Mech suit teaser


Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
You either get a ship with a (working) tractor beam, or only get to do small scale hauling missions that pay out next to nothing.
Or and please follow my logic here, they can either put better tractor beams or components to the current ones in loot boxes or for sale in specialty shops across the verse. Requiring you to either go find them or buy them by exploring the verse. This leads to expanded gameplay, something CIG wants to give us.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
The suite is now out for sale at the whopping price tag of 43$ warbond or 49$ regular...this thing cost double of a stand alone Aurora and more then a Mustang (standalone, not package).

I bet spectrum will be on fire right now, it was already a controversial item due to the tractor beam nerf, now it turn out to be a a really cash grab


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
I bet spectrum will be on fire right now, it was already a controversial item due to the tractor beam nerf, now it turn out to be a a really cash grab
While I can't really argue with you there I do like to point out that the ATLS is only feasible for ships the size of an MSR or bigger. Because I doubt it can operate in a Freelancer or a C1.
And lets face it, for those kind of ships a simple paintjob is 43$.
So cash-grab? Probably.
But not any worse then a lot of stuff they put up for sale.
Important Mantra here:
"I will not fall for FOMO.
Repeat that.

PS: My account is 82% towards Space Marshall. But I'm getting better... :-P


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
PS: My account is 82% towards Space Marshall. But I'm getting better... :-P
I understand entirely. So far, what has kept me from backing pretty much anything lately, has been bills combined with having to organize things to move my home to a new location. The worst part is that it's happening around the time of CitizenCon & I might not be back online until around IAE or later once we get the utilities disconnected.


Aug 14, 2024
RSI Handle
I might not be back online until around IAE or later
Unacceptable. You better find some McDonalds wifi my dude. Rub some metal hangars together or something. Just throw a like down on any of my dumb posts so we know you're alive. You want me to fly your 890 around for ya? Be forewarned, I will change all your presets. And I'm 6ft3. "My memory foam bed is remembering something awful."

Edit: to keep it on topic.

The pricing is the first time I've actually been pissed off. I know it's par for the course but this one is different. I'm curious how damage control will be done. Anything other than price change (won't happen) or releasing for purchase in game will not fix.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Unacceptable. You better find some McDonalds wifi my dude. Rub some metal hangars together or something. Just throw a like down on any of my dumb posts so we know you're alive. You want me to fly your 890 around for ya? Be forewarned, I will change all your presets. And I'm 6ft3. "My memory foam bed is remembering something awful."

Edit: to keep it on topic.

The pricing is the first time I've actually been pissed off. I know it's par for the course but this one is different. I'm curious how damage control will be done. Anything other than price change (won't happen) or releasing for purchase in game will not fix.
I'll do what I can, though I don't have a laptop, so it'll be more difficult, but completely dependent on where I'll be staying while my house is being moved.

As for my 890J, the answer is IF you're able to gain access to it while I'm gone, have fun. I still have everything about it as factory as possible except for the name, which I believe I chose well considering the sorts of festivities I'm hoping to host aboard it when possible. LoL

$35 warbond is definitely a bit surprising & disappointing, especially considering that the recent Pulse hover bikes were $25 on concept sale. The upside is that at least the ATLS is listed in the CCU upgrade system, so if a player picks 1 up & then later no longer wants it, it'll be a prime placed LTI token. Just doing my best to see the positive side of things.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
If you need to land troops, the Pisces is good, but the Terrapin is better. If you’re trying to save deckspace to fit as many scouts as possible, the Razor EX has a lower sig than the Pisces, is much faster and maybe we can cut the wings off and stack a dozen in the Polaris bay. They are expensive however.

If your scout pilots are providing their own ships, the Razor is not too expensive.

The Firebird has the best stealth of all these by far. I can imagine have some mixture as well. It looks like the Polaris hanger will fit just one Firebird or two Terrapins. I wonder whether you can park your Firebird on top of the hanger doors and put two Terrapins inside.

Another option is use the hanger to refuel and equip, but fly the tenders almost all the time. Then you don’t need to fit more than one inside at a time.
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  • o7
Reactions: Talonsbane


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
My thinking was that you could launch multiple Pisces at the same time, they could spread out to scan multiple locations simultaneously to get a better view of the outer edges of a target's defenses to help determine the best path to plot out the attack.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Absolutely I agree the Polaris needs as many scouts as it can get, but the Razor is smaller, faster and harder to hit than the Pisces, so I’m not sure why you would use a Pisces. Four Razors, three Pisces or two Terrapins will fit in the hanger. The Terrapin has a bed and S2 scan, and a small deck footprint. The bed alone and superior stealth may make it the best scout. However, it really doesn’t suit the torpedo shepherd role needed to put torps on target, so this makes the question hard to answer.

