Montoya Reacts to Star Citizen End Game

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Or perhaps an eventual in game Dyson Sphere to encapsulate a star, stealing its endless energy & causing all life in the rest of the system to die? If we pick the right system, CIG might not mind, but that would take quite a while to achieve brother. Sounds like a fun challenge.
To build a Ringworld, typically, requires all the matter in the solar system. A Dyson Sphere requires the matter from multiple systems. I think they might mind.


Dec 8, 2023
RSI Handle
One major problem and that is that Test is so large that it will need to be broken into many smaller orgs as shards will have only a few thousand players on them and all of our members simply won't fit and if Test swarms several shards there will not be any other players and orgs to interact with and I for one will not play on a zerged shard as that would basically be a pve server and way to boring so plans will need to be made to have 20 divisions or so on 20 servers.
you think it should be a region thing ?


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
While that’s true, multiple org membership carries the odiferous delineation of “filthy affiliate”. If you ever want a position of some responsibility, best is cut your affiliations or contact the powers that be about espionage work.

Just looking back on Eve and other MMOs like SWG, you cannot trust people you don’t know. Espionage is too easy in games like this, and counter-espionage is mostly done through aggressive policy making and meeting with players in person.

Try to keep in mind, the most powerful orgs in Eve and SWG were all destroyed by players who thought betrayal a fun game dynamic. That in itself shows how fucked up Western Civilization has become—betrayal as a utilitarian game dynamic. Reminds of the headhunters in Irian Jaya, Indonesia , who; when they first heard the story of Christ, thought Judas Iscariot the hero of the story.
Join ADI. This is exactly the thinking of their supreme leader. I was there before here, so have personal experience.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I prefer the open architecture here. I am just noting that if you are affiliated elsewhere, it’s unlikely you’ll have lots of responsibility here. It just stands to reason. Players are already splitting their time between personal responsibilities and org responsibilities. Splitting further doesn’t leave much time.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
TESTSquadron is one org. All groups inside TEST are the same org. “Filthy Affiliates” are those that have TEST membership alongside membership in orgs outside TEST.

Or have I got this mistaken?
My point was that IF members of TEST, founded orgs based on the different main occupations, players could be part of the main TEST while also members of those occupation TEST orgs that suit their enjoyment & play style. The only requirement would be to have them swear loyalty to TEST as a whole & refuse to take actions against TEST or its members.

To build a Ringworld, typically, requires all the matter in the solar system. A Dyson Sphere requires the matter from multiple systems. I think they might mind.
My thoughts on this were to claim the last in the chain of Vanduul systems, annihilating & taking ALL of the matter needed for the operation from that previously passed through systems. Leaving those systems void short of their meaningless stars & jump points to other empty systems. Since the Vanduul supposedly tend to migrate in tribes, like swarms of locusts, I wonder how they'd feel with they realize that ALL of their past has been erased & their actions of attacking humanity, has now caused them to become an endangered species that is being actively hunted to teh brink of extinction.

I prefer the open architecture here. I am just noting that if you are affiliated elsewhere, it’s unlikely you’ll have lots of responsibility here. It just stands to reason. Players are already splitting their time between personal responsibilities and org responsibilities. Splitting further doesn’t leave much time.
So, because I founded my own org when I initially backed Star Citizen (Oct 2014), in order to have a place for those I know in RL to always have a place to call home in the Verse, which was years before I even knew about TEST Squadron, I deserve to be looked down on & suspected as a potential future traitor? *shrugs* I'd like to think that my record since I joined here, including my recommendation to those that have joined my tiny little org to join TEST for them to be able to enjoy such a wonderful group of people, would give me at least a little more credit than a nobody. While I understand your position, my point is that not everybody is as you fear. Many if not most want to belong to places they call home & have no intention of ever betraying those they call friends or family. Just something to think about. As for the whole responsibility issue, I have no ambitions to be in a position of authority. I've held them while in school as well as in the work force & while doing so, tended to be a decent leader according to those that followed me either by my position or by their own choices unofficially. I do my best to benefit those I care about in order to help make their lives that much better. In which doing so helps them feel supported & makes me happy, even if I fall short of success. I have no problem working with others & following instructions, but if I end up in a position, I do my best. Fair enough? I hope that this helps clear things up a bit. Not everything is absolute black & white.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So, because I founded my own org when I initially backed Star Citizen (Oct 2014), in order to have a place for those I know in RL to always have a place to call home in the Verse, which was years before I even knew about TEST Squadron, I deserve to be looked down on & suspected as a potential future traitor?
You don’t need to convince me, buddy! You need to convince Montoya. He has been consistent for as long as I have been here that if you want a place of responsibility, connect with him on Discord and see what develops. He sometimes meets with members in person to vet them, and I expect he does other things as well.

As to your other above, I don’t see the point of keeping an outside org if you are really connected here. If as you say it’s not a vanity issue, take it to Toys. (I get no traction calling Montoya this. I will just note that everyone of refined taste and impeccable reason would certainly consent to call our mighty leader “Toys” as short for Montoya. If you are not doing this, you are uncouth and late to the party. ::urp:: Pardon my beer breath.). Discuss with him in detail and win him to your point of view. My view means absolutely nothing inside TEST, as I have zero intentions of grasping for social standing, etc. I’m too old and exhausted for that stuff. Toys, OTOH; has done exceedingly well for a decade, showing he is a skilled and insightful leader. So have at.

I will offer this much concerning climbing the social ladder inside an org. It all rests on long term service. Games online and pandering well or ill for social position is a long term commitment. You either make it or you don’t. No joke, orgs online are exactly like churches, where people fuss and bluster shuffling to be a deacon or an elder to get the gold star and once they do, most lose interest. Those that don’t lose interest are the ones who understand real leadership is a place of influence, but much more a place of service.

