Mead, not beer


Space Marshal
Oct 16, 2016
RSI Handle
I've noticed there's a lot of beer references, and being from Denver I can appreciate that. We used to hold the title for the most microbrews per capita than any other state, but I'm not sure if that still holds up. I had to switch from beer to another alcohol infused beverage for reasons I shall not go into here. (Hell, we just met!). As the title states, mead, not beer. Probably some Skyrim influence there...

I'm relatively new to Star Citizen, but not new to Chris Roberts. I loved the Wing Commander series and actually have to go back to play Privateer. Thank you! I am not affiliated with them in any way, seriously. I started backing Star Citizen in February 2016 as soon as I heard about the project. It's a shame it flew under my radar for so long, I love this idea.

I'd seen Test Squadron mentioned in a few streams, but never really looked into it until I watched the CitizenCon 2016 stream. They seem to have a serious/not so serious feel about them that really appealed to me. For instance, they had t-shirts and banners at the event, and are also beers drinkers. That tells me they are people that can get their act together, but also know how to relax. I'd like to think I could fit into that type of community.

While my handle is Vulgor, and I can be at times, it does not denote my usual vocabulary. I may be ex-military, US Army, but I maintain a respect for the English language. Vulgarities should be peppered appropriately lest thy lose their bite. That's my can use it if you like.


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Welcome to Test! I'm also not supposed to drink beer (paleo).. but cheat once a month because... beer. Also Army and on the downhill slide toward retirement.... so you'll see that you'll find a lot of similarity with slot of us. Great group of idiots and amazing people!


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Best way to join Test! You wouldn't believe the amount of people that wander in here lost and get too drunk to leave.

Also love a good honey mead! Stuff is liquid gold.

This Org is the best! We have all sorts from serious to shitposters, you'll definitely find a home here. :D
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Space Marshal
Oct 16, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks for the replies! Great bunch of guy already! I look forward to seeing you in the Verse. :)
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Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
welcome to the Party.

Once, at the beginning of time, when Odins big meadtruck was driving on the road of the firmament on it's way to Valhalla.
On this trip a meadhorn felt down to earth.
And at the point of impact a new spring raised.
The secret spring of the true mead.
But this spring wasnt meant to stay undiscovered.
There was only one who could find it.
Captain Feuerschwanz
And after he finaly discovered it he drunk horn after horn from this gloruis spring water,
This was the Moment, where the wonderfull transformatian began.
He has became the Meadannhilator.
And Since this Day the Captain and his wild bunch are following their new destiny.
To use the Power of bagpipes and electric lutes
to drown the dark age in honey colored joy.

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