Fingertip-like with a bit of Claw-Palm but a little bit back from where a normal grip would be. Grip types explained here.

Here's a few pictures:

As you can see, this mouse isn't really for me (even tho I'm able to use it just fine). I have to go out of my way to grip it where I can access all buttons easy enough. Speaking of which - I have to lift my thumb manually to press those thumb buttons, which is a major gripe that I have. Further details below. It might be worth noting that my pinkie is not touching the mouse.

What I'm looking for is a mouse that fits the following criteria:

- Under 12CM (not including) in actual measurements.
If it's exactly 12CM I might consider it, but I'd really rather not have one that's on the edge. Anything longer than 12CM (again: in real measurements) is out of the question.
Width is irrelevant, altho wider ones might be better for my grip style.

- At least 7 buttons in total. Anything less is disqualified.
I need my mouse to have enough functionality for any shooter game, including the recently released Armored Core 6 which lets you fire FOUR weapons simultaneously, at the same time, all at once, on all cylinders (you get the point). And all of that while being able to switch between low DPI (or CPI or whatever you wanna call it) and high DPI with one button for each.

- Thumb buttons cannot be too high.
That other mouse in the pictures is a Razer Lachesis, an ancient model made more than a decade ago. It has the perfect thumb buttons placement for me - around 1.75CM from the pad to the center of the buttons. Low enough to easily press while still high enough (and thin enough) to avoid accidental clicks. The Lancehead, for comparison, has the thumb buttons around 2 CM high, which requires me to lift my thumb to press them.

- Wired only. I don't want a wireless mouse because they emit radiation. Airwaves are already polluted enough.

- Latency of 5 miliseconds or less. Miss me with that slow 10ms shit.

- Light as possible.

- Keep in mind that only products from the global corporations are available where I live, and I'd rather not use Amazon, so options are limited unless there's one that's only available through Amazon. The list of available brands includes CoolerMaster, Logitech, HyperX, SteelSeries, Razer and similar global corporations.

Optional features (which are nice to have but not necessary) include:

- High-friction materials or design at the base for better grip. My Lancehead, for example, has a rubber grip with grooves on it. Some mice models have holes instead.

- A non-plastic outer shell would also be a plus, but I think only Logitech are making moves away from plastic, and that's only a recent trend, which severely limits options. All other manufacturers use plastic.

Some more relevant food for thought:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACQJ7FQg1hU
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I have a sorta similar hand placement but I do use my pinky and ring finger to move the mouse around along with my thumb. Palm slightly touching the mouse but for larger moves it lets go.
I've been using deathadders (pict on the right in vid thumbnail) for the last 7 years since my last MS-made Intellimouse explorer pro 3.0 or whatever it was called died. (it looked eariliy similar to a lancehead both in shape and layout, actually)

Anyways, Deathadder 2.0:

The buttons on the side are a bit high and small on this 2.0 version, you have to lift your thumb, I measured at around 2cm off the ground for the center of the front side button. It's okay for me but it requires a bit of thought to use, I tend to forget I even have those buttons, they are so conveniently out of the way. With my grip the rear one is easier to use as I have to move my finder less, I can half-roll my thumb over it to click it. Usually use it for quick melee/nades/powers in games, unless I forget to set it up.

The length as measured from longer (inner) tip of left button to end is 12.67 cm.

The rubber on the side is wearing but without tearing or any other surface issues that would bother me. It formed a smooth but still grippy surface. There is a very defined divot where my thumb sits, it's basically molded to my hand now, and lost all of the little bumps that didn't help with grip anyways as the mouse is light enough to move around just by the two fingers on the main buttons.
I got shitty dirty jumbo desk mat that came with the desk, has been cut into, sanded on and abused in a million ways, but the deathadder slides absolutely smoothly still. It has huge pads, one at front one at back, and it just works way better than any 4padedd traditional mouse in this regard.

The clicking is still well defined even though it is my work and gaming mouse, it was used at least 8 hours a day on avarage over the last 3+ years.
This might sound a bit strange, but I have a rather stiff middle finger that rests on the RMB, and I'm prone to accidentally clicking it. It's a bit too soft to click imo, but it's just my personal weird thing. I got used to subconsciously lifting the weight of my finger off of it just a tiny bit so it still makes contact but doesn't accidentally clicks it. Not ideal in the long term probably.
I'm expecting the left buttons clicker to die soon, the deathadedr I had before this lasted about 4 years. I do have 2 factory fresh buttons (the inside bit) I could install if that happens, but dunno if I'll manage to solder it on without melting it.... It's freaking tiny.

