Since the game is becoming less about space and more about planets (or truck stops) I do wonder if planet tech has any chance to make different solo systems diverse. Sure uninhabitable lifeless rocks are sort of easy but the diversity on earth (even now with so many humans killing everything else) is there any chance of it not looking procedural?
So, the original plan was to target about ? 120? systems and have artists, lore writers, etc., really individualize and polish these selected planets, moons, etc., and then use procedural generation to ensure stuff is all over the universe (but not as highly individualized as the 120 systems mentioned above).
The latest innovations with the procedural tech has been to make the procedural stuff even more different & interesting / less cookie cutter. For example, last CitizenCon, during the 8 minute quantum jump to Hurston, Sean Tracy explained the procedural interiors for the procedural cities of ArcCorp, and how they were trying to make the insides of the buildings somewhat different, so you could land almost anywhere, find a Casaba or other store, go in, and it wouldn't be like *every* other Casaba. There would be some flipping around of interiors or some such.
EDIT: ha, I was ninja'd by
@Bambooza , who actually went and provided sources for the info! +10 internets for him!