ThunderKraken Space Marshal Mar 30, 2016 227 735 2,350 RSI Handle Thunder_Kraken May 12, 2016 #1 Reactions: LGF
Accented Vice Admiral Jan 23, 2016 362 769 510 RSI Handle Accented May 12, 2016 #2 Old news is old. But still funsies. Que the HEY CIG MADE US CANON!!!
supitza Vault Dweller Aug 5, 2015 2,000 8,576 3,010 RSI Handle AstroSupitza May 12, 2016 #3 Hey, I'd don't see any 999th ADI Squadron anywhere. Reported.
NaffNaffBobFace Space Marshal Donor Jan 5, 2016 12,334 45,348 3,150 RSI Handle NaffNaffBobFace May 12, 2016 #4 This was first detected in Jump Point Magazine back in March, original discussion thread here: Edit count for this post: 1.5
This was first detected in Jump Point Magazine back in March, original discussion thread here: Edit count for this post: 1.5
Black Sunder Rock Raiders Officer Jun 19, 2014 8,271 26,838 3,045 RSI Handle Black_Sunder May 12, 2016 #5 NaffNaffBobFace said: This was first detected in Jump Point Magazine back in March, original discussion thread here: Edit count for this post: 1.5 Click to expand... CIG likes us even if Disco doesn't.
NaffNaffBobFace said: This was first detected in Jump Point Magazine back in March, original discussion thread here: Edit count for this post: 1.5 Click to expand... CIG likes us even if Disco doesn't.
Frisbeerocker Commissar May 31, 2014 1,173 2,405 2,150 RSI Handle Frisbeerocker87 May 12, 2016 #6 Ah, let the tears flow.