With your grip, I think this might be an option despite it's length because it's rear is sloped down more than the lance, a bit more sleek at the back... You could possibly reach high enough on it, and the side buttons are basically in the center of the mouse and fatter than on the lance, thus even a short thumb like mine can reach both. But it's waay too borderline with this size so if you can, check one out in person in a store, only way to know for sure.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I have a M65 from Corsair that I've been very pleased with, much more so than I ever have been with my SteelSeries. I'm not sure the exact dimensions but my grip looks similar to yours and I'm easily able to use all the buttons I want to when I want to without accidentally hitting them when I don't want to use them, thanks to both their contouring and having a rubberized textured. They also have some smaller mice listed on their site that might interest you. However, even though ordering directly from them is possible through their site, I don't know whether they can ship to your country.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I have a M65 from Corsair that I've been very pleased with, much more so than I ever have been with my SteelSeries. I'm not sure the exact dimensions but my grip looks similar to yours and I'm easily able to use all the buttons I want to when I want to without accidentally hitting them when I don't want to use them, thanks to both their contouring and having a rubberized textured. They also have some smaller mice listed on their site that might interest you. However, even though ordering directly from them is possible through their site, I don't know whether they can ship to your country.
I have pretty much same hand stance as you and had similar problem with mouses...
But after 30+ year with computers and tested pretty much every major brand there is and some lesser brands..
I have settle with M65 RGB Ultra and as Deroth said I been very pleased with it and it's performance..
It is also available on Amazon

P.s... Corsair M65 have 3 weights that can be changed out or removed to get a weight of mouse that suit you.
Also M65 RGB Ultra is 10.9 (11cm) long and on widest grip is 6.9(7cm)

Alternative you can go for the Corsair Scimitar that got 17 fully programmable (remappable) buttons
I have and use this one for games that need more buttons than normal.. for efficiency game play.

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Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
TEST themed gaming mouse:glorious:
that would be :glorious: indeed. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it meets the requirements I outlined in the OP.

That one seems like it's a serious contender for me. where has it been my whole life? it seems short enough, has enough buttons, made of aluminum and not plastic, and I might be able to overlook the weight (I will remove the additional weights of course).
The shape and placement of thumb buttons might have issues, but smart custom programming and profiling of the buttons can help overcome those issues. I'm thinking I'll probably make several profiles that switch around the function of the big sniper button between a few specific individual keyboard keys.

Overall the M65 seems good to me, and I've entered it into my consideration. Corsair products are available in my country.

The scimitar, however, is not what I'm looking for, despite seeming nice.

As for the Razer DeathAdder 2: the normal-size version is too long and the Mini version has too few buttons. If only they kept both of the buttons behind the wheel on the Mini, I would actually consider it... regretfully, they did not.
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
that would be :glorious: indeed. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it meets the requirements I outlined in the OP.

That one seems like it's a serious contender for me. where has it been my whole life? it seems short enough, has enough buttons, made of aluminum and not plastic, and I might be able to overlook the weight (I will remove the additional weights of course).
The shape and placement of thumb buttons might have issues, but smart custom programming and profiling of the buttons can help overcome those issues. I'm thinking I'll probably make several profiles that switch around the function of the big sniper button between a few specific individual keyboard keys.

Overall the M65 seems good to me, and I've entered it into my consideration. Corsair products are available in my country.

The scimitar, however, is not what I'm looking for, despite seeming nice.

As for the Razer DeathAdder 2: the normal-size version is too long and the Mini version has too few buttons. If only they kept both of the buttons behind the wheel on the Mini, I would actually consider it... regretfully, they did not.
When I first got it I was concerned about the weight (I typically prefer light weight mice), but using aluminum instead of plastic is going to have a cost, fortunately the shape (I thought it looked odd at first as well, was glad I got to try it at a store first, it surprised me by how well it matched my hand), texture, and feet/skates do a great job of compensating so the weight of it never bothered me.
I almost didn't consider it due to the thumb buttons placements, but I've since found my thumb sits just a smidge in front of the larger button and just a bit below the two smaller buttons, so I get good positive control with my thumb, yet easy controlled access to the buttons.
Honestly, if I'd just seen it online I probably wouldn't have gotten it, fortunately trying it in a store convinced me to try it. Hopefully there's a store in your area that has them available to at least handle, even if not connected to anything.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
When I first got it I was concerned about the weight (I typically prefer light weight mice), but using aluminum instead of plastic is going to have a cost, fortunately the shape (I thought it looked odd at first as well, was glad I got to try it at a store first, it surprised me by how well it matched my hand), texture, and feet/skates do a great job of compensating so the weight of it never bothered me.
I almost didn't consider it due to the thumb buttons placements, but I've since found my thumb sits just a smidge in front of the larger button and just a bit below the two smaller buttons, so I get good positive control with my thumb, yet easy controlled access to the buttons.
Honestly, if I'd just seen it online I probably wouldn't have gotten it, fortunately trying it in a store convinced me to try it. Hopefully there's a store in your area that has them available to at least handle, even if not connected to anything.
It's sold by Amazon in Germany, so is the Corsair Scimitar. I technically own a Scimitar but my son is "using" it.

Daak Gelrin

Space Marshal
Feb 17, 2020
RSI Handle
I have used an old Logitech G9 laser gaming mouse for years now. I think I bought it in 2012 or so. I put the max weights in the mouse, just my preference. It's quite comfortable though, which is why I've used it for so long. It just "feels" right for me when playing anything.


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