Terrapins have great scan and stealth, and a bed, and two will fit in the Polaris hanger. I am honestly thinking Firebirds my have to jump alongside the Polaris and only land in the hanger to refuel and swap crews. The question then is how many scouts do you try to manage? Two Terrapins and three Firebirds? And there is a problem with mixing ships. The Firebird is 20% faster ( 240 v 200) than the Terrapin, and if you are flying them in a formation to scan an area, you then cannot use the nice speed of the Firebird. Of course you can just send them in different directions. Bear in mind the Glaive has an SCM of 220. I’d much rather fly a Firebird than a Terrapin.

Managing scouts that only land to refuel and swap crews sounds like it makes the Hanger Chief (Spacecraft Handling Officer) a seriously complex job. The better the player is, the more scouts you can fly. I can see this earning high prestige in game, both in and out of character. In fact, maybe make the SHO responsible to gather and handle your scouting contingent. That would make the job ultra-cool. Design your team’s own two-channel comms, where you can function as a group on one, and report findings in real time to the bridge on another.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Absolutely I agree the Polaris needs as many scouts as it can get, but the Razor is smaller, faster and harder to hit than the Pisces, so I’m not sure why you would use a Pisces. Three of them will fit in the Polaris. Maybe four. Trouble is their stealth is only fair and they can’t defend themselves once discovered. If you want to pack as many scouts in the hanger as possible, the Razor may be the way to go. However, it really doesn’t suit the torpedo shepherd role needed to put torps on target, so this makes the question hard to answer.

Terrapins have great scan and stealth, and a bed, and two will fit in the Polaris hanger. I am honestly thinking Firebirds my have to jump alongside the Polaris and only land in the hanger to refuel and swap crews. The question then is how many scouts do you try to manage? Two terrapins and three Firebirds? Or is there a Pisces argument I’m not seeing?
My thinking is that IF the Pisces go out well ahead, arriving from different directions to their separate locations, they might look like harmless low end players just minding their own business, possibly running delivery missions in the area. It would be like being scouted in NYC by a handful of bike messengers, that once they have made their delivery, call in to get an update on their next stop for package pickup. Little to nobody would pay them any attention, which is their stealth in plain sight.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
That’s a great idea. I usually think in terms of playing against AI because I plan to play the Sons of Orion storyline, killing Vanduul. Against players you need to be more cagey. And it is also a great excuse to put a med bed in the field. I think you could make a great argument for keeping a Pisces Rescue and a Terrapin in the hanger, and supporting as many Firebirds as your SHO can manage, landing only to refuel and refresh crew.

I feel like we need to invent some acronyms for things like “refuel and swap crew”. RASC? Can we say RASC and people will know what we’re saying? And then we can have RASC ships and “ home plate” ships or some such, that actually park on the deck when the Polaris jumps.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
That is a good way to go, but you know me. I am a little addicted to seeing without being seen. The Firebird’s signature is half what the Pisces is, and it can kill opponent scouts and fighters at 25km. So there’s that. But it does take up three times the deck space of a Pisces.

If you wanted to land a serious contingent of marines to survey caves or some such, a Pisces Rescue and a Terrapin would be a nice combo. Send the Turtle first to check for radar and the Pisces second to supply a med bed. Both can fly into small spaces and carry half dozen players. Nice combination.

You’re making a good case for something to use for a “draw play”. A freighter small enough to fit in the Polaris would be a good honey pot to pull in pirates. Just, they need to be flying ships big enough for those S10 torps. But say, a Caterpillar would be a good pirating vessel to draw in with say a Lancer Max. Pull it toward you and you can kill it quick despite the buff. (Cats are getting three S3 shields. To kill that you need big torps.)
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  • o7
Reactions: Talonsbane


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
That is a good way to go, but you know me. I am a little addicted to seeing without being seen. The Firebird’s signature is half what the Pisces is, and it can kill opponent scouts and fighters at 25km. So there’s that. But it does take up three times the deck space of a Pisces.

If you wanted to land a serious contingent of marines to survey caves or some such, a Pisces Rescue and a Terrapin would be a nice combo. Send the Turtle first to check for radar and the Pisces second to supply a med bed. Both can fly into small spaces and carry half dozen players. Nice combination.

You’re making a good case for something to use for a “draw play”. A freighter small enough to fit in the Polaris would be a good honey pot to pull in pirates. Just, they need to be flying ships big enough for those S10 torps. But say, a Caterpillar would be a good pirating vessel to draw in with say a Lancer Max. Pull it toward you and you can kill it quick despite the buff. (Cats are getting three S3 shields. To kill that you need big torps.)
Ever since the Nox was introduced, I've suggested using a Cat, filled with 15 Nox bikes as a decoy / honeypot style trap, mixed in with a convoy of other cargo haulers. Equip the Nox with dual distortion weapons to drop the shields & systems of pirates, making the jobs of the other escorts that much easier. I named the tactic The Hornet's Nest, as when those doors open, it'll sting like having harmed a hornets nest.
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