Montoya's video on the Redeemer - It sucks less.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah the engine is a thorn in my eyes to...

So this is what I would have done rebuilding it to make it more fitting to Aegis ...

Use the wing setup from the Vanguard Warden..

Damn this is a gorgeous blend of the Redeemer & a Vanguard. The only changes that I'd make are to reattach the weapons & most importantly give it a proper TESTified paint scheme because that is what will make it the most destructive ship in the game. Cheers my friend & great job!

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If they dumped the multi-function capability that makes it less useful than other ships in it's size and cost range.

Yes, that makes it a very good gunship and escort, but like the Hammerhead, that is too niche.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Hmm... I'm a bit worried that this will just rip through medium to large ships faster than the escorts can respond (S3 shields are just 25k hp per side, so that's like, 5 seconds)... not quite sure where the balance will be, but atm it seems kinda lopsided.
It shouldn't have the maneuverability to deal with fighters.
It became a close air support ship that can't carry the troops it is supposed to support.
It is a freighter escort.

Too niche for my wallet, and I own one.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It shouldn't have the maneuverability to deal with fighters.
It became a close air support ship that can't carry the troops it is supposed to support.
It is a freighter escort.

Too niche for my wallet, and I own one.
For troop drop, sounds like the Valkyrie is what you are looking for? It might not be very long range in the eventual game, however...?

Also sounds like they need to change the Redeemer description on the site:

"Designed by Star Citizen's backers, the Aegis Redeemer is a powerful fighting ship capable of holding its own in combat with a powerful weapons payload. Dotted with turrets and missiles, the Redeemer also doubles as an armored landing craft capable of delivering armored soldiers for first person combat!"

Unless.... The bottom of that ships is very boxy... do you think... it won't be a troop drop ship, it'll be a Titan-suit Mechanized Troop landing craft?
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Dont worry about that - I'll drop all the troops and mech warriors with my retaliator. You just concentrate on pointing all your guns onto those people trying to kill us!!

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
For troop drop, sounds like the Valkyrie is what you are looking for? It might not be very long range in the eventual game, however...?

Also sounds like they need to change the Redeemer description on the site:

"Designed by Star Citizen's backers, the Aegis Redeemer is a powerful fighting ship capable of holding its own in combat with a powerful weapons payload. Dotted with turrets and missiles, the Redeemer also doubles as an armored landing craft capable of delivering armored soldiers for first person combat!"

Unless.... The bottom of that ships is very boxy... do you think... it won't be a troop drop ship, it'll be a Titan-suit Mechanized Troop landing craft?
The Redeemer is too small for Titan Suits. Though the vehicle bay of the Valk should be able to carry and deploy 6.

What I want is the ship I pledged for. If that is the Valkyrie, then they should exchange it at my discretion.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The Redeemer is too small for Titan Suits. Though the vehicle bay of the Valk should be able to carry and deploy 6.
Shame, seems like even if it can pop down just two in a hot-zone it might be a front-line battle changer and has the fire power to make a hole to be able to do that... The Valk definitely looks to be ship with that role now, just need confirmation on what its range is going to be like, with all the bonuses that ship has I assume the penalty is going to be minimal range... but then the pledge cost is fairly high so maybe the bang you get in comparable to the buck pledged.

What I want is the ship I pledged for.
I assume you didn't accept the terms and conditions where it says all concepts are subject to change dependent on the requirements, balance and limits of the game as it is developed? If you didn't, you would not have been able to have pledge for it in the first place... 😉

But I'm sure we've had the above discussion before so I won't labor it :like: I've a few ships which have not continued to live up to expectation. I have melted or CCU'd all but one of those which changed in ways I did not appreciate and could no longer accept - and keep that last one, a 350r, as a momento of my past glories in it in the hope some day it will be able to see those days again. With videos of early impressions on the 100 series coming in 3.11 being a more compact and otherwise almost as useful as a 300, it seems the 350r which was the cost of a 300i and 325a put together may be the worst pledge in the whole of the game right now 😅

Save your meager storage for cargo you'll need, let those with the Hercules ships take care of those in the Titan suits. We've got the space & the ramps to take care of that need. Cheers!
Aha, there is a point. A Redeemer or two providing top cover for that ground attack plantform, and also being able to provide wider ground saturation while the Hurc touches down and and lets the good times, and the Tonks, roll.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I assume you didn't accept the terms and conditions where it says all concepts are subject to change dependent on the requirements, balance and limits of the game as it is developed? If you didn't, you would not have been able to have pledge for it in the first place... 😉
There is a difference between changes to make the game work and changing the entire concept of the ship because they feel like it. It isn't like it costs them anything to let me swap it for a Valkyrie.

If it is what they are now saying it is, I am dumping it. I'm just not sure what I am dumping it for.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I have neither watched the video nor read anything in this thread...

But does the Redeemer suck less? Or does Montoya's video suck less?

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Shame, seems like even if it can pop down just two in a hot-zone it might be a front-line battle changer and has the fire power to make a hole to be able to do that... The Valk definitely looks to be ship with that role now, just need confirmation on what its range is going to be like, with all the bonuses that ship has I assume the penalty is going to be minimal range... but then the pledge cost is fairly high so maybe the bang you get in comparable to the buck pledged.
Very little can carry the Titan suit concepts they have shown so far. They don't fit down the corridors or in the limited ceiling height most ships have.
Starfarer? It will fit, but not through the door, upright, though it can stoop. :)
Connie? likely, but it can't leave the cargo bay, except the Phoenix, then it can't stand in the cargo bay, unless the elevator is down. .
Carrack? In the modules, yes. In the vehicle bay, yes. In the hangar, likely.
Valkyrie? Probably.
Herc? Yes.
Note most of these can probably deploy a 6 suit squad.

