Must have ships

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
A worthy goal! The Vanduul are notorious that they would rather blow up a ship rather than see it in the hands of any human, but of course all this does is serve to sweeten the victory, and sour defeat for those dread sub-humans when we make their rides our own!
I'm getting goosebumps thinking about it. Damn I cannot wait for these mechanics to be implemented.


Dec 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Its very difficult to say since we don't know how each trade is going to be setup. Usually a trading is always a decent trade to start as, I would get the Freelancer since it is a all around ship. If you have a decent amount to invest I would get ships of all trades.
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Space Marshal
Sep 24, 2016
RSI Handle
The longer I stared at the ships, the more my "need" list evolved to match what i was seeing. The end result is a lot of ships. I don't have buyer's remorse, but I do feel obligated to offer unsolicited advice: do not buy anything with income you don't consider discretionary. Otherwise, you'll end up in the marketplace forums, spinning your self inflicted tale of woe, begging for others to bail you out of your own lack of judgment. I've only been here since September 2016, and I've already seen it several times.

Pay the bills. Feed the kids. Pump up your savings. THEN get shit-faced and buy ships!

TL;DR The Constellation Phoenix and the Prospector. Love those ships :)


Dec 3, 2016
RSI Handle
The longer I stared at the ships, the more my "need" list evolved to match what i was seeing. The end result is a lot of ships. I don't have buyer's remorse, but I do feel obligated to offer unsolicited advice: do not buy anything with income you don't consider discretionary. Otherwise, you'll end up in the marketplace forums, spinning your self inflicted tale of woe, begging for others to bail you out of your own lack of judgment. I've only been here since September 2016, and I've already seen it several times.

Pay the bills. Feed the kids. Pump up your savings. THEN get shit-faced and buy ships!

TL;DR The Constellation Phoenix and the Prospector. Love those ships :slight_smile:
I totally agree with this, make a gaming budget and stick to it. I hear of people overspending all the time and then complain they can't make rent or get groceries.
I also agree with getting the Prospector ship.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm pretty lucky, I have most of the ships I wanted to get, but heed my tale of caution:

The four ships that interested me the most before I pledged were:

The Cutlass as that advert was damn cool and main thrusters that span 360 were damn sweet, the Blue was probably the ship I damn well lusted for harder than all others.

The Constellation as the largest ship a solo pilot could viably control on their own without crew and the Taurus just grabbed me as totally the Hauler I was going to be able to get on with. I thought it was the closest ship to the Falcon in the Verse.

The and 350R because it was faster than fast - it was the fastest.

And the Herald for that asymmetrical look and the idea of data running in a 'Verse where comm links were not going to suffice. So cool and was supposed to be fast too....

...So what has happened to the ships I wanted after so badly?...

...The Cutlass - Did not get one - was found to be a flawed concept and has been reworked to be more like a hauler. It's not finished yet but its now halfway between a gunship and a hauler: more guns, bigger, less manoeuvrable, so did not and have not got one as it appears to be covering the roles ships I got already do.

The Constellation - Got one - to date appears to be as advertised and I got a Taurus, but the Taurus variant has recently been said to be "Connie Lite" and only looks like a Connie and isn't actually like one, and should be considered to be "made of plastic" so it's all up in the air as to if its more Robin Reliant (discontinued UK 3 wheeled budget car made of fibreglass) than Millennium Falcon. Potentially disappointing? I will have to wait and see.

The 350R - Got one - Was the fastest, advertised as the fastest, is fast... but then another ship came out that was faster... So the point of the 350R is...? It's still okay to fly and I still prefer it over more tankier less manoeuvrable ships like the hornet which I could not get on with, but time will tell if the 350R becomes a shadow of its former self as patch after patch it gets less and less manoeuvrable and less and less impressive to pilot...

The Herald - Got one - God, it looked good in its concept art, asymmetrical with a huge satellite dish and 3 s3 guns to take care of itself... and what was delivered... Well its symmetrical... and no huge dish on the side... and it has 2 s1 and 1s3 guns. AND its the ship that is now faster than my 350R... It still looks good and has a decent turn of speed so i can't be all that glum, however the point is again, it "changed" although technically as it did not exist to fly until 2.6, crying about it changing is not quite correct. Reality can be different to concept.

So yeah, the point i'm trying to make is don't go getting a ship just because you think it is the answer to your dreams, because although it may be right now, it may not be when they actually finish the game. It could be a nightmare. If the Taurus is crummy when the game is finished i'm taking it straight down "Crazy Bobs Used Ship Showroom" for a fat stack of Credits or to trade in for something more capable than a Reliant Robin.

For now, REC a Merlin if you don't have one flyable with your Connie, go racing and earn a tonne of REC (even if you come in last all the time). Go to the Rental Store and rent up a load of different ships. See what you like. See what you get on with, and then during Free Fly events when they let you use all the ships, try the bigger ones too :slight_smile:

It's all subject to change. All of it.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The longer I stared at the ships, the more my "need" list evolved to match what i was seeing. The end result is a lot of ships. I don't have buyer's remorse, but I do feel obligated to offer unsolicited advice: do not buy anything with income you don't consider discretionary. Otherwise, you'll end up in the marketplace forums, spinning your self inflicted tale of woe, begging for others to bail you out of your own lack of judgment. I've only been here since September 2016, and I've already seen it several times.

Pay the bills. Feed the kids. Pump up your savings. THEN get shit-faced and buy ships!

TL;DR The Constellation Phoenix and the Prospector. Love those ships :slight_smile:
Great advice. Followed by great advice. Big heart.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Most wanted ship? Starfarrer, however I am having trouble convincing CIG that we need a gas giant with a hops and barley atmosphere.
Isn't that what Synth-World is going to be? Beer volcanoes, stripper factories and the like?
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