Managing hangar reasonably


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
(Disclaimer: i know everything is subject to change. My plan is based on what we know so far and some E:D mechanics that very likely will be in SC)
I must confess, i'm an aegis whore.
My hangar is full of aegis fighter ships. I own almost all of them. And not a single ship from other brand. And not a single ship of other role as well...
Now, with release of vanguard, i'm thinking about melting all of my other ships and getting something else.
What's in your hangar for different roles?
My plan as follows:
1) My precioussss vanguard. With BUKs. Right now, i own warden variant and thanks to Azmo i now have harbinger and warden BUK. I plan on upgrading warden to Sentinel because EWAR is fun and, well, it's black & yellow! Vanguard will be my primary ship for BH/Recon missions/Escorting/Stuff, basically everything. I'm more of a combat type guy, and i always preferred something a bit slow, but heavy hitting.
2) Avenger. Small, multi-role, and can be outfitted pretty decently (1xCF-227, 2xCF-117, 8 S2 missiles - that's close to sabre firepower!). For those suicide missions with 99% failure rate. Or just as taxi to get from point A to point B without attracting too much attention. Avenger seems to be a SC analogue of Cobra MK III in E:D.
3) Banu MM - you know, at least in Elite, half of my income (and it's pretty big, i earned about 700-800 mln CR in E:D) was from smuggling. I do not think that Hull series will be effective smuggling ship, and, to be honest, i just hate dedicated trading ships. Those who played E:D can recall ugly, helpless and slow T9 "Space Cow". And i just like banu concept, to be honest
?) What should i have in stash just in case? I will most likely upgrading either my retaliator or sabre to Banu, and still it leaves me with credits to something else.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
Because I don't want to endanger my marriage, I'm keeping my hangar "compact". I'm mostly interested in Science and Transportation, so my current lineup is this:
Reliant Sen - starter ship / mini researcher / personal transport
Starfarer - money maker, big rig transporter
Sadly, I had to melt the Freelancer that I loved so much in order to be able to afford the Starfarer. I would love to get an Endeavor, but I feel it's a bit too big. If they ever release a Freelancer-sized (about 30m long) dedicated Researcher, I'll instabuy it.


Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
RSI Handle
I still don't have any ships in my hanger... going on 2200 spent.... I'm like a big ship whore. Though i don't have an Idris NOR a 890Jump

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
I have a super hornet outfitted for arena commander with an apocalypse arms strife mass driver, two tarantula ballistic guns and 2 M4A lasers that makes up in pure whoop ass what I lack in fighter jock skills. And I like the avenger warlock as a cheap EMP weapon that I don't know how to use effectively(yet). And the freelancer MIS looks great for just standing off and puking missiles at the baddies. Other than that, my hangar is full of hulls, a carrack, taurus and a star G. I'm a space trucker/explorer/aurora cleaner. Most of my combat flight sim experience doesn't seem to translate too well in SC!

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Here is my hangar and why I have them:

315P - A small solo explorer ship. Cheapish and expendable.
Constellation Phoenix - A luxury ship to conduct business on and transport high dignitaries for the right price. Montoya rides for free.
Xi'An Khartu-al - It was the first Alien ship I bought and it came with LTI. I could see it being useful in many small roles depending on upgrades.
Gladius - Short range combat fighter. It may not be a Hornet but it was my first LTI ship before they retroactively applied LTI to the Khartu-al. It even has a good look.
Reclaimer - I want to salvage and it fits my sphere of interests in Star Citizen.
Banu MM - For hauling those salvaged and other goods around.
Carrack - For serious exploration work and it fits my sphere of interests in Star Citizen.
Orion - I enjoyed Mining in Eve Online and it fits my sphere of interests in Star Citizen. You'll see this phrase a lot.
Vanguard Sentinel w/Warden and Harbinger BUKs - I wanted a more powerful fighter than the Gladius and Hornet. This will work nicely when I want to escort people.
Hull A/B - For simple transport jobs. Hauling my stuff around.
Starfarer Gemini - Transportation and collection of gas for refining into fuel and it fits my sphere of interests in Star Citizen.
Reliant Kore/Sen/Tana - I have the base Reliant as a shuttlecraft, a Sen for science and exploration and a Tana for combat. I have 3 Reliants total.
Sabre - A stealthy combat ship. I may need one someday. Good for hit and run. Baby Vanguard.
Crucible - I want to learn as much about the industrial side of SC as possible and it fits my sphere of interests in Star Citizen.
P-72 Archimedes - Upgrade Fodder


