I'm looking for a new mouse that will fit my specific grip. Also I've been holding on to my malfunctioning mouse (that I spilled coffee on) for far too long.
My hand is 19 by 9.5 CM (roughly 7.5 by 3.9/4.0 inches). For reference, I have a Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition which is 12.5CM in real measurements (official website says 11.7 but that's bull). But where my hand grips the mouse comfortably is not normal - it's a little bit further back. My fingers barely reach the rear tip of the wheel and my thumb can only press one of the 2 thumb buttons.
You can say my grip is Fingertip-like with a bit of Claw-Palm but a little bit back from where a normal grip would be. Grip types explained here.
Here's a few pictures:

As you can see, this mouse isn't really for me (even tho I'm able to use it just fine). I have to go out of my way to grip it where I can access all buttons easy enough. Speaking of which - I have to lift my thumb manually to press those thumb buttons, which is a major gripe that I have. Further details below. It might be worth noting that my pinkie is not touching the mouse.
What I'm looking for is a mouse that fits the following criteria:
- Under 12CM (not including) in actual measurements.
If it's exactly 12CM I might consider it, but I'd really rather not have one that's on the edge. Anything longer than 12CM (again: in real measurements) is out of the question.
Width is irrelevant, altho wider ones might be better for my grip style.
- At least 7 buttons in total. Anything less is disqualified.
I need my mouse to have enough functionality for any shooter game, including the recently released Armored Core 6 which lets you fire FOUR weapons simultaneously, at the same time, all at once, on all cylinders (you get the point). And all of that while being able to switch between low DPI (or CPI or whatever you wanna call it) and high DPI with one button for each.
- Thumb buttons cannot be too high.
That other mouse in the pictures is a Razer Lachesis, an ancient model made more than a decade ago. It has the perfect thumb buttons placement for me - around 1.75CM from the pad to the center of the buttons. Low enough to easily press while still high enough (and thin enough) to avoid accidental clicks. The Lancehead, for comparison, has the thumb buttons around 2 CM high, which requires me to lift my thumb to press them.
- Wired only. I don't want a wireless mouse because they emit radiation. Airwaves are already polluted enough.
- Latency of 5 miliseconds or less. Miss me with that slow 10ms shit.
- Light as possible.
- Keep in mind that only products from the global corporations are available where I live, and I'd rather not use Amazon, so options are limited unless there's one that's only available through Amazon. The list of available brands includes CoolerMaster, Logitech, HyperX, SteelSeries, Razer and similar global corporations.
Optional features (which are nice to have but not necessary) include:
- High-friction materials or design at the base for better grip. My Lancehead, for example, has a rubber grip with grooves on it. Some mice models have holes instead.
- A non-plastic outer shell would also be a plus, but I think only Logitech are making moves away from plastic, and that's only a recent trend, which severely limits options. All other manufacturers use plastic.
Some more relevant food for thought:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACQJ7FQg1hU
My hand is 19 by 9.5 CM (roughly 7.5 by 3.9/4.0 inches). For reference, I have a Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition which is 12.5CM in real measurements (official website says 11.7 but that's bull). But where my hand grips the mouse comfortably is not normal - it's a little bit further back. My fingers barely reach the rear tip of the wheel and my thumb can only press one of the 2 thumb buttons.
You can say my grip is Fingertip-like with a bit of Claw-Palm but a little bit back from where a normal grip would be. Grip types explained here.
Here's a few pictures:

As you can see, this mouse isn't really for me (even tho I'm able to use it just fine). I have to go out of my way to grip it where I can access all buttons easy enough. Speaking of which - I have to lift my thumb manually to press those thumb buttons, which is a major gripe that I have. Further details below. It might be worth noting that my pinkie is not touching the mouse.
What I'm looking for is a mouse that fits the following criteria:
- Under 12CM (not including) in actual measurements.
If it's exactly 12CM I might consider it, but I'd really rather not have one that's on the edge. Anything longer than 12CM (again: in real measurements) is out of the question.
Width is irrelevant, altho wider ones might be better for my grip style.
- At least 7 buttons in total. Anything less is disqualified.
I need my mouse to have enough functionality for any shooter game, including the recently released Armored Core 6 which lets you fire FOUR weapons simultaneously, at the same time, all at once, on all cylinders (you get the point). And all of that while being able to switch between low DPI (or CPI or whatever you wanna call it) and high DPI with one button for each.
- Thumb buttons cannot be too high.
That other mouse in the pictures is a Razer Lachesis, an ancient model made more than a decade ago. It has the perfect thumb buttons placement for me - around 1.75CM from the pad to the center of the buttons. Low enough to easily press while still high enough (and thin enough) to avoid accidental clicks. The Lancehead, for comparison, has the thumb buttons around 2 CM high, which requires me to lift my thumb to press them.
- Wired only. I don't want a wireless mouse because they emit radiation. Airwaves are already polluted enough.
- Latency of 5 miliseconds or less. Miss me with that slow 10ms shit.
- Light as possible.
- Keep in mind that only products from the global corporations are available where I live, and I'd rather not use Amazon, so options are limited unless there's one that's only available through Amazon. The list of available brands includes CoolerMaster, Logitech, HyperX, SteelSeries, Razer and similar global corporations.
Optional features (which are nice to have but not necessary) include:
- High-friction materials or design at the base for better grip. My Lancehead, for example, has a rubber grip with grooves on it. Some mice models have holes instead.
- A non-plastic outer shell would also be a plus, but I think only Logitech are making moves away from plastic, and that's only a recent trend, which severely limits options. All other manufacturers use plastic.
Some more relevant food for thought:
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