Look at Montoya’s response to the overwhelming logistics nightmare of organizing station construction. His first reaction was to say “this is my main game loop” because he knows that to do it right requires all kinds of time. That’s time he won’t be killing things and taking their treasure. Instead, he will be serving others to make their dreams of galactic domination come true.

If you’re lazy like me, you’re better off as a worker bee. If you have the time and desire to serve the org, then we’ll all notice as the cream rises to the top.

Rant over.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I keep the other org as it's mainly made up of actually family members as well as friends that have been closer to me than my biological family for decades. It was a vow that I made to myself that I would always have a place for those I care about, no matter how long they are away due to various reasons. Most of which don't have PC's anymore & can't currently afford them. I'd like to believe that my doing so & standing by this conviction should help people see the strength of my loyalty to those I have chosen to be loyal to, which definitely includes TEST.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
That’s cool, and I’m for that, but if you want to avoid suspicion as a “filthy affiliate” (I did not name it that, but the name is in use for years—it stuck), then you need to spend time with Toys. He doesn’t bite. You’ll be fine. Just please keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
May God have mercy on our souls for what we have funded here for the past decade.
I had a similar thought as I watched CIG's presentation. It is not just about building the base once and being done. It will be about coordinating months of resource collection and delivery amidst pirate attacks, organizing initial construction so it heads in a favorable/sustainable/extensible direction, guiding the team in the right direction to grow the station further, creating fleet interest in the station through building out shops and other features, organizing event around the station to make it a meaningful destination otherwise, maintaining ongoing defenses of the station from lawlessness, leading maintenance/rebuilding of the station when it takes hits, and more and more. When they say 'end' game, they mean 'endless' game management needs. Truly it will take team organization and effort.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Can someone tell me from current experience, which generates more useful building material, mining or salvage? I have always had in mind that salvage was more efficient but that it can’t produce perishables like fuel and quanatium? Is this true? Is there a reason when gathering for station construction, to favor salvage over other materials construction? Is there merit in building in high salvage areas?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Can someone tell me from current experience, which generates more useful building material, mining or salvage? I have always had in mind that salvage was more efficient but that it can’t produce perishables like fuel and quanatium? Is this true? Is there a reason when gathering for station construction, to favor salvage over other materials construction? Is there merit in building in high salvage areas?
Different goals. Right now salvage gets you repair material


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Damn all that talking about affiliated Orgs and stuff.
Now that weird naming mashup device called brain o'mine is running at full throttle.

Main Org: TEST Squadron | TEST
Outer-Orgs: TEST Out Mining | TOMI
TEST Out Crafting | TOCA
TEST Out Medical | TOME (TSAR, I know. But bear with me for argument's sake)
TEST Out Racing | TORA !!! (Especially cool with the whole Mirai aesthetic)
TEST Out Bountyhunting | TOBO (You can call youself LOBO internally if you want)
... and further
...and forth
I do assume armed forced will never be err.. outsourced...
(Someone's gotta keep all them f*ckers in check ;-P )

That kind of structure will probably not work with shards though.
That much I understand.
Because PER shard/server/parallel universe you'll probably need a bit of everything.
One member who's got a Pioneer for instance.
So I guess that's more chapters than specialized sub-orgs that we need.
You know, like: "Test Squadron Chapter Europe (region) Hessen (data Center) Bembel (server)"
Short : TEST Bembel (EU) or something
Obviously, everything shown and discussed so far is subject to change.
Especially if it's concepts involving a Pioneer... :-P
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
They couldn't even deliver a sandworm from 10 years ago... this is like 100x more ambitious than that. I call bs.
I had that reaction at first. Can they do this and how long will this take to add?

But here's the thing: CIG already has built structures as or more complex on the ground. Building in space, without having to deal with terrain intersections may be a bit easier graphically? Further, other MMOs with far less funding have successfully offered player-owned structures and decoration features. Clearly the capability exists. CIG simply needs to execute. Lastly, isn't programming static space station parts with an interface to build them easier than animating and scripting battles with a complex sandworm, which CIG has shown they can do? Plus CIG has the budget to do it.

Given all of that, I wasn't surprised to see stations as an end-game feature and think it will easily be implemented. It is not a matter of developer skill or technology, but a matter of time and prioritization.

I was more surprised that CIG chose to show space station end game now (vs. waiting for a future Citizencon) over showing details on ship NPC crew and/or blades functionality instead. CIG's NPC mastermind, Tony Z, seemed notably missing from the Citizencon stage, even though some 'ambient' NPC AI shown looked good. Is he still with the firm?
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
All this talk about the sandworms has me wondering, they burrow through the ground. Will any of them be doing this in areas where they might leave behind their holes? If so, can they be explored to see where they lead back to or what is left behind? With farming / agriculture also coming in the future, I'm curious how well the worm poo will work as fertilizer for crops.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Will any of them be doing this in areas where they might leave behind their holes? If so, can they be explored to see where they lead back to or what is left behind?
Wow! Great question! Maybe we can find more 'worm balls' in their tunnels?
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Space Marshal
Apr 12, 2015
RSI Handle
That’s cool, and I’m for that, but if you want to avoid suspicion as a “filthy affiliate” (I did not name it that, but the name is in use for years—it stuck), then you need to spend time with Toys. He doesn’t bite. You’ll be fine. Just please keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times.
I think we're a bit early to be playing among us yet 😅


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
See, from my perspective, if somebody chooses to view me with suspicion, then they won't want to enjoy the drinks I pass out to those enjoying our parties. Which is fine, we're TEST Squadron & I only had 2 hands. So if they don't want a fresh cold refill of their beverage, another of us will soon & I'll be happy all the same for helping the party be as TESTified as I can help with. Cheers!
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