Retaliator bays? Horizontally only.
Freelancer, rear cargo bay"? Horizontally only.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
No really it's not. The 100 series is going to be too slow to be a serious choice.

100 series equals shit.
Aha, you may have a point I'll have to fly it before I can make a reaction... Do you think it's more style than substance?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think I thought I took down that post before you quoted it. Now I am twice as sorry for that tequila last night.

Em, yeah. I think if you want a tiny fighter like that there are lots of better choices. Personally I think the Razor EX is an exciting choice, but I always look for how well a frame can be stealthed. If I weren't optimizing that, I think the 325A is the far better choice. Fast is good.

Stealthy and fast is better.

As to the Redeemer, I have to presume they will not make it able to be stealthed. We'll see. Most often, the key to an excellent stealth ship is to have at least two reactors, so that you can switch off the second with the shields and guns and go quiet running. So for instance, the Ghost is a much less capable fighter than the Sabre, because the Ghost cannot equip decent shields and a stealth reactor. It's got to choose between, The Sabre has two reactors so can run three military shields, or shut stuff down and go silent. That makes the Sabre mighty.

As to mighty, the mightiest stealth hunter in game is certainly the Sentinel, and once it can equip the Harby package this will be even more dramatic. The Sentinel is the quietest ship in game, even quieter than the Eclipse. This combination of extreme stealth and medium class sensors should be terrifying. (BTW, there are no large stealth reactors. The Sentinel is the pinnacle of the stealth art.) For this reason I suppose the Redeemer will not be designed to allow for stealth. With so many guns this would be easy to do. Install just one Medium reactor and you'll absolutely have to choose something huge and bright, and you'll never get EM sigs down below 6,000. The Sentinel has an EM sig less than 200. That's real stealth.

I'd be happy with the Redeemer without stealth if they keep the squad seating. If they pull that I would not choose what they're offering. If they go the other way and allow stealth, keep the seating and all those guns, that would be the first ship in game to lure me from the Sentinel.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Aha, there is a point. A Redeemer or two providing top cover for that ground attack plantform, and also being able to provide wider ground saturation while the Hurc touches down and and lets the good times, and the Tonks, roll.
While I am not sure I'd be recomending landing a Hurc in any hot LZ even the mighty M2, the Redeemers size and gun toting layout will make it a often requested ship for a lot of operations. Its also not suprizing that it lost some of its roles as it was doing to many things well and needed to be refocused.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
While I am not sure I'd be recomending landing a Hurc in any hot LZ even the mighty M2,
Isn't that the point of the Hurc? It's bottom facing guns and ability to drop ground vehicles made me assume it was to land at the edge of a conflict, possibly under fire, and drop ground support.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Isn't that the point of the Hurc? It's bottom facing guns and ability to drop ground vehicles made me assume it was to land at the edge of a conflict, possibly under fire, and drop ground support.
The C2 and M2 don't have much in the way of ground facing guns. That is the A2, which doesn't have much in the way of cargo capacity.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Isn't that the point of the Hurc? It's bottom facing guns and ability to drop ground vehicles made me assume it was to land at the edge of a conflict, possibly under fire, and drop ground support.
Light fire perhaps but its such a huge target of opportunity that anyone with a rail gun or rocket launcher will target it when its most vulnerable and that's when its attempting to land. While I'd use the A2 against known ground troops (flying and being engaged by ground troops keeps the rail guns and rocket launchers minimized) the Ballista will ruin its day quickly.

Its why I see the Valkyrie and Redeemer being such a strong pair. The Valkyrie is more maneuverable then the Hercules which will reduce its risk slightly and hopefully give the Redeemer a chance to keep it safe but i can see loosing a few to well dug in enemies (both Valkyries and Redeemers). The Hercules payload of ammo, weapons, armor, tanks, titan suits and food/water would be far to valuable to jeopardize loosing. After all spawning in new marines at the med bays in orbiting capital ships would just have to wait on a remaining drop ship to pick them up again before getting back into the fight while a lost ship could take hours if not days to spawn and then fly back into the battlezone. For the need of supplies when waging any sort of large scale attack the Hercules, Starfarer and Idris are going to need to be protected as well as being huge targets. And this is where the fun really begains. Taking out the enemies supplies while protecting your own.
Its why the Hammerhead while not a great offensive ship is such a game changing ship and its little brother the Redeemer is going to be heavily used even if it sucks in dog fighting against the likes of Hornet, Sabre Arrow and Gladius (have a feeling is still going to be a hard target for these ships to take on), its also going to have the potential of being very useful in bomber protection.


Space Marshal
Feb 5, 2018
RSI Handle
While I am not sure I'd be recomending landing a Hurc in any hot LZ even the mighty M2, the Redeemers size and gun toting layout will make it a often requested ship for a lot of operations. Its also not suprizing that it lost some of its roles as it was doing to many things well and needed to be refocused.
I agree, in the ptu the ground defence start to become very efficient, to the point some peoples can't kill the turrets with freelancer mis without dying, i can imagine the range of S5 weapons becoming a real advantage really soon, 2 M7A is 1926 alpha damage with 6km range!
Equip the remote turrets that can aim at bottom or side target with shotgun weapon and you can probably clean an outpost really quickly.
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