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Currently, in my hangar(and I emphasize "Currently")
1 Cutlass Red, for the obvious SAR and will hopefully be modded for exploration/surveying later on.
1 Aegis Sabre, for combat and scouting missions.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
Here is my hangar and why I have them:

315P - A small solo explorer ship. Cheapish and expendable.
Constellation Phoenix - A luxury ship to conduct business on and transport high dignitaries for the right price. Montoya rides for free.
Xi'An Khartu-al - It was the first Alien ship I bought and it came with LTI. I could see it being useful in many small roles depending on upgrades.
Gladius - Short range combat fighter. It may not be a Hornet but it was my first LTI ship before they retroactively applied LTI to the Khartu-al. It even has a good look.
Reclaimer - I want to salvage and it fits my sphere of interests in Star Citizen.
Banu MM - For hauling those salvaged and other goods around.
Carrack - For serious exploration work and it fits my sphere of interests in Star Citizen.
Orion - I enjoyed Mining in Eve Online and it fits my sphere of interests in Star Citizen. You'll see this phrase a lot.
Vanguard Sentinel w/Warden and Harbinger BUKs - I wanted a more powerful fighter than the Gladius and Hornet. This will work nicely when I want to escort people.
Hull A/B - For simple transport jobs. Hauling my stuff around.
Starfarer Gemini - Transportation and collection of gas for refining into fuel and it fits my sphere of interests in Star Citizen.
Reliant Kore/Sen/Tana - I have the base Reliant as a shuttlecraft, a Sen for science and exploration and a Tana for combat. I have 3 Reliants total.
Sabre - A stealthy combat ship. I may need one someday. Good for hit and run. Baby Vanguard.
Crucible - I want to learn as much about the industrial side of SC as possible and it fits my sphere of interests in Star Citizen.
P-72 Archimedes - Upgrade Fodder
I was incredibly bored, so I made a little graphic to make your "sphere of interests" a bit easier to understand.
Here you go:

I knew that MS Paint post-doc degree would come in handy someday.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I was incredibly bored, so I made a little graphic to make your "sphere of interests" a bit easier to understand.
Here you go:

I knew that MS Paint post-doc degree would come in handy someday.
Bravo sir, well done. Yes I'm very interested in the more industrial aspects of this game.
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Vice Admiral
Jan 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I have an avenger because it's sexy as fuck and I love everything about it.

Looking to buy a better combat fighter at some point, but monies aren't infinite.

General Chaos

Grand Admiral
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I have a Sabre, Vanguard Warden and Constellation aquila.
Maybe the Endeavor will be a future purchase.
Im leaning towards Exploration and research with a bit of bounty hunting and some escort duties thrown in for good measure.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
MISC Freelancer DURp
Aegis Saber
Aegis Vanguard
Xi'an Khartu-al

RSI Aurora LX

The Vanguard will become a Carrack once its hanger ready. I already have the CCU. Just waiting now. I'm still thinking I may upgrade the Khartu-al to a Starfarer or Caterpiller. Le sigh. Decisions are hard.

Hadron Xon

Space Marshal
Jan 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Because I don't want to endanger my marriage, I'm keeping my hangar "compact". I'm mostly interested in Science and Transportation, so my current lineup is this:
Reliant Sen - starter ship / mini researcher / personal transport
Starfarer - money maker, big rig transporter
Sadly, I had to melt the Freelancer that I loved so much in order to be able to afford the Starfarer. I would love to get an Endeavor, but I feel it's a bit too big. If they ever release a Freelancer-sized (about 30m long) dedicated Researcher, I'll instabuy it.
That's about what my hanger will look like when i am done buying ships, Except i plan on buying a Hull B to use as my starter trade ship and an avenger for bounty hunting. My wife still thinks RSI is a software company which sells(software) upgrades for my track IR and other gaming peripherals............


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Ooooh ships ships ships.

RSI Constellation Phoenix - I plan to use this for transporting dignitaries, throwing swanky parties, and perhaps discreet transport of valuable goods.

Aegis Sabre - This is my go-to fighter, currently. I'm not that great of a dogfighter, so something that relies on stealth to mask its signature and deliver a frontloaded attack before GTFOing will play to my skills

Origin M50 - I've got no good justification for this other than it's a good racer and a decent fighter in a pinch.

RSI Aurora LX - One of my original packages, this is for TEST get-togethers when combat is not necessarily a concern. Don't want to spill any beer on the leather seat now do we?

MISC Freelancer DUR - I plan to use this for my solo exploration, seeing as it's small enough to be run solo effectively and has the cargo space and endurance to actually go for some of the longer voyages.

