Montoya's video on the Redeemer - It sucks less.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
i kinda like the redeemer look. but the belly i wish was a bit less. looks like its pregnant
As a child, my family used to have a large fish tank with a family of piranhas inside. When the females got pregnant, their bellies would swell as expected, but they were nonetheless dangerous, especially when hungry. We used to have to feed them whole turkey legs & other items about that size every couple days. One holiday, we went out of town & the teenager that was supposed to feed them for us got stoned, ate the food that was meant for the piranhas & never came back. When we got home, we found that they'd turned to cannibalism & only 1 was left wounded but alive. So don't underestimate something deadly, just because of a single negative attribute that might seem like a weakness.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I agree, in the ptu the ground defence start to become very efficient, to the point some peoples can't kill the turrets with freelancer mis without dying, i can imagine the range of S5 weapons becoming a real advantage really soon, 2 M7A is 1926 alpha damage with 6km range!
Equip the remote turrets that can aim at bottom or side target with shotgun weapon and you can probably clean an outpost really quickly.
Wait, there is finally something to do with these ground vehicles?

Who knew?
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