Aegis Reclaimer - I really, really am looking forward to sweeping up battlefields to obtain extra supplies and items for use with my Crucible. Recycling is a environmentally responsible thing to do, and I don't want Captain Planet to come and turn me into a tree.

Drake Herald - Honestly I'm still a little lost on exactly what I'll be doing with this. But rest assured, I'll figure it out as soon as CIG figures it out.

Banu Merchantman - This will provide an excellent way to move cargo around, as well as providing a shopfront for items I produce in my Crucible or Endeavor facilities. Need a WarrenPeace-tuned Omnisky VI laser cannon? Come on down to WarrenPeace's Flying Spaceship and Assorted Sundries Emporium!

Origin 350r - If I gotta go fast, this is the ship to do it in.

Aegis Retaliator - This is for when we, as TEST Squadron, need to harvest more tears to brew our delicious QQ Brüe Lager. A few bays of torpedoes into a some soloderping Idris or Hull-E owner, and we'll have enough salty sadness to last us the month! Also, with the cargo bays, it has the potential to be a very nice little hardened cargo vessel.

Anvil Carrack - I am so eager to get this ship. I really, really want to explore the universe, and this is the ship to get that shit done in. I want to have a full crew, bravely probing the nethers of the universe, and boldly going where no one has gone before.

MISC Freelancer MAX - This will be my go-to ship for moving smaller cargoes, anything that doesn't require the massive turret protection of the Retaliator. Probably what I'll be most likely to use for any illicit transportations.

MISC Freelancer MIS - This little brute will be my anti-starfighter solution. I'm hoping they'll have some sort of ability to install upgraded targeting suites so I can just deploy a massive spread of missiles and sweep up enemy fighters with prejudice.

MISC Starfarer Gemini - I figure I can make quite a profitable sideline with an armored space-tanker. Besides, if Mad Max has taught me one thing, armored tankers bristling with guns are pretty fucking awesome.

Consolidated Outland Mustang β - When I want to go slum it for the weekend on Nyx and I don't want to worry about some brute jacking my Phoenix. Cheap, easy to replace, and a great little crash pad in the back to sleep it off.

RSI Aurora LN - This will be my backup backup fighter, and what I bring to any kind of TEST gathering when I'm expecting a fight.

Aegis Vanguard - This is going to be for the situations when I need to go heavy on someone or something, but don't have the time or inclination to get a fully crewed Tali to drop a load of torpedoes all over someone.

MISC Hull B - For when I need to move larger amounts of cargo than my MAX allows, but I don't need the full-on cargo capacity of my Merchantman.

MISC Reliant Sen - This will be my solo researcher and exploration ship for times when I need something a little bit smaller than the DUR.

MISC Endeavour (Hope-class): I have very high hopes for this ship. I have it in the basic hospital loadout now, because I figure that will always be useful for TEST. In addition, it'll be a way to make some money on the side with any cybernetic implants or elective surgery people would like (we don't ask messy questions like "Do you have a permit for that" or "where'd you get a Xi'an liver from" or "why the hell would you even want that") and a great way to spread good will and propaganda for TEST in the form of low cost medical care and amulance service. (Free for TESTies!) Eventually, I'd love to add on the parts fabrication and particle accelerator modules so that I can start modding and upgrading components for use in our fighters and racers.

Aegis Crucible: Let's face it, we're TEST. Crash happens. This ship is gonna see a LOT of use, whether it's straightening out the chassis on someone's Aurora (I swear, the space station just jumped out in front of me) or performing a full rebuild on someone's Cutlass (I might have forgotten to change the oil... would that explain the sudden depressurization and simultaneous engine flameouts?) or even rebuilding a Bengal, should we find one (Faster TESTies! Glorious Leader Montoya wants this Bengal in the sun yesterday!). Regardless, this will help myself, other TESTies, and might even turn a profit helping others who need it.
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Mar 14, 2015
RSI Handle
Reclaimer - for holding my hand

BMM - my future WINebago

Vanguard Warden - heavy fighter, but may switch it to redeemer depending on what happens.

MISC Sabre - cause sexy

FL DUR - for finding space wrecks and NPC bait

Avenger - original package, good all around

Aurora CL - cheap shipping and NPC bait

Mustang Beta - my space bicycle and NPC bait
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I've got an Aurora and a Merlin because I don't have a computer that can run the game yet.

Still bought that second ship, though.

Was really considering the Cutlass Blue in the last sale, and the 350r and M50... should have got the P72 as it looks like it would provide most of what i'm looking for, fast, agile, lotsa (little) guns, just need something Quantum and Jump enabled to cart